L.A nightmares (2024)

L.A nightmares (1)

Jensen Ackles x Reader

Warnings: TW!!! Sexual harassem*nt, authorities using their power in a nasty way, dissociating, anxiety.

Notes: Hey! Here i am after years writing Jensen x reader again! How do you feel about it? But okay… this fic. I had this idea when i saw a thread on twitter that told a story about an event that Jensen was with Danneel, they saw a girl being harassed and Jensen immediataly intervened. I can’t find this post anywhere but i truly believe that he is that type of guy. Be safe out there ladies!

Summary: Jensen and the reader are co-stars and travel to L.A together, just to pass throught a series ofunfortunate events.


“Here’s the next week script (Y/N).” A girl that worked around the set said polity handing you a large new script. You had seen her around before, what was her name? Lauren… Laura! Was Laura. You hated not knowing people’s name, especially those who worked with you and foryou, but it was so many people walking around, everyday a new person, that made it a bit hard.

"Thanks Laura!“ You asked with a small smile that she retributed and walked away. You started to leafing through the next script seeing that you had more scenes in this episode than in the last two you appeared.

”(Y/N)!“ Someone shouted making you immediately lift your gaze seeing a smiling Jensen in front of you. "I didn’t know you would be here today!” He said hugging you and felt almost dizzy with his perfume. He was definitely one of most good smelling men you ever came across.

"You seen me yesterday J.“ You said laughing breaking the hug and the struggled.

"Still missing you though.” He said putting his arms in your shoulders and started walking with you again. You had entered the Supernatural cast years before, being a really important character and recently, Sam’s love interest. You didn’t appeared on every episode but in the most of them, like Misha, for example. Because of this, he was one of your best friends, along with the boys that eventually you became inseparable. Always hanging out together, laughing and pranking each other. It truly was a family. Although you had to kiss Jared sometimes because of some scenes, you saw him practically like a older brother. But with Jensen… Well, that was a whole another story. “What are you doing here anyway? I thought that you had already taken the fight for L.A"

"I had to adjust some details of my last scene.” You explained. “Why? You wanted me gone, thatbad?” You joked hearing him huffing.

"Well, yeah, I can’t even look at your face anymore.“ Jensen joked back making you roll your eyes and he laughed, squeezing you harder. "Just kidding sweetheart, you know pretty damn well that I never can bring myself to be tired of you.” He said like it was nothing making you blush a little bit. Usual.

You were already in the outside part of the set and spotted Jared and Misha coming at your direction.

"Good things to say Ackles, because I will be going with you to L.A" You explained when the boys came closer.

"Really? Thank god you will be saving me from a boring trip with that moron.“ Jared said stepping up in the conversation referring to Jensen, because Misha wouldn’t be able to go to this one, and you smiled. You would take a fight a few days earlier than the boys but because of the problem with one scene, you had to go with them.

"Really, argh, I’m so excited.” You said making a strange face and they laughed. “It’s going to be my first award!"

"It’s gonna be fun.” Jared said and Jensen smiled in adoration looking at you, lot shorter than him and a few years younger.

None of you knowing what kind of things this trip could bring. And man, there were a lot.


“Wow.” Jensen breathed out stepping up in the apartment you would share in this three days in the city of angels, Los Angeles. Some of the cast had to come to be present in a award that was going to happen in the city. Jared and Genevieve, his wife, opted to stay in a hotel but you had this friend that was out of town and offered her place for you to stay, and you took it, inviting Jensen since you knew he wasn’t a big fan of hotels.

"Pretty nice, hun?“ You said with a little smile realizing that it had been a while since you stayed in there and he nodded.

"Tell me about it.” He said looking around. The place was pretty wide and cozy. A little fancy but with a lot of little fun things, like a orange table, some colorful frames around and a blue fridge. Your personal favorite.

You two adjusted yourselves in the two guests rooms that had in the apartment beside the suite and started to get ready for the dinner Gen invited you. It was some friends of her and some producers, directors and a bunch of kind of important people in the movie industry. You didn’t recognize any of the names Jensen told you that would be attempting to it, but why the hell not, you wanted a fun night with some of your friends.

You finally finished your makeup and with a last look in the mirror you step out of the room going to the living room, only to find Jensen there, sitting on the couch, ready to go, scrolling throught his phone. Soon as he heard your high heels getting closer, he lifted his gaze, losing his breath for the second time this day.

"Wow.“ He breathed out looking at you with a loose short black dress, red high heels and lipstick. "You look beautiful (Y/N).” He said honestly staring at you and you felt yourself blush.

The truth was that you were completely in love with him. For a few years now. Since you started the series, Jensen caught your eye. I mean, how could he not? He was handsome, funny, sweet, always smelling good and the most important thing…. He was caring. Jensen Ackles was one of the most caring guys you knew. Got a problem? Jensen would listen. Hell, Jensen would solve it. And not just with his closest friends, but with everybody around him. He always offered help, not matter what. He makes sure his PA, and the people around set already had breakfast before work. He makes sure to offers to take water, every time someone get drunk on the casts parties. It was the details. And you loved them all.

You quickly became friends, and you were okay with being just that. Besides the friendly flirting it’s not like you expected something else. Just having someone as incredible as him to call your friend was enough.

"Well, you don’t look too bad yourself.“ You said and he laughed, rolling his eyes getting up of the sofa. "But thank you."

"I meant it (Y/N), you look like you could break some hearts tonight.” Jensen continued to compliment you as he opened the apartment door. “But let’s go miss, Jared said that we are already late."

You called an Uber to take the two of you to the restaurant placed in DownTown, a district in Los Angeles, one of your favorite parts of the city. Although you enjoyed every little piece of it, you just loved L.A, it made you feel good. After some minutes in the car, and some easy going conversation with Jensen, the driver announced you had arrived. Just for the entrance you could tell it was fancy.

"I thought it was just a dinner.” You said immediately when you entered the place, looking around seeing that the restaurant was closed for the event and everybody was up talking and walking around. Some waiters were passing serving some food and some of them with trays serving wine, whiskey and champagne.

"Yeah, I thought so too" Jensen said, looking around surprised as well. “Hollywood, and their people with grandeur complex.” He said making you chuckle.

"(Y/N)! Jensen!“ You heard and spotted Jared smiling and waving you, with Genevieve by his side. You and Jensen reached them, after a waiter stopped you offering something to drink, you went with wine and Jensen with whiskey. "You finally got here! I was already thinking you wouldn’t make it."

"Stop being dramatic, we were just a little late.” Jensen said hugging his friend and then Gen. You doing the same.

"(Y/N) is so good to see you, it has been a while hasn’t it?“ Gen said breaking the hug and you agreed. Since you became friends with Jared, the friendship with Gen came along and you two just hit so well, in the set, your friends was mostly males and you loved having some girl company when she was around. She introduced you to her friends, that first invited her to the event. They were also actors, and they explained how they met in a project Gen was part of when she was just beginning her career.

"So, are you guys excited about tomorrow? Heard you’re competing in two categories right?” Aaron, one of Gen’s friends, said referring to the awards you would be attending because of Supernatural.

"Yeah! Especially this girl here who is totally a award virgin.“ Jared joked putting his hands on your shoulders and you giggled, rolling your eyes.

"Can you blame me? It’s a big step in someone’s career!” You defended yourself.“Oh it definitely is! I remembering when I went to my first award, I was so nervous and I wasn’t even running for anything.” Aaron laughed taking a sip of his wine. “It’s just a great place to meet important people.”

"It sure is.“ Yan, the other friend, agreed. "But if I’m being honest, we are just in the right place for networking right now. Every big fish that can hire and fire you from any huge project in the industry is here tonight."

"I noticed… That guy over the balcony is practically one of CW’s owners right?” Jensen said holding his whiskey, discreetly pointing at some guy behind you. Your turned around to look, after all one he was one of the owners of the channel Supernatural passed. The guy was a lot older, bald and plus sided, but you quickly turned around when he caught you facing.

"Yep, Tony Garcia.“ Aaron answered. The six of you passed a few more minutes talking and drinking, until they parted to talk to more people that was there. You got that Tony guy staring from time to time. You walked with Jensen for a bit, meeting some great and important people, as Yan had said. Talked for some time with Jared, he was already funny but got even funnier when he was tipsy. And finally, passed some time with Gen… until you had to go to the bathroom.

”(Y/N) right? The Supernatural star!“ The Tony guy stopped you when you were getting out of the toilet, in your way back to Jensen that was laughing with some other three mans. You laughed a little embarrassed, why that guy knew your name? Okay, you literally worked for him but he was way far away in the enterprise.

"I don’t if it could be called that, but yeah! I’m (Y/N), pleasure to meet you!” You said smiling extending your hand to him and he quickly shake his head.

"Nah, I don’t do hand shakes with beautiful woman like you.“ Tony said with a laugh already pulling you to a hug. His hand in your back was dangerously close to your butt, his breath stank like whiskey - a great amount of that -, the tone of his voice and the intimacy he putted on the hug was enough to make you uncomfortable. This wasn’t right. You could sense something was terrible wrong. "And believe me when I say beautiful, I mean something else."

"Ha ha.” You gave him a yellow smile already grossed out by the man in front of you. What he was implying? “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Garcia, but if you excuse me I-…”

"So you know who I am!“ He interrupted you, interrupting your way to leaving the conversation too. His tone already implied power and dominance, as if his name had a big weight in the conversation. "Well, as one of the CW’s owners I have to say Supernatural brings a lot of benefits for us. I’m happy about the success of the series! I can see why the audience increased after your entrance.” Tony said with pure maliciousness in his voice looking you up and down, showing no shame, looking you as if you were totally naked. “I believe woman don’t last much on the show, but it would be a shame if you had to leave.” He said and you knew that it was a threat. He was threading you.

You gulped feeling your throat burning from holding back tears. The only words that crossed your mind was ‘Every big fish that can hire and fire you’. God, you were a woman, unfortunately harassment was something you experienced all your life but it didn’t make any less painful anytime it happened. The fame industry was gross and you knew that. You heard horrible stories about girls having to do every kind of sick bullsh*t to only get a chance for audition. You were so thankful that none of it happened to you, that you found a show with the most respectful co-workers and producers you could ever think of. But there you were, face-to-face to some sick nasty man that had the power to fire you in a snap of his fingers.

"It would indeed.“ You said forcing a smile, taking a sip of the wine in your hands.

"I have to say, you have such a beautiful mouth.” He said. “I wonder what it can do."

"It sure can drink.” You said laughing nervously drinking the entire wine that was left in your glass. Only your glass was still half full. It didn’t burned more than holding back the tears though.

"Oh princess, no need to be nervous around me.“ Tony said laughing and you immediately related to the sound of a pig. That was what he was. A pig. Once again he passed his arm around your body pulling you close and resting his hand, this time, just down your boob but close enough to be touching. You were trapped in his grip, so close to his face, feeling that alcohol breath. You couldn’t think the last time you were so uncomfortable, you needed to get out of there, you just needed. Every single part of your body yelled dangerous. "We’re all friends here…. We can even be more than it tonight."

"Hey.” You heard a deep voice by your side and you almost missed the sight of Jensen’s hard expression by the tears that now was blurring your eyes. “Let go man, I believe you’re making her uncomfortable."

"Hey…” Tony laughed looking at Jensen, letting you go and you didn’t noticed you were holding your breath until that moment. You immediately stepped away from Tony, going to Jensen’s side. “We were just chilling… what? Playing Dean for so long that incorporated the hero type?"

"Yeah, it didn’t look like chilling to me.” Jensen said not losing his posture and not falling for any of his bullsh*t. Jensen was in the middle of a conversation with some directors, exchanges tips, when he saw you from far away simply drinking your whole glass of wine all at once. He knew you to well to notice something was wrong, and he didn’t need more than 10 seconds to understand what was happening. “And relax! I know how to separate my character really well, but I do believe we have basic ethics principles in common."

"Okay smart boy.” Tony said with now anger is his features. “Remembering who you are taking to. Supernatural can turn into a one star show really quick. And you…” He said turning to you. “Consider yourself fired.”

"As far as I know you don’t decide sh*t about my show, but I do know that you need to start respecting women.“ Jensen said in the same low tone, with anger in every word. "Excuse me."

Jensen leaded you the way making sure you didn’t even pass near Tony again, he was with a gentle hand in your back almost not touching you and quickly you two were already outside and you saw him calling a cab.

"I’m sorry (Y/N), I got so angry… You wanna go home or you want to stay more? That dick won’t get any closer to you, I promise.” Jensen asked turning to you and looking straight into your eyes with concerned.

"I just wanna go home Jens.“ You said with a chocked voice letting the first tear fall down. You were in shock, practically shivering. You always says to yourself that the next time something like that happens, you were going to stand, be loud and not take it quietly. But every time you freeze. Every f*cking time.

You dissociated the entire way back home, with a million thoughts in your head and at the same time, none. You noticed with the corner of your eyes, Jensen constantly looking at you to check and typing something on his phone, probably letting Jared know what happened and why you headed off. He didn’t try to talk to you, and honestly you were grateful for that.

Immediately when you entered the apartment, you went to the shower. The water was burning hot but it felt like nothing in your body. You didn’t know what trigged you so hard, thinking about it, the situation was kind of quick and it could have been a million times worse. But you were so scared that he would fulfill his word. Mans like him don’t just accept being rejected, you felt so small…. Almost guilty. Tears started to fall down desperately and sobs got out of your mouth. You didn’t know how much time you passed in the bath but saw some clothes in the bed you were sleeping when you got out. A grey sweatshirt and some boys shorts. Jensen.

"Hey…” You said with a small voice standing by the door of the room Jensen was sleeping, seeing him sitting by the end of the bed scrolling through his phone. “Thanks for the clothes.”

"Comfort sweatshirt right?“ He joked seeing you in his clothes, referring to when you stole it on set and he passed days looking for it until he found you sleeping in his coat and listen to the excuse that it was your 'comfort sweatshirt’, that it made you happy and safe. "Hey… com’ here"

Jensen said with a soft voice when he saw your face struggling to hold back the tears. He back out laying in the left side of the bed opening his arms for you to join him, and you immediately did. Nestling in his chest, he hugged you strong hearing you cry quietly into his neck.

"You know… This is not even the worst that happen to me.” You said when you calmed down after some minutes of cuddling in silence and Jensen moved his face away just enough to stare at you, but stayed quiet waiting for you to get out of your chest whatever you needed. “These situations had been happening with me, well with all women, since before we even know what this means. Teachers, taxi driver’s, superiors, random people in public places, friends… I just… Tell myself that the next time something like that happen I will stood up for it. But every time it happens I just loose all my courage."

"And this it’s not on you (y/n). This is unacceptable, shouldn’t be happening at all and it’s not your fault not having a response for it. This shouldn’t be a situation you must be prepared for.” Jensen said frowning his eyebrows looking at you deadly serious. “I’m so sorry you have to go through that bullsh*t almost daily. It f*cking pisses me off.”

"Yeah I’m sorry too.“ You said with a weak smile feeling him stroking his thumb slowly in your back where his hand stood. "Do you think he can fire me?”

“No.” Jensen said with certain. “He has nothing to do with Supernatural productions. And even if he could, I wouldn’t let them. If he wants you gone, i would be gone too."

"Jensen…” You were speechless. “Us women really suffer daily, but it makes a little better knowing that there are at least some guys out there that truly respect us. I am lucky to have fell in a job full of you. I really appreciate what you did for me today Jensen."

"I’m always gonna be here for you (Y/N)… And it’s truly that least I can do.” Jensen said with a rough voice. “There was this time on set, before you were even in the series, that Jared’s PA was harassed by a camera man… Nobody saw the moment and from one day to another she asked for resignation. Nobody understood and we continued to treat the guy like a friend for months until we finally discovered what happened. I just…. I’m just glad that I was there with you tonight."

You just gave him a small smile feeling your heart so full that could explode. It was an awful night, it really was. But Jensen… He was everything you could ever ask in a friend. You hugged him strong and got into a position where your foreheads were touching. Yours and Jensen’s eyes were closed but you could feel his breathing and the warm of his lips almost touching yours. You didn’t know how long you stayed in that position but you surely didn’t want that to end.

"I could be like this every single day.” You said before you even could stop yourself and frowned when the realization hit you. “Wait did I just confessed?”

He squeezed your waist to make you open your eyes that stood close because of the embarrassment, and you had to hold your breath when saw Jensen’s green eyes, so vivid, looking so close at your tenderly.

"Yeah? Cause I would too" Jensen breathed out feeling a weight off his chest. What that really happening? The women he had feeling for months now, in front of him telling she liked him? He saw in your eyes the relief you felt cause of his confession and slowly finally gave you a long chaste kiss.

You both knew that this was enough for now. The cuddling, the comfort of each other and the lightness of knowing the feeling were both sided was enough. There was going to have the moment for your skin meet his and there was going to have the moment for a serious conversation about your feelings.

But for now all that matters was being in each other arms, and sensing that the night that started like a nightmare turned into a dream.

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L.A nightmares (2024)


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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

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Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.