First Time Yield Calculator - Calculator Academy (2024)

Enter the error free products (units) and the total units into the Calculator. The calculator will evaluate the First Time Yield.

First Time Yield Formula


  • FTY is the First Time Yield (%)
  • EFP is the error free products (units)
  • TP is the total units

To calculate First Time Yield, divide the number of error free products by the total units, then multiply by 100.

How to Calculate First Time Yield?

The following steps outline how to calculate the First Time Yield.

  1. First, determine the error free products (units).
  2. Next, determine the total units.
  3. Next, gather the formula from above = FTY = EFP / TP * 100.
  4. Finally, calculate the First Time Yield.
  5. After inserting the variables and calculating the result, check your answer with the calculator above.

Example Problem :

See Also

Use the following variables as an example problem to test your knowledge.

error free products (units) = 45

total units = 23


What is First Time Yield?
First Time Yield (FTY) is a measure of a process’s efficiency, calculated by dividing the number of error-free products by the total units produced, then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage. This metric helps in understanding how well a process is producing items correctly on the first attempt.

Why is First Time Yield important?
First Time Yield is important because it directly reflects the quality and efficiency of a production process. A high FTY indicates that a process is producing a large percentage of items correctly on the first try, which can lead to reduced waste, lower costs, and higher customer satisfaction.

How can I improve First Time Yield?
Improving First Time Yield can be achieved through various methods, including process analysis and optimization, employee training, implementing quality control measures, and using automation to reduce human error. Continuously monitoring and analyzing production data helps in identifying areas for improvement.

Can First Time Yield be applied to services?
Yes, while First Time Yield is commonly used in manufacturing and production, it can also be applied to service industries. In services, FTY can measure the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery processes, such as how often a service is provided correctly and to satisfaction on the first attempt.

First Time Yield Calculator - Calculator Academy (1)
First Time Yield Calculator - Calculator Academy (2024)


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