SECURITIES AND FUTURES ACT (CAP - Monetary … / securities-and-futures-act-cap-monetary.pdf / PDF4PRO (2024)

1 Monetary authority of singapore SECURITIES AND FUTURES ACT. (CAP. 289). GUIDELINES ON THE APPLICATION OF. SECTION 339 (EXTRA-TERRITORIALITY) OF. THE SECURITIES AND FUTURES ACT. Guidelines on the Application of Section 339 (Extra-territoriality) of the SECURITIES and FUTURES Act ( ). Guideline No : SFA 15-G01. Issue Date : 27 FEB 2004 (Last revised on 1 Jul 05). GUIDELINES ON THE APPLICATION OF SECTION 339 (EXTRA- TERRITORIALITY) OF THE SECURITIES AND FUTURES ACT (CAP. 289). [ SFA ]. 1 INTRODUCTION. Capital markets are increasingly borderless. This has been made possible by advancements in technology and telecommunications, and further spurred by liberalisation of financial services. Competitive pressures on financial service providers to reduce costs and to satisfy investors' growing sophistication provide a strong basis for sustained, rapid growth in cross-border transactions in SECURITIES and FUTURES . While such developments are positive for financial sector development and investor choice, regulators need to ensure that regulatory objectives systemic stability, market integrity and investor protection are not compromised by the ongoing evolution in business models and the blurring of geographical boundaries.

2 To facilitate the regulation of cross-border financial services that target or are made accessible to persons in singapore , the SFA contains both generic (section 339) and specific provisions (sections 196, 205 and 213) which extend the jurisdiction of the SFA to cross-border activities as well as activities that are wholly outside singapore but could have a substantial and foreseeable effect in singapore . This is in line with the practice of major financial centres. 2 OBJECTIVE OF GUIDELINES. MAS has so far provided guidance on the application of section 339 in respect of Parts II (Markets), III (Clearing Facilities), IV (Capital Markets Services Licence and Representative's Licence) and XIII (Offers of Investments) of the SFA in the form of Guidelines or Regulations1. The purpose of this set of Guidelines is to elaborate on the general principles behind MAS' policy stance on the scope and 1. Guidelines on the Regulation of Markets issued 1 Jul 2005; Guidelines on the Regulation of Clearing Facilities issued 1 Jul 2005; SECURITIES and FUTURES (Licensing and Conduct of Business) Regulations (Rg 10); SECURITIES and FUTURES (Offers of Investments) (Shares and Debentures) Regulations (Rg 1).

3 SECURITIES and FUTURES (Offers of Investments) (Collective Investment Schemes) Regulations (Rg 2) and SECURITIES and FUTURES (Offers of Investments) (Business Trusts) Regulations 2005. [Amended on 1 July 2005]. 1. Guidelines on the Application of Section 339 (Extra-territoriality) of the SECURITIES and FUTURES Act ( ). application of section 339 in relation to cross-border activities that could constitute an offence under Parts II, III, IV, VIII and XIII of the SFA2. [Amended on 1 July 2005]. These Guidelines set out MAS' policies pertaining to the administration of section 339 of the Act. While these Guidelines are not intended to be legally binding interpretation of the law, the failure to comply with the Guidelines may be relied upon to establish or negate any liability in question in relation to any proceeding3. This document4 is arranged as follows: i. Background on section 339. ii. Elaboration of intent and scope of section 339. iii. General principles on the non-applicability of section 339(2).

4 Iv. Illustrations. 3 BACKGROUND ON SECTION 339. Under singapore law, a statute is presumed to apply to acts that take place within singapore territory. A statute is not intended to have effect outside the territory of singapore , unless clear and specific words to that effect are provided for in the statute. In this regard, section 339 is enacted to apply to acts taking place outside singapore which may constitute offences under Parts II, III, IV, VIII, XII, XIII and XV. These Parts of the SFA contain provisions governing activities that could be cross-border in nature. The singapore courts are able to try an offence committed by any person in any place where it has jurisdiction conferred to it by any written law5. Section 339 is therefore also enacted to grant the singapore courts jurisdiction over acts taking place, partly or wholly, outside singapore . Section 339 on its own is not an offence-creating provision, it must be read with the primary offence-creating provision in the relevant Part of the SFA (for example, section 82 in Part IV in respect of licensing requirements for regulated 2.)

5 For the avoidance of any doubt, the Guidelines are not intended to address issues arising from the application of section 339 to market misconduct offences under Part XII of the Act. 3. See section 321(5) of the SFA. 4. For the purposes of this set of Guidelines, unless the context otherwise requires, a reference to a section is to the section in the SFA and a reference to a Part is to the Part in the SFA. A reference to regulated person . may include an approved exchange, a recognised market operator, an approved holding company, a designated clearing house or a person licensed or exempt from licensing under the relevant provisions in the SFA to carry on one or more of the activities specified in the First Schedule (regulated activities). [Amended on 1 July 2005]. 5. See section 15 of the Supreme Court of Judicature Act (Cap. 322) and section 50 of the Subordinate Courts Act (Cap. 321). 2. Guidelines on the Application of Section 339 (Extra-territoriality) of the SECURITIES and FUTURES Act ( ).

6 Activities). When an act is conducted partly in and partly outside singapore , or an act takes place wholly outside singapore but has a substantial and reasonably foreseeable effect in singapore (the effects doctrine ), such act would be an offence provided that the act when committed in singapore would be an offence under a primary offence-creating provision. 4 ELABORATION ON INTENT AND SCOPE OF SECTION 339. Section 339(1). Where a person does an act partly in and partly outside singapore which, if done wholly in singapore , would constitute an offence against any provision of this Act, that person shall be guilty of that offence as if the act were carried out by that person wholly in singapore , and may be dealt with as if the offence were committed wholly in singapore . On the basis of the first limb of section 339, any act committed in singapore which contravenes an offence-creating provision in the SFA, even if the act is only partially carried out in singapore , is triable in singapore courts.

7 Section 339(1) deems the act to be committed wholly in singapore . Section 339(2). Where (a) a person does an act outside singapore which has a substantial and reasonably foreseeable effect in singapore ; and (b) that act would, if carried out in singapore , constitute an offence under any provision of Part II, III, IV, VIII, XII, XIII or XV, that person shall be guilty of that offence as if the act were carried out by that person in singapore , and may be dealt with as if the offence were committed in singapore . The effects doctrine underpinning section 339(2) describes a state's exercise of jurisdiction over an act taking place outside its territory where that act produces or is intended to produce or foreseen as producing effects in that state. In the case of PP v Taw Cheng Kong [1998] 2 SLR 410, the Court of Appeal had exhorted that Parliament adopt the effects doctrine as the foundation of singapore 's territorial laws: 88. As singapore becomes increasingly cosmopolitan in the modern age of technology, electronics and communications, it may well be more compelling and effective for Parliament to adopt the effects doctrine as the foundation of our extraterritorial laws in addressing potential mischief.

8 The Court of Appeal went on to assert that the effects doctrine must be clearly legislated by Parliament to give effect to the policy intent: 3. Guidelines on the Application of Section 339 (Extra-territoriality) of the SECURITIES and FUTURES Act ( ). 88. But we must not lose sight that Parliament, in enacting such laws, may be confronted with other practical constraints or considerations which the courts are in no position to deal with. The matter, ultimately, must remain in the hands of Parliament to legislate according to what it perceives as practicable to meet the needs of our society.. Substantial and Reasonable Foreseeable . For an act to fall within the scope of section 339(2), the effect of the act in singapore would have to be both substantial and reasonably foreseeable. In considering whether section 339(2) applies to a foreign entity for an act carried out wholly outside singapore , the factors that MAS would take into consideration include, but are not limited to the following: Substantial.

9 A) The number of persons in singapore to whom an offer of services or an invitation to engage in any conduct that involves the carrying out of an activity regulated under Part II, III, IV or XIII ( the relevant act ) is made;. or b) Whether the act has a significant or adverse impact on the soundness, stability and safety of singapore 's financial system, or on public or investor confidence in the soundness, stability and safety of singapore 's financial system, or is detrimental to the public interest or the protection of investors. Reasonably foreseeable . Whether . a) the offer of services or the invitation to engage in any conduct that involves the carrying out of the relevant act is made to persons in singapore ;. b) any advertisem*nt or published information about an offer of services or invitation to engage in any conduct that involves the carrying out of the relevant act is directed or targeted at persons in singapore ;. c) the foreign entity accepts or appears willing to accept orders or applications from persons in singapore to engage in any conduct that involves the carrying out of the relevant act.

10 D) the foreign entity enters into contractual relationships with persons in singapore in connection with the carrying out of the relevant act; or e) the offer is priced in singapore dollars. 4. Guidelines on the Application of Section 339 (Extra-territoriality) of the SECURITIES and FUTURES Act ( ). It is not MAS' policy intent to regulate activities that a foreign entity carries on wholly outside singapore that involve persons in singapore where . a) the foreign entity is responding to unsolicited enquiries or applications from persons in singapore ;. b) the foreign entity is servicing a client previously resident overseas who has subsequently become resident in singapore , where the business relationship between the client and foreign entity was established overseas and the foreign entity does not actively solicit new types of business (that involve products or services substantially different from those currently supplied by the foreign entity and that involve the carrying on of regulated activities)6 from the client once he is resident in singapore ; or c) the foreign entity purchases the services of, or provides services to, a regulated person; for example, a holder of a capital markets services licence for dealing in SECURITIES or an approved clearing house provides execution and clearing services to the foreign entity.

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SECURITIES AND FUTURES ACT (CAP - Monetary … / securities-and-futures-act-cap-monetary.pdf / PDF4PRO (2024)


What is Section 4 of the SFA? ›

Section 4(1) of the SFA states that, subject to section 4 of the SFA, a person has an interest in securities, securities-based derivatives contracts or units in a collective investment scheme if the person has authority (whether formal or informal, or express or implied) to dispose of, or to exercise control over the ...

What is the summary of securities and Futures Act? ›

Governs the regulation of activities and institutions in the securities and derivatives industry, including leveraged foreign exchange trading of financial benchmarks and of clearing facilities.

What is the part 12 of the SFA? ›

Part XII of the SFA addresses prohibited market conduct including, inter alia, false trading and market rigging, market manipulation, and insider trading. Part XIII of the SFA governs the offering of financial products including shares and debentures, business trusts, collective investment schemes.

What is the part 13 of the securities and Futures Act? ›

Part XIII of the SFA deals with offers of shares, debentures and collective investment schemes.

What is Section 4 exemption of the Securities Act? ›

Section 4(a)(1) of the Act exempts from registration "transactions by any person other than an issuer, underwriter, or dealer." A holder of securities who is not an issuer or a dealer can therefore sell his securities in a private sale without registration if the holder is not an underwriter as "underwriter" is defined ...

What is Section 4 of the Securities Act of 1933? ›

Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act exempts from registration transactions by an issuer not involving any public offering.

What is the Securities Act in simple terms? ›

The Securities Act of 1933 (as amended, the “Securities Act”) was passed to ensure that investors have financial and other important information about securities that are being sold publicly. It also bans the use of fraud, deceit, and misrepresentation in the sales of securities.

What is the rule 5 of the Securities Act? ›

Under Section 5 of the Securities Act, all issuers must register non-exempt securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Section 5 regulates the timeline and distribution process for issuers who offer securities for sale.

What is Section 10 of the Securities Act of 1934? ›

Section 10(b) makes it unlawful to “use or employ, in connection with the purchase or sale of any security” a “manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance in contravention of such rules and regulations as the [SEC] may prescribe.” 15 U.S.C.

What is Section 82 of the SFA? ›

2.1 Section 82(1) of the SFA provides that no person shall, whether as principal or agent, carry on business in any regulated activity as specified in the Second Schedule to the SFA, or hold himself out as carrying on such business for any regulated activity1 under the SFA, unless he is a holder of a capital markets ...

What is Section 135 of the SFA? ›

Sections 135, 136 and 137 of the Securities & Futures Act (“SFA”) require a substantial shareholder of a corporation to notify the corporation of his/her interest or change in interest in the voting shares in the corporation.

What are the sections 274 and 275 of the SFA? ›

In summary, sections 274 and 275 provide that, where the conditions set out therein are satisfied, an offer of securities is exempted from the prospectus registration requirements of the SFA.

What is Section 11 F of the Securities Act? ›

(f) All or any one or more of the persons specified in subsection (a) shall be jointly and severally liable, and every person who becomes liable to make any payment under this section may recover contribution as in cases of contract from any person who, if sued separately, would have been liable to make the same ...

What is Section 203 of the securities and Futures Act? ›

Section 203(2) SFA provides that an entity, the securities of which are listed for quotation on a securities exchange, shall not intentionally, recklessly or negligently fail to notify the securities exchange of such information as is required to be disclosed by the securities exchange under the listing rules or any ...

What is Section 13 D )( 3 of the Securities Act? ›

Under Sections 13(d)(3) and (g)(3) of the Exchange Act, "when two or more persons act as a… group for purposes of acquiring, holding, or disposing of securities of an issuer," the group is considered to be one filing person.

What is Section 4a of the Securities Act? ›

Section 4(a)(1) exempts the seller from filing a registration statement if the sale is by “any person other than an issuer, underwriter, or dealer.” That is, a holder of securities issued in a private placement can freely resell such securities in a private sale without a registration statement provided they are not an ...

What is the SEC rule 4 5 offering? ›

Section 4(a)(5) of the '33 Act exempts from registration offers and sales of securities to accredited investors when the total offering price is less than $5 million and no public solicitation or advertising is made.

What is small offer exemption SFA? ›

6.1 Section 272A(3)(b)(i) and (ii) of the SFA provides that a personal offer for the purposes of offers made in reliance on the small offers exemption includes offers made to persons who have previous contact or who have previous professional or other connection with the offeror.

What are the sections 275 and 305 of the SFA? ›

Sections 275 and 305 of the SFA are exemptions from the prospectus registration requirement under the SFA, and exempt the offeror from registering a prospectus when the offer of securities and securities- based derivatives contracts, and units of collective investment schemes is made to relevant persons.


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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