First-Pass Yield – Use Cases (2024)

First-Pass Yield – Use Cases (1)

Lack of access to quality results.Manufacturing teams often struggle to obtain current test stand results, which would enable them to proactively respond to issues before failures occur. For many manufacturers, it can take days or even weeks to process data from disparate data streams.

Manual data collection.Many manufacturers rely on manual collection and curation to pull disparate data sources together, including OPC UA servers, analytical equipment, and SQL databases—trapping valuable insights in unprocessed data and inhibiting process improvements.

High first-run failure.Production lines that have a high first-run failure rate typically exhibit low productivity, high scrap rates, and late deliveries to customers due to frequent rework.

First-Pass Yield – Use Cases (2024)


What is the purpose of the first pass yield? ›

The First Pass Yield or FPY, also known as throughput yield or TPY, are the number of units that come out of a process divided by the number of units going into that process over a specific period of time. This is an important manufacturing metric to measure the quality and production performance.

What is a good first pass yield percentage? ›

Typically more than 90% is considered good.

Why is FPY important? ›

First Pass Yield (FPY), also known as throughput yield, is a key metric in manufacturing. It calculates the proportion of quality units produced from the total units that started the process. The main reason for tracking and improving FPY is to reduce waste.

What is the difference between first pass yield and throughput yield? ›

First pass yield (FPY), also known as throughput yield (TPY), is an indicator of a line's production and quality performance. FPY is calculated by dividing the number of “good” units without rework or scrap defects exiting a process by the number of units entering the same process over a set time period.

What is the importance of FPY to tcs? ›

FPY is important to TCS because it is an indicator of manufacturing efficiency and quality. A high FPY means that TCS is producing a high percentage of good units, which can lead to cost savings and improved customer satisfaction.

What is first pass yield in healthcare? ›

First pass yield is a measure of the proportion of claims paid upon first submission. In other words, how many claims resulted in revenue without any additional effort on your part?

Does first pass yield include rework? ›

First Pass Yield is the percentage of products or units that pass quality inspection on the first try and do not require any reworking. This metric is used to measure the efficiency of a production process and can be tracked over time to identify areas for improvement.

What is first pass yield in lean six sigma? ›

First Pass Yield, also known as Throughput Yield, is a measure of quality units produced in relation to the total number of units that started the process. Reduced waste is a simple reason why manufacturers should track and improve their FPY. Waste is generated when scrap parts or units needing rework are produced.

What is the difference between FPY and RFT? ›

There are a lot of abbreviations; all reflecting to the same KPI: FPY = First Pass Yield. FTR = First Time Right. RFT = Right First Time.

How to improve FPY? ›

Technology plays a key role in improving FPY by enabling better data collection, analysis, and real-time monitoring of the manufacturing process. Advanced technologies like IoT sensors, automated inspection systems, and data analytics tools provide insights into product quality and process efficiency.

What is the difference between FTY and FPY? ›

To enable cost savings and production efficiency, manufacturers need to build products right the first time. This makes the first time yield (FTY) metric (which can also be referred to as first pass yield (FPY) or first time through (FTT), etc.), important for your line.

What is the first pass analysis? ›

The phrase 'First Pass Analysis' refers to the process of having an initial look at your process output data (KPIs) in order to see what they can tell you about a process.

What is 6 sigma methodology? ›

Six Sigma is a set of methodologies and tools used to improve business processes by reducing defects and errors, minimizing variation, and increasing quality and efficiency. The goal of Six Sigma is to achieve a level of quality that is nearly perfect, with only 3.4 defects per million opportunities.

What is an example of a first time yield? ›

First Time Yield (FTY):

FTY is typically expressed as a percentage, ranging from 0% (no units pass) to 100% (all units pass). For example, if a manufacturing process produces 900 units and 800 units pass all quality checks without any need for rework or repair, the FTY would be 800/900 or approximately 88.9%.

What is the FTY for the first step? ›

Definition of First Time Yield

Specifically, FTY calculates the percentage of items or products going through a process that are completed correctly the first time, without the need for any rework or correction.

What is the purpose of the yield test? ›

Yield is the amount of food material that's available for consumption after the food is prepared and processed and turned into the final product. Yield test is a testing process to determine accurately the amount of raw materials needed to produce a certain amount of final processed product.

What is the significance of the yield to first call calculation? ›

Calculating the yield to call on such bonds is important because it reveals the rate of return the investor will receive, assuming: The bond is called on the earliest possible date.

What is first pass yield in Lean Six Sigma? ›

The FPY simply tells you what percentage of items go through the manufacturing process without needing any extra work or getting thrown away. A high FPY shows that everything is running like a well-oiled machine, where resources are used wisely, waste is avoided, and clients end up satisfied.

What is the first point yield? ›

First Pass Yield (FPY), also known as throughput yield, measures quality units produced as a percentage of the total units that began the process. There's a very straightforward reason for manufacturers to track and improve FPY: Reducing waste.


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