NooCube vs. Prevagen (I Tried Both): Who Wins In 2024? - Revgear Community (2024)

Prevagen gets its hype from being readily available at your local grocery store or shipped conveniently to your door from Amazon. NooCube doesn’t have the same distribution but has become one of the major players in the nootropic supplement space and is one of the more popular brands.

So I put both to the test to find out which is more effective.

Quick Verdict

Noocube is a much better nootropic than Prevagen. Its 12-component formula is designed to enhance cognitive abilities in all areas. Prevagen uses only one ingredient, with the main purpose of improving memory in older adults.

While it may be suitable for this purpose, I am looking for ways to boost my brain power and productivity, and this is something Noocube provides.

Short-Term EffectsNoocube
Long Term EffectsNooCube
Third-Party TestingNoocube
Clinical ResearchNoocube
Side EffectsDraw
User ReviewsPrevagen
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NooCube is my #1 non-stimulant nootropic choice because of the range of ingredients in the formulation and the mental sharpness I’ve felt using it.

Prevagen is a one ingredient nootropic with speculative research at best.

What Is NooCube?

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NooCube is a full-scope nootropic supplement that helps you gain razor-sharp focus, boost memory and alertness, reduce brain fog and tiredness, and improve over-brain health.

The all-natural, twelve-component, caffeine-free formula is aimed at athletes, students, gamers, and working professionals of all fields. It has the potential to promote comprehensive, long-term cognitive development.

The effects of Noocube are delivered gradually and safely, as the product uses only tested and science-backed substances with no reported side effects.

My NooCube review has all the details surrounding formulation and my experiences.

What Is Prevagen?

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Prevagen is a popular brain health supplement designed to improve memory and support optimal brain health and function.

Its popularity is partly due to its availability at major grocery stores and pharmacies, making it an easy choice for many customers.

Prevagen is interesting mainly for its use of a single unique ingredient called Apoaequorin, a protein found in certain species of jellyfish.

The distinctive substance is not found in other brain supplements, giving it the potential for benefits not found elsewhere.

My Prevagen review goes into detail on the research and my experiences.

NooCube vs. Prevagen Main Differences

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There are many possible benefits of Noocube, and it spans the entire spectrum of cognitive performance. The supplement can help with focus, problem-solving ability, memory, and mental alertness.

Other advantages of Noocube include eye protection from screen-related exhaustion and reduced brain fog and fatigue, making it particularly appealing for people who work in front of screens all day.

The product can help you procrastinate less and stay focused on a task until it’s completed.

Prevagen mainly aims to improve memory and normal brain function. The substance apoaequorin is intriguing because of its proposed capacity to bind calcium ions, which is essential for brain cell activity.

As we age, our ability to control intracellular calcium deteriorates, leading to cognitive decline. This link to aging-related memory problems makes Prevagena possible ally in the fight against cognitive decline.


Noocube has a solid list of 12 ingredients working synergistically to enhance the brain and boost its power in multiple areas.

Prevagen utilizes only the substance Apoaequorin, which is a protein found in the jellyfish known as Aequorea victoria.

I’ll begin the comparison with Noocube’s ingredients because it is a superior product. This is the latest 3.0 version of the formula, representing a small yet significant improvement over previous versions. It changed some of the raw ingredients to remove allergens.

L-theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, is a powerful antioxidant used in almost all nootropics due to its proven positiveeffect on stress reduction, verbal fluency, and executive function. [1][2]

The second foundational nootropic component is L-tyrosine, which improves mind flexibility and multitasking [3].

The next active element is the ayurvedic herb Bacopa monnieri. It has been used individuallyand in formulations to increase verballearning, memory acquisition, and delayed recall by improving the activity of brain receptors. [4]

Huperzine A is a substance linked with assisting recovery from brain injuries and enhancing brain function in patients with Alzheimer’s disease [8,9].

Cat’s claw is commonly found in nootropic formulations, including Noocube because it has traditionally been utilized to improve cognitive ability. However, no clinical evidence currently supports these benefits.

Lutemax 2020 is a substance in Noocube receiving much attention in marketing messages. It is a blend of three carotenoids that support brain areas responsible for memory, listening comprehension, and visual acuity.

A study published in the Journal of Aging Research found that older men and women who maintained normal cognitive strength in their later years had higher levels of the three carotenoids in the brain’s information-processingareas.

Panax ginseng, a well-researched component in Noocube, has long been used to relieve stress. Recent research demonstrates numerous cognitive advantages, such as enhanced working memory and faster recall. [5,6,7].

The 3.0 Noocube formula contains Choline Bitartrate as an additional ingredient. Recent studies show enhanced memory in older adults and patients with neurological disorders [10]

Prevagen’s Apoaequorin is used to reduce the development of Alzheimer’s disease and increase verbal learning abilities and working memory [11].

Stimulant vs. Non-Stimulant

NooCube vs. Prevagen (I Tried Both): Who Wins In 2024? - Revgear Community (5)

Both Noocube and Prevagen do not contain any substance capable of rapidly stimulating the nervous system. Usually, stimulant nootropics contain caffeine, aided by L-theanine.

This simply means you will not feel any effects directly after taking a dose but only after extended use, ensuring the accumulation of the compounds in the body.

Short vs. Long-Term Effects

Non-stimulant nootropics produce their best results when used over a longer period.

This period is around 3 to 4 months before you can enjoy the optimal benefits. This is not to say there aren’t any more immediate effects, such as slightly better focus and working memory, but they gradually increase incrementally over time.

Prevagen’s clinical research confirms this, as the tests were done over 90 days.

Clinical Research

All 12 of Noocube’s ingredients have scientific backing but to a different degree. Some, like L-theanine and Bacopa monnieri, have been well-documented for their effects, while others have only limited proof.

According to the Noocubes website, the effectiveness of Lutemax2020, which seems to be a central part of the formulation, has been confirmed in a randomized, double-blind, placebo study of 59 healthy individuals over 6 months [12].

Noocube does not have a complete formula study, which is the ultimate test for a nootropic, because it gauges the entire scope of synergistic effects.

Prevagen has a complete study done on humans, but a few things make me doubt the authenticity of the results. The study included 218 participants aged 40-91 and the experimental group showed minor improvements in verbal learning and recall.

The problem with the study is that the parent company of Prevagen conducted it; the participants had only self-reported issues, and people with diagnosed mental impairment were not allowed to participate.

Outside of this study, we have no evidence of the effectiveness of Apoaequorin.

Side Effects

The research on Prevagen’s effectiveness is limited and possibly skewed, but the safety studies are much more thorough and have shown the product does not have any side effects. I also haven’t found complaints in the user reviews.

Noocube also doesn’t have reported side effects, but some people may experience light stomach issues or headaches, although rarely. I haven’t had any problems with either product.

User Reviews

Noocube takes the questionable tactic of preventing access to user reviews on its website. It has only published a few handpicked reviews, all of which are positive. While you can always reference expert reviews and Reddit, I prefer reading various end-customer opinions.

Prevagen is a very popular product with tens of thousands of reviews on Amazon. The high scores show great overall satisfaction with the product.

Still, quite a few reviews share they haven’t felt any effects. Some people also complain about the price, which in the more potent versions is comparable to many other nootropics on the market.


While Noocube is a single product, Prevagen is sold in several versions: the regular version, containing 10 mg of Apoaequorin; the extra strength with 20 mg; and the professional option, with 40 mg.

The standard and extra-strength versions also come as chewables.

ProductRegular / 1 BottleRegular / 3 BottlesExtra Strength / 5 Bottles
NooCube$64.99 / 30 servings ($1.95/ serving)$129.99 / 90 servings ($1.44/serving)$194.99 / 150 servings ($1.30/serving)
Prevagen$39.95 / 30 servings ($1.33/serving)$74.95 / 60 servings ($1.25/serving)$59.95 / 30 servings ($2.00/serving)

My Experience With Noocube And Prevagen

NooCube vs. Prevagen (I Tried Both): Who Wins In 2024? - Revgear Community (6)

Noocube is a personal favorite of mine, combining tangible benefits with an affordable price, and I am satisfied using it. Prevagen, on the other hand, didn’t have much of an effect in the 30 days I tried it.

Noocube promises to help people battle procrastination and mindless distraction while making them more focused and organized.

I am happy to say the promise was fulfilled for me, and I definitely became more productive each time I used Noocube for at least a month.

My alertness improved, and the afternoon brain fog drastically lessened. The effects are not immediate or groundbreaking, but they are noticeable if you are self-aware.

Prevagen did not work for me. I used the regular version, as this was used in the clinical study, but did not take it for 3 months like in the study.

Perhaps if I continued to use it for longer or picked up the more powerful versions, I might see some effects, but when a product does nothing in 30 days, it’s enough for me to determine its worth.

Should You Choose Noocube Or Prevagen?

I would choose and recommend Noocube every day. It’s a well-formulated nootropic containing a dozen scientifically proven ingredients, even if some are underdosed. The price is good, and the product delivers many of its promises.

Prevagen shows promise with its unique ingredient but fell short of delivering any noticeable benefits when I tested it.

Furthermore, the product is marketed as a memory booster for older adults, and if taken long enough, it would probably work. The number of positive reviews surely means something, and many people have found it beneficial.

But if you are an active person engaged in demanding mental or physical work, Noocube is a much better product capable of enhancing your cognition on all levels, not just memory.


NooCube vs. Prevagen (I Tried Both): Who Wins In 2024? - Revgear Community (7)

NooCube Brain Productivity

A non-stimulant nootropic with a comprehensive formulation for smooth energy and long-term brain health.


Second Option

NooCube vs. Prevagen (I Tried Both): Who Wins In 2024? - Revgear Community (8)


A readily available nootropic backed by speculative research.



  1. Hidese, S., Ogawa, S., Ota, M., Ishida, I., Yasukawa, Z., Ozeki, M., & Kunugi, H. (2019). Effects of L-theanine administration on stress-related symptoms and cognitive functions in healthy adults: a randomized controlled trial. Nutrients, 11(10), 2362.
  2. Williams, J. L., Everett, J. M., D’Cunha, N. M., Sergi, D., Georgousopoulou, E. N., Keegan, R. J., … & Naumovski, N. (2020). The effects of green tea amino acid L-theanine consumption on the ability to manage stress and anxiety levels: A systematic review. Plant foods for human nutrition, 75, 12-23.
  3. Steenbergen, L., Sellaro, R., Hommel, B., & Colzato, L. S. (2015). Tyrosine promotes cognitive flexibility: evidence from proactive vs. reactive control during task switching performance. Neuropsychologia, 69, 50-55.
  4. Morgan, A., & Stevens, J. (2010). Does Bacopa monnieri improve memory performance in older persons? Results of a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. The journal of alternative and complementary medicine, 16(7), 753-759.
  5. Park, K. C., Jin, H., Zheng, R., Kim, S., Lee, S. E., Kim, B. H., & Yim, S. V. (2019). Cognition enhancing effect of panax ginseng in Korean volunteers with mild cognitive impairment: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.Translational and Clinical Pharmacology,27(3), 92-97.
  6. Kennedy, D. O., Reay, J. L., & Scholey, A. B. (2007). Effects of 8 weeks administration of Korean Panax ginseng extract on the mood and cognitive performance of healthy individuals.Journal of Ginseng Research,31(1), 34.
  7. Kennedy, D. O., & Scholey, A. B. (2003). Ginseng: potential for the enhancement of cognitive performance and mood.Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior,75(3), 687-700.
  8. Li, J., Wu, H. M., Zhou, R. L., Liu, G. J., & Dong, B. R. (2008). Huperzine A for Alzheimer’s disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (2).
  9. Mei, Z., Zheng, P., Tan, X., Wang, Y., & Situ, B. (2017). Huperzine A alleviates neuroinflammation, oxidative stress and improves cognitive function after repetitive traumatic brain injury. Metabolic Brain Disease, 32, 1861-1869.
  10. Lippelt DP, van der Kint S, van Herk K, Naber M (2016) No Acute Effects of Choline Bitartrate Food Supplements on Memory in Healthy, Young, Human Adults. PLoS ONE 11(6): e0157714.
  11. Moran, D. L., Underwood, M. Y., Gabourie, T. A., & Lerner, K. C. (2016). Effects of a supplement containing Apoaequorin on verbal learning in older adults in the community. Adv. Mind Body Med, 30, 4-11.
  12. Nicole T. Stringham, Philip V. Holmes, James M. Stringham, Effects of macular xanthophyll supplementation on brain-derived neurotrophic factor, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and cognitive performance, Physiology & Behavior,Volume 211, 2019,

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NooCube vs. Prevagen (I Tried Both): Who Wins In 2024? - Revgear Community (2024)


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