2. What is First Time Right (FTR) (or First Time Through (FTT)) | OEE Academy (2024)

Daniel Högfeldt •Quality rate could also be called first time through. It is important to get a correct FTT number in the OEE calculation.
Arno Koch • I used Daniels example in a casting environment for a more generic description here.

First Time Through (=FTR – First Time Right)

In the quality Rate of OEE the minimal information that is needed to be collected is

  • Good parts
  • Rejected parts

Rejected parts can be categorized as:

See Also

  • Scrap: Has to be destroyed
  • Rework: Can be correct in order to still meet the specifications
  • Sub-Spec: Does not meet the spec, but can be sold in a different market, b-product etc.

FTT is all the output that met the spec immediately. In terms of OEE: Good Product.

How is FFT Rate calculated?

The ratio of good parts to total parts will give the FTT rate.

On many machines, to detect this is not really an issue. Often it is straightforward to count the amount of scrap and total parts the machine made during the shift.

Other names for FTT

There are a lot of abbreviations; all reflecting to the same KPI:

  • FPY = First Pass Yield
  • FTR = First Time Right
  • RFT = Right First Time
  • DRIFT = Do it Right First Time
  • TFT = Through First Time

See also:

2. What is First Time Right (FTR) (or First Time Through (FTT)) | OEE Academy (2024)


2. What is First Time Right (FTR) (or First Time Through (FTT)) | OEE Academy? ›

The First Time Right measurement assesses the percentage of correctly executed manufacturing steps on the shop floor on the first attempt. It's a vital part of Six Sigma, aimed at continually making workflows better.

What is FTR first time right? ›

First Time Right (FTR), or Right First Time, is a concept from Total Quality Management (TQM) that is intended to ensure that activities are performed correctly the first time so that no rework is necessary. By avoiding errors and the associated corrections, costs are to be saved while quality increases.

What is the meaning of FTT first time through? ›

Published Dec 30, 2021. First Time Through is the percentage of the time that a product or service passes through a process step without any defects on the first attempt.

What is the first time right rate? ›

First time right defined

It boils down to this formula: FTR = (number of usable products divided by the total number of products) x 100. Once you've calculated your score, you can set a target to exceed it. Measuring your FTR score alone, however, won't make a difference if it's not part of an ongoing strategy.

What is the right first time method? ›

Right first time (RFT) is a manufacturing process used to reduce waste and improve quality. RFT aims to ensure that the first product that comes off the production line meets quality standards and is sent to customers on time.

What is an example of a first time right? ›

The concept of ensuring that any procedure is performed in the right manner the first time and every time is referred to as 'First Time Right' (FTR) and originates from Six Sigma. For example, manufacturers can implement it to ensure that first time yield is 100% and there is no re-work or scrap necessary.

What does FTR mean first time resolution? ›

First Call Resolution (FCR) or First Time Resolution (FTR) is a key performance metric used in contact center operations to measure the effectiveness of resolving customer inquiries or issues during the initial interaction.

What is the meaning of right the first time? ›

if something is done right first time, it is done perfectly every time, and no time and money is wasted correcting errors caused by doing it too fast or without controlling quality. right first time. adjective. (also right-first-time) PRODUCTION.

What is the first time right in Six Sigma? ›

The concept of first time right finds its origins in Six Sigma. First time right is not about achieving perfect production, but putting the right tools, controls, and mindset in place to maintain a continuous striving toward perfection. Remember, even Six Sigma allows for 3.4 defects per million opportunities.

What is the meaning of FTR in it? ›

Formal Technical Review (FTR) is a software quality control activity performed by software engineers.

What is first time right in software development? ›

Implementation of first time right practice in software development process. Abstract: Fault Slip Through (FTR) is the concept aimed to improve the software development process. This practice focuses on designing the quality (preventing actions) instead of solving problems (corrective actions).

What are the benefits of doing tasks right the first time? ›

2.2 Increased Efficiency: By focusing on doing things right the first time, organizations avoid the need for repetitive work or fixing mistakes, saving valuable time and resources. This allows teams to dedicate more effort to innovation and value-adding activities.

What does FTR stand for in law? ›


What is the first time right measurement? ›

The First Time Right measurement assesses the percentage of correctly executed manufacturing steps on the shop floor on the first attempt. It's a vital part of Six Sigma, aimed at continually making workflows better. Companies often use it to track redoing work and flawed products.

What is FTR in banking terms? ›

Financial Transaction Request (FTR) – Resource Planning and Management.


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