First Time Yield (FTY): Driving Process Efficiency & Quality - (2024)

Efficiency and minimizing re-dos are crucial for success. A major metric impacting streamlining and affordability directly is First Time Yield or FTY.

First Time Yield, a core Six Sigma building block, measures the percentage of units or products smoothly completing a process without defects or needing re-dos on the first try.

Focusing on First Time Yield, companies can spot chances for upgrades, smooth workflows and ultimately furnish higher quality outputs while slashing waste and reducing costs.

Throughout my career, I’ve been lucky to partner with famous companies like 3M, Dell, GE, and Intel. Where I’ve applied Six Sigma strategies successfully and helped boost operational brilliance.

Key Highlights:

  • Understand the definition of First Time Yield (FTY) and its importance within the Six Sigma methodology for achieving process efficiency and quality.
  • Learn the formula for calculating FTY and overcome common challenges in data accuracy and complex process environments.
  • Uncover the hidden factory concept and its impact on First Time Yield, as well as techniques for rapid issue detection using FTY data.
  • Explore the differences between First Time Yield (FTY) and Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY), and when to use each metric effectively.
  • Discover proven strategies for improving First Time Yield, including continuous monitoring, employee training, process optimization, and supplier quality management.
  • Gain insights into best practices and frequently asked questions related to FTY implementation and monitoring.

What is First Time Yield (FTY) and its Importance in Six Sigma?

Efficiency and quality are paramount. This is where the Six Sigma methodology, with its focus on First Time Yield (FTY), comes into play.

First Time Yield (FTY) is a quality metric that measures the percentage of units or products that pass through a process without any defects or the need for rework on the initial attempt.

It directly assesses how well a process is performing in generating defect-free outputs from the get-go. The higher the FTY, the more efficient and cost-effective the process becomes.

The Six Sigma methodology, with its data-driven approach and emphasis on minimizing variations and defects, has established itself as a powerful tool for enhancing processes and achieving consistent, high-quality outputs.

Within this framework, First Time Yield is a crucial indicator of process performance, providing valuable insights for continuous improvement initiatives.

Monitoring First Time Yield (FTY) data offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Improved process efficiency: By identifying areas with low FTY, organizations can pinpoint and address inefficiencies, streamlining operations and reducing waste.
  • Cost-effectiveness: A high FTY translates to fewer resources wasted on rework, scrap, or warranty claims, ultimately reducing operational costs.
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction: Consistently delivering defect-free products or services is key to meeting and exceeding customer expectations, fostering long-term loyalty and trust.

Industry leaders, prioritizing First Time Yield has proven invaluable in driving sustainable success and maintaining a competitive edge in dynamic markets.

Calculating First Time Yield (FTY)

To effectively leverage the power of First Time Yield, it’s essential to understand how to calculate and interpret this metric accurately. The formula for FTY is relatively straightforward:

FTY = (Number of defect-free units produced / Total number of units that entered the process) × 100

For example, if a manufacturing process produces 90 defect-free units out of 100 units that entered the process, the FTY would be calculated as (90/100) × 100 = 90%.

While the calculation itself is simple, some challenges can arise in accurately determining FTY, particularly in complex processes or environments:

  • Data accuracy and integrity: Incomplete or incorrect data can lead to misleading First Time Yield calculations and misguided corrective actions.
  • Complex processes: When multiple departments or teams are involved, maintaining consistency in data collection methods becomes critical but challenging.
  • Subjective definitions: The definition of a “defect” can vary from person to person, complicating the uniform calculation of FTY.
  • Resource constraints: Adequate tools and skilled personnel are essential for accurate data collection and interpretation, which can be a challenge for some organizations.

To overcome these challenges, it’s crucial to establish standardized data collection processes, provide comprehensive training to personnel, and invest in robust data management systems.

By addressing these potential pitfalls, organizations can ensure that their FTY measurements serve as a reliable foundation for continuous improvement efforts.

Hidden Factory and its Impact on First Time Yield (FTY)

One of the key concepts that can significantly impact First Time Yield is the “hidden factory” – a term used to describe the rework and fix practices that become ingrained in standard operations.

These hidden factories arise when a system struggles to comply with required specifications on the first attempt, leading to the development of workarounds and rework processes.

While FTY calculations provide a measure of process effectiveness, they may not accurately reflect the true extent of rework occurring within an organization.

This is because First Time Yield focuses solely on the initial pass or fail of a unit, without considering the hidden factory of in-process inspection and rework.

In the tire inflation example we discussed earlier, the hidden factory accounted for 27.9% of production – a significant portion of resources devoted to rework and correction rather than value-added activities.

By uncovering and addressing these hidden factories, organizations can not only improve their FTY but also unlock significant opportunities for waste reduction, cost savings, and productivity gains.

Furthermore, monitoring FTY data can aid in the rapid detection of issues within a process. Sudden dips or fluctuations in FTY can serve as early warning signs, allowing organizations to swiftly investigate and address potential problems before they escalate and negatively impact production efficiency or customer satisfaction.

First Time Yield (FTY) vs. Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY)

While First Time Yield (FTY) is a valuable metric for measuring the effectiveness of a single process step, it’s important to understand its relationship with another key Six Sigma metric: Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY).

RTY is a probability metric that quantifies the overall quality of a multi-step process by multiplying the Defects per Million Opportunities (DPMO) of each process step.

Unlike FTY, which focuses on a single step, RTY takes into account all defects and rework across the entire process, providing a more comprehensive view of cumulative process performance.

The key difference between RTY and FTY lies in their scope and application:

  • FTY is suitable for measuring the likelihood of a single process step producing a defect-free output. It is most appropriate when the focus is on a specific step or when hidden factories are not a significant concern.
  • RTY, on the other hand, is best utilized for measuring the cumulative effects of an entire multi-step process, taking into account all defects and rework across the entire value stream.

While First Time Yield provides valuable insights into individual process steps, RTY offers a more holistic understanding of overall process performance. By comprehending when to use FTY versus RTY, organizations can choose the most appropriate metric for their specific needs and accurately assess their processes, enabling targeted improvements to maximize efficiency and minimize rework.

Strategies for Improving First-Time Yield

Improving FTY is a continuous journey that requires a multifaceted approach. Based on my extensive experience working with leading organizations, I’ve identified several proven strategies that can drive significant improvements in FTY and, consequently, overall process efficiency.

Continuous monitoring of First Time Yield data

Consistent and proactive monitoring of FTY data is crucial for identifying discrepancies, imperfections, or emerging issues within the production process.

By collecting accurate, real-time quality data, organizations can make informed decisions for process improvement, reduce waste, ensure consistent product quality, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Employee training and involvement

Engaging and empowering employees through comprehensive training programs and involvement in process improvement initiatives is a game-changer.

Organizations can tap into their valuable insights and foster a culture of continuous improvement by providing employees with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to effectively address issues in the production process.

Process optimization

Optimizing standard work, implementing accurate data collection systems, and monitoring equipment performance and health are key components of enhancing FTY. Organizations can develop more efficient processes that minimize defects and maximize quality outputs by analyzing existing processes, identifying bottlenecks, and leveraging data-driven insights.

Supplier quality management

Ensuring that the raw materials and components supplied by vendors meet strict quality standards is a fundamental prerequisite for achieving high FTY.

Organizations should implement robust supplier vetting processes, establish clear quality expectations, and maintain open communication channels to address any quality-related concerns promptly.

By implementing these strategies in a coordinated and sustained manner, organizations can significantly enhance their First Time Yield, unlock operational efficiencies, and position themselves for long-term success in delivering high-quality products or services to their customers.

Best Practices

With FTY-related challenges and seeking guidance on best practices. Here are some tips and frequently asked questions that can help organizations maximize the value of First Time Yield:

Tips for improving First Time Yield (FTY):

  • Rapid issue identification: Implement automated data collection systems and real-time monitoring to detect and address quality issues as they arise quickly.
  • Automated data collection: Invest in robust data collection solutions to ensure accurate and timely FTY measurements, enabling data-driven decision-making.
  • Frequent monitoring: Regularly monitor First Time Yield (FTY), as well as other yield metrics, as even a small dip can have significant impacts on quality, costs, and customer satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is First Time Yield all I need to determine my rework costs?

While First Time Yield is a good indicator of potential issues, it may not capture the full extent of rework cycles or repairs. Utilizing test yields, which factor in the number of times a test is performed per group of products, in conjunction with FTY, can provide a more comprehensive understanding of total rework costs.

What is the difference between First Time Yield and throughput yield?

First Time Yield measures the ability of a product or service to pass a single step of a process on the first attempt, while throughput yield measures the ability to pass an entire string of steps that make up the process without any defects.

How often should I check my First Time Yield data?

The frequency of First Time Yield monitoring depends on the specific requirements and quality standards of your system. As a general rule, FTY should be checked as often as your systems allow, ideally daily, to enable rapid identification and resolution of quality issues.

By implementing best practices, addressing common concerns, and leveraging the wealth of knowledge and experience within your organization, you can unlock the full potential of FTY and drive continuous improvement in your manufacturing or service delivery processes.

First Time Yield (FTY): Driving Process Efficiency & Quality - (2024)


What is first time yield in Six Sigma? ›

Specifically, FTY calculates the percentage of items or products going through a process that are completed correctly the first time, without the need for any rework or correction. The goal is to assess how well a process is performing in generating defect-free outputs on the first attempt.

What is the formula for calculating first time yield FTY? ›

To calculate First Time Yield, divide the number of error free products by the total units, then multiply by 100.

What is the yield in a Six Sigma process? ›

The Yield of a process step is the success rate of that step or the probability that the process step produces no defects. In order to calculate Yield we need to know DPU and then we can apply it to the Yield equation above.

How is first pass yield FPY calculated? ›

First pass yield = (number of good units produced / total number of units produced) x 100First pass yield refers to the turnout of a production cycle or the number of goods a company can actually sell to customers after the production process.

What is the first level of Six Sigma certification? ›

We'll first begin by explaining the White Belt. This is the first level of the Six Sigma Certification process. You start at the ground level by solving problems at a local level. White Belts will connect with higher-tier individuals such as those professionals with a Green or Black belt to solve each problem.

What is the FTY score? ›

First Time Yield (FTY): The ratio of the number of good “units” coming out of the process to the number of “units” going in. Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY): The probability that the process produces a good “unit” the first time through.

What is the difference between FPY and FTR? ›

FPY = First Pass Yield. FTR = First Time Right.

How do you calculate 6 sigma process? ›

Defects per million opportunities (DPMO) Six Sigma is determined by evaluating the DPMO, Multiply the DPO by one million. Process Sigma Once you have determined the DPMO, you can now use a Six Sigma table to find the process sigma. You will look for the number closest to 33,333 under defects per 1,000,000.

What is the Six Sigma yield level? ›

As previously stated, the sigma level corresponds to the level of performance within a process, and Six Sigma as a metric corresponds to 3.4 DPMO or a yield of 99.99966%.

What is a Six Sigma process? ›

The term "Six Sigma" refers to a statistical measure of how far a process deviates from perfection. A process that operates at six sigma has a failure rate of only 0.00034%, which means it produces virtually no defects.

What is an example of a first time yield? ›

First Time Yield (FTY):

FTY is typically expressed as a percentage, ranging from 0% (no units pass) to 100% (all units pass). For example, if a manufacturing process produces 900 units and 800 units pass all quality checks without any need for rework or repair, the FTY would be 800/900 or approximately 88.9%.

What is first pass yield in Lean Six Sigma? ›

The FPY simply tells you what percentage of items go through the manufacturing process without needing any extra work or getting thrown away. A high FPY shows that everything is running like a well-oiled machine, where resources are used wisely, waste is avoided, and clients end up satisfied.

How to calculate right first time? ›

First time right defined

It boils down to this formula: FTR = (number of usable products divided by the total number of products) x 100.

What is the first point yield? ›

First Pass Yield (FPY), also known as throughput yield, measures quality units produced as a percentage of the total units that began the process. There's a very straightforward reason for manufacturers to track and improve FPY: Reducing waste.

What is the benchmark first pass yield? ›

First-pass yield is among the most significant quality measurements that manufacturers track in their operations. It is a key metric for measuring the effectiveness of a given process, encompassing vital manufacturing benchmarks like scrap and rework.

How do you calculate first time right? ›

First time right defined

It boils down to this formula: FTR = (number of usable products divided by the total number of products) x 100.


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.