An Investigation into the Family of (2024)

An Investigation into the Family of

Original Charles Town Immigrant, Robert Dewsof Barbados,

And Associated Families.

Records compiled by Steven W. Due, August 8th, 2006.


In the dark ancient days of medieval illiteracy, only a few Royal Scribes, Priests, and Monks could read and write Latin when the Dew family emerged as part of the landed gentry of Britain.

A few of the phonetic variations of this surname arising from the long shadows of illiteracy were Doe, Do, Du, Due, Dew, Dewe, among other sound-alike mutations. This was further complicated by the fact that the Celtic population called anyone of dark complexion as “Dhu” regardless of family origin. But the name source is the town, river, and county of Eu in Norman inhabited France, before the conquest. It is derived from the expression d’Eu meaning “of Eu,” and was brought to England by Knights of the conquest.

It has been reported that this family was seated from earliest times in Lancashire where they were granted land by William, Duke of Normandy, their Liege Lord, for distinguished service at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. This particular Sept may have come from Normandy with the aforesaid invasion forces of William the Conquer, who by force “took back” his rightfully promised crown from his cousin Harold, but it is possible that a related Sept of the Dew clan may have also occupied the “Emerald Isles” from as early as the Roman occupation period.

Thusly seated in fief by William the Conquer, this Doe (sic) Dewe clan, from Eu, is implied to have Norman roots (Men from the North,) that extended further back into the Scandinavian Nations from whence the Viking Longboats sailed long ago.

In fact, William the Conquer mandated the use of surnames in England when he required the first census to be taken in 1084. It was called “The Doomsday Book.”

A Walter de Douai, also called Walscin, a nick-name, was listed in the Doomsday Book, being from Douai, Nord. He had holdings in Devon, Essex, Somerset, Surrey, Wilts in 1084. But Walter had only one known son Robert, and Robert had no male heirs known. He is probably not the source of any of said Dewe clan.

Instead, Jocelyn le Breton, a great grandson of Geoffery, 1st Count of Eu, who returned to Eu, France from England to fight as a Knight for William, Duke of Normandy at Hastings, and his son Randolph d’Eu having fiefs in Berkshire , and elsewhere, comprise the probable source for the great clan of Dewe in England. His 3rd Cousin William Count d’Eu gave his Berkshire fiefs to Jocelyn, and Henry d’Eu, younger brother of William was in Sussex, England after the conquest, but if William had male heirs, they have not been noted. Henry d’Eu, the younger brother ofWilliam has not been fully explored.

For the next 500 years, the Dewe progeny spread out occupying the girth and breadth of England from Wales to Norfolk, and parts of nearly all the southern Shires, especially along the midlands that served London by the waterway of the Thames River.

A Sept of this clan long dwelt in the Shires of Oxford, Berks, and Wilts, probably out ofJocelyn le Bretan, were a Yeoman class of tenement farmers that arose to wealth by astute business practice. This family and their kith, were supportive of schools and colleges, and they issued sons some whom became Physicians, Mercers (Merchants,) Clothiers, and Stationers, and from the latter came the adventurers, and tillers in the colonial “New World” across the Atlantic.


Col. Thomas Dewe, of Nanesmond, Virginia produced two well documented descendant lines that come out of his sons Andrew, and John Dewe. But his other known children Ann, Elizabeth, Richard, and Thomas Dewe have been given little attention by genealogists, and almost no research has been done to discover their respective descendant lines. This is primarily because their offspring did not dwell in Virginia, but entered the colonies at Charles Town, Carolina, or in Maryland.

It now appears to me that all these untraced children, with the possible exception ofElizabeth, perished in the Caribbean, or West Indies, specifically Barbados and Bermuda.

Much of the following is well established and proved, but even though I have not been able to prove these lines to the point of removing any doubt, I have developed a large body of implicative evidence to support the genealogy of most of these children. It is based on the preponderance of collected evidence. This work can serve as a platform for future genealogical research by those that follow me. There is room for improving this assemblage of data, and in it's interpretation. I now present this evidence beginning with antecedent Colonel Thomas Dewe noticed early in the Bahamas, in the West Indies, and who lived last in Virginia where he perished in 1691. I also mention his father, and others.

Original Colonial Immigrant, Thomas Dewe, of London:

Thomas Dewe (age 18) and Elizabeth Bennett (age 17) are thought to have married in about 1620 in London. Elizabeth may have been a daughter of Robert Bennett [ch: Apr. 27th, 1571, Wiveliscombe, Somerset, Eng. - killed in a Indian massacre ca. 1623, Virginia.] He was a brother of Edward Bennett, Merchant of London, and an investor in the Virginia Company, and he was an uncle of Maj. Gen. Richard Bennett of Nanesmond, Virginia. Elizabeth's mother may have been related to the Cromwells. But this relationship is by no means certain, however, she was almost certainly related to the Bennett family that occupied the midlands, and of southwest England.

The aforesaid Thomas Dewe was one of the sons of Thomas Dewe, London Stationer,

and his wife Annie Helmes. Ancestor, Thomas Dewe, (age 41) was a Guild Stationer at

St. Dunstan’s Churchyard, Fleet Street, London, and he made his nuncupative Will in

1624. Unfortunately, Thomas Dew’s verbal Will did not name the children he mentioned,

and he simply left the disbursem*nt of estate to his surviving widow, Anne H.;

therefore, the identity of his children must be determined by careful deduction.

Annie Helmes’ older brother was John Helmes who married Annie Brittaine.

Thomas Dewe (17) and Annie Helmes (?) were married while her brother John

Helmes was himself bound as an Apprentice at the Bookstore located at St. Dunstan’s

Churchyard, about 1600.John Helmes became freed & licensed as a Stationer at this

shop about 1607. In that year, he bound his younger brother-in-law, Thomas

Dewe, as his own Stationers Apprentice. Dewe’s apprenticeship remained in effect

until after the death ofJohn Helme, about 1617-19 when Thomas Dewe became

free and licensed as a London Stationer. Dewe went into business with his

sister-in-law, Anne Brittaine, Helme, (as his silent partner.) until his own

untimely death in 1625.

Thomas Dewe, Stationer, witnessed the Royal charter of the “London Company” an

opportunity for potential profit in the new world colonies. London buzzed with the

news among merchants and businessmen, many of whom became investors. It is my

view that, sometime after this opportunity arose, Legacies were bestowed by the clan

patriarch, Edward Dewe, & wife Angnes Loder, Dewe of Berkshire. Theses parents

provided their eldest son, and his sons, their descendant grandsons with their

investment, and subscriptions to the “London Company.” These legacies would have

constituted their inheritance, and also explains why none of his grandsons, being sons of the Stationer were mentioned as heirs in the 1632 Will of Edward Dewe. It seems

Thomas Dewe (age 32) had younger sisters; Elizabeth, Maria, and Margaret Dewe, all

under the age of 31, who were named heirs of their grandfather Edward Dewe. Other

male siblings, children of this Stationer’s family are possible.

The nuncupative Will of Thomas Dew of the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, Citizen,

and Stationer of London, having the intention to declare his Will, uttered these words or

the like in effect on the 13th of March 1624:

All that I have I give to you (I E: Annie H. Dew, his wife) &c.” She then asked

him what he would give to his father & mother, and he said “…He would leave it

to her but if she thought fit, his Will was they should get some of his clothes.” This was

spoken in the presence of Annie, his wife, Elizabeth Dew, his sister, and Marie

Price, his maidservant. And further on March 14th 1624, being demanded by

Mr.John Beliald if he had made his Will, and what course he had taken for the

payment of certain monies which he owed, he said “I have not made a Will, but as I

had all my estate by my wife, and children, so do I leave all unto them, and I will charge

my wife to deal well with Mrs. Elizabeth Underwood, etc,.” which was spoken in

the presence of the said John Beliald,Elizabeth Dew, and Marie Price. [Dated

Mar. 13th 1624, proved April 1st 1624 (P. C. C. 43, Clarke)]

Note that a Mr. John Belliald, of Milton, Nottinghamshire, England is noted in a

Grant from King Charles I on Dec. 5th 1631. Grant being passed from his

grandfather Richard Billiald to his father Thomas Billiald. [University of

Nottingham, NE D 2411]

Either stated, or implied by his nuncupative Will:

Wife: Annie Helmes, Dew

sister: Elizabeth Dew, who could have been his sister-in-law.

daughter: deceased wife ofJohn Beliald.

daughter: Mrs. Underwood,found to be Elizabeth Dew, Underwood whose sister Margaret Dewe, Underwood came to Isle of Wight, Virginia, and was mentioned in her grandfather's Will.

daughter: Maria Dewe, Price, maidservant.

Children that not referred, or alluded to in his nuncupative Will:

daughter: Margaret Dewe, married William Underwood. She was mentioned in her grandfather’s Will. Went to Virginia.

son: Thomas Dewe, married Elizabeth Bennett. He was a Colonial Virginia immigrant.

son: Joseph Dewe, immigrated to Virginia, and St. Kitts.

son: Ralph Dewe, immigrated to Virginia.

son: John Dewe, immigrated to Barbados.

The John Dewe, who was born about 1617 in London, England, and who owned land in Barbados in 1638 was probably immigrant Thomas Dew's brother. He likely married Katherine Kigan, daughter of Karbry Kigan. This John Dewe was deceased prior to Jan. 12, 1657 when Karby Kigan's Will in Isle of Wight, Virginia named heir a grandaughter Katherine Dew, the surviving daughter of John Dew. However, this Will has also been transcribed showing the name Dew, as it was originally transcribed, to be Tew, instead.

A John Dewe died ca. Dec. 12th 1678 (age 42) in Isle of Wight, Virginia who left a surviving relict, Elizabeth Shearer, Dewe in Isle of Wight, Virginia. It is claimed that this particular John Dewe was born ca. Apr. 8th 1636 in Nanesmond, Lower Norfork, Va., a son of Lt Col. Thomas & Elizabeth Dewe.

It is believed that Thomas Doe (sic) and family came to Virginia with his in-laws Robert Bennett & family on the “Sea Flower, along with 125 settlers in February of 1622. Less than a month later an Indian attack destroyed the plantation called “Bennett’s Welcome,” a Patent of Edward Bennett, where 53 settlers were killed. The survivors of this destroyed plantation were removed to James Citty, Virginia.

On Feb. 16, 1623, the family of Thomas Doe (sic) was listed living in Virginia in the Maine. [Hotton’s List] Research shows that this was actually the Maine River District of James Citty. Meanwhile reprisals against the Indians soon allowed several plantations to begin rebuilding.

Robert Bennett and all members of his household perished of disease by November of 1623. Conditions of health, and essential supplies in this Virginia colony were so bad that Thomas Doe (sic) and his family returned to England on the next ship that arrived, the “Ann.”

About six months after the Dews arrived back in England, Thomas Doe’s (sic) father the London Stationer Thomas Dewe perished. After the estate was settled it appears that his widow Annie Helmes, Dewe, her children, and the family of her son Thomas Doe (sic) all resided in Berkshire at an estate that was probably inherited by this eldest son Thomas Doe (sic) Dewe.

Thomas Doe (sic) became a London Merchant who, for several years, dispatched shipments to provide the desperate requirements of colonial settlements, & their plantations. He took payment for these supplies in Tobacco.

By 1628, it is likely that Elizabeth Bennett, Dewe wife of Thomas, had already experienced at least four or more pregnancies, and some of these children survived. It is said that gave birth in 1625, in Berkshire, England, to Andrew Dewe who died ca. 1660 (age 34) in Virginia. She then gave birth to Thomas Dewe in 1626, he being Christened on Oct. 8th, 1626 in Kingston Lisle, Berkshire, England, and in October of 1634 she gave birth to Ann Dewe, christened on November 21st, 1634 at St. Andrews, Holborn, London, England, the same daughter whom she brought to Virginia when Ann was just nine months old. Elizabeth left her remaining children behind in England attending school or in the care of servants. It appears that there were a number of unknown children that were born quite early. It is almost certain that one of them was named Edward Dewe. By 1632 it appears that Thomas & Elizabeth Dewe had at least six surviving children leaving us four, in this group, whose identities have not been established.

In 1632 when his grandfather Edward Dewe, died in Berkshire, Thomas Dewe was already noted as a colonial planter at Somers Island, at Virginia, and at Providence Island. Although Thomas Dewe planted early in Somers Island, AKA ("New Providence" being today known as Bermuda,) he

Is also believed to have planted in the West Indies last on "Old Providence Island" just off the east coast of Central America. By 1633 Thomas Dewe's ambitions were in returning to mainland Virginia.

By 1634 Elizabeth Bennett, Dewe already issued roughly 2/3rds of her offspring, and if she lived past the age of 40, being healthy without reproductive problems, then she could have experienced at least 15 pregnancies during her lifetime. The names of some of her surviving children are known being; Elizabeth, Andrew, Richard, Thomas, Ann Dewe and John Dewe.

Some of the names expected of their other children are; Edward, Robert, Mary, Charles,William, and Jonathan, but these are unproved, and nothing is known of the fate of said additional children. There may have been other unidentified children. It seems quite certain that Thomas Dewe outlived his first wife and all of their sons. Col. Thomas Dewe was approaching 91 years old when he died about 1691 in York, Va. at the home of his eldest living grandson Thomas Dew, the son of Andrew. This grandson became his primogenitor heir. It is not known if Col. Thomas Dewe had any additional consort in Virginia, nor is their any evidence of same yet discovered.

There were no Dewes counted among the initial 117 adventurers & settlers of Bermuda (Somers Is.,) taken from “Letters of Patents of King James of Blessed Memorie” in 1615, and there exists no other early passenger lists for ships from England to Bermuda after the initial settlement. I have not been able to identify any of these additional early planters until the Petition of 1628. There may be some existing early Plantation Deeds, or records which I have not found. - S. Due

On June 4, 1628 Thomas Dewe, - & children (who were not named,) signed a Petition: “Petition of the Poor Planters of Somers Island, being above three score, mostly humbly sheweth that whereas the greatest part of your poor petitioners have lived in the said islands ever since the infancy of the plantation there, and imployed all their estate and industry in fortifying the same by the space of six years, without any profit at all.

So it is that your poor petitioners coming late from England with some small means in tobacco to relieve themselves and families, the same hath remained near four months in the customs house under our imposition of nine pence in the pound cleare, although we pay no duties to His Majestie.

May it further please your Lordship, the most part of your petitioners have ever since their coming into England, gone upon the score, for victuals, lodging and clothes, and those worne out yet unpaid for, and some arrested, and the rest of us in daily danger of being arrested; and some of us are turned out from their places where they lay to shift for themselves, amongst which are women and children, and all of us driven to the extremity that wee shall never be able to return to our children and families in the islands without your Lordshipps speedy favor herein, all which their necessities and distressed case, they most humbly present to Your Lordships, beseeching your honors the time for their return being short, that your Lordships will be pleased to vouchsafe your favorable mediation and meanes to His Majesty that his poor miserable subjects, your supplicants may have their Tobacco by Bills of Store for this present yeare; and when any further order shall by His Majesty and your Lordships wisdoms bee taken for regulating of that commodity we will in all dutiful obedience submit unto it; and ever pray for his Majesty and your Lordships long lives and eternal felicity.”

“Robert Staples Rev. Wm. Bennett Richard Leicroft Robert Harrison

William Bullock James Wharly Abraham Sheeves Robert Thurlington

Richard Wallet Henry Dixon Robert Crofts Alexander Mare

Samuel Tatum Percivall Neale John Hall Francis Boulton

Xpofer Crofts Robert Burgesse Peregoine Brittaine Henry Treadwell

Benjamin Harrison John Haddon George Needham Walter Wood

Nicholas Rainton Walter Downman Giles Marsh Tho. Lullett

Thomas Powell William Banister Christopher Lafield Henry Clark

John Parrett Edward Plumer Henry Johnston Charles Overton

John Webb Richard Bosse Edward Dixe Daniel Sares

Simon Barrett Matthew Thomas Edward Burges William Hornwall

Thomas DelamoreWilliam Baker James Teige Phillip Freestone

George Vittall Ann Heys- & children Edward Crafts- children Howell Morris

Abigail Bents Daniel Funoz Sarah Prosser- children Thomas Dewe-& children

Richard Phillips Anne Harvard John Marsh Mary Coates

John Waters Anne Woolsay John Howell Anne Smith

George Tennant Elizabeth Bishop William Raggedall Jane West”

[Sixty-eight parties, and an undisclosed number of unnamed children subscribed to this Petition. (House of Commons, London)]

It appears that Thomas Dew (Doe) & wife were in Virginia as early as 1622, but because of the illness, & subsequent death of his in-laws, he returned to London in about 1623. His father the London Stationer soon perished in 1624. He became a London merchant supplying the colonial settlements for compensation in Tobacco. After conditions improved in the plantations Thomas and some of his children adventured as Planters on Somers Island in the Caribbean prior to 1628. The language of the above Petition implies that he had been planting onSomers Island for at least one season. It seems he came to Somers Island early in 1627, and returned to London about 1628. It seems from the following records that Thomas Dewe, and Elizabeth his wife planted next in "Archer's Hope," in Virginia for at least one season where in 1629 he was recorded as a Burgess. He was called a London Merchant in 1630 when returning from Virginia with Tobacco. They removed to Association Island about 1631. The Providence Company opened "Old Providence Island" to English Planters in 1631, and Thomas Doe of Association Island removed there and planted on this Island for at least two seasons before returning to mainland Virginia where he is subsequently found in 1632 or 1633, however, in 1635 he was still being called "a Planter of Providence." Captain Anthony Hilton was Governor of Toratuga in 1632, formerly of Association Island, and Old Providence was off the east bank of central America, while New Providence was in the Bahamas. His passage via Toratuga, where he had problems with Capt. Hilton in 1632, implies thatOld Providence Island might have been his destination.

Note that his children, mentioned in the above Petition traveling with their father, but without their mother, would likely have been beyond the age of four. This suggests that his marriage to Elizabeth occurred by 1624, or earlier, perhaps before 1623 when Thomas Doe & wife were noted living in the "Maine" in Virginia. Perhaps Elizabeth remained behind on Somers Island AKA: Bermuda, with the youngest children, and infants during the trip in 1628 when Thomas Dew signed the above Petition in London.

“Thomas Dew was a signer of many of the old plantation records in Bermuda (Somers Island) in the early days of its settlement.” [Ernestine White]

On October 16th 1629 Thomas Doe was a Burgess representing "Archer's Hope," in Virginia. [Hening's Statutes at Large] The plantation of "Archer's Hope" was located opposite to the plantation "Bennett's Welcome" just across the James River.

On Oct. 6th 1630, Thomas Doe & Co. [A. S. Lanham], in the “Friendshipp” of London, imported 7,000 Lb. of Virginia Tobacco. He was a London Merchant.

On February 6. 1631, “Upon petition of Mrs. Dew that her husband might have leave to remove from Association Island to Providence Island and have six servants allowed to him, and she be permitted to go in the next ship with an advance of twenty Pounds for her outfit.”

At the time of this record, his destination appears to have been "Old Providence Island"off the coast of Central America, he having earlier planted on Somers Island prior to 1628, at Archer's Hope in Virginia in 1629, thence removing to Association Island about 1630. The Providence Company had just opened "Old Providence Island" to adventurous English Planters.

Six servants were allowed to Planters without extra passage fee by both the Virginia Company of

London, and the Providence Company. For this reason their children were often listed as

servants. If this practice held true in this instance for Thomas Dew, then he had at least six

children by 1631. Only two of his children of this age group are identified; Andrew Dewe, born

ca. 1625; & Thomas Dewe, born ca. 1626.

November 1632: (London, England) “Planters intending for Providence are allowed to pay for their passage from the proceeds of their labor… Mrs. Dew

asks that her husband be permitted to go from Amsterdam to Providence on “The Eagle” with six servants allowed to him, and that she may go on the next ship.”

When the Eagle arrived in Toratuga “Captain Hilton has accused Thomas Dew of mutiny,” (December 2, 1832.)

Note that prior complaints and grievances had been lodged against Captain Anthony Hilton for

“taking” Ship’s cargo and personal possessions of passengers, whereby allegedly abusing his

authority as Governor.

Note further that children were often listed as “servants” on such voyages.

London, On December 1632, 500 Pounds of Tobacco brought by him (Thomas Dew) in the “Dainty.”

In 1633, Thomas Dewe, John Carter, Daniell Coogan, and William Parker are found representing Upper Norfolk, Virginia at a Grand Assembly of Virginia. Thomas Dewe appears to be noticed in Virginia as early as 1622. This particular record indicates he had already acquired land on the Virginia mainland, perhaps tilling the same by the use of either slave labor, or indentured labor provided by persons he had transported to Virginia. As a London Merchant his voyages to and from England, and his Caribbean plantations would have taken him by way of Virginia, and could have provided him opportunity to engage in Virginia Company of London business, and enabled him to supervise planting in Virginia, as well.

In 1633, a Thomas Doe “settled” in Virginia.

On January 25, 1634 Tho. Dewe was witness to a Grant concerning four persons transported to Virginia.

On February 12, 1634, [London, CCSP] “License to Thomas Dew to dispose of his tobacco on payment of all disbursem*nts for his accounts. The accusation charged on him by Captain Hilton remitted. Dew names persons fit to manage the Government of Association Island. “Captain Christopher Wormerly, Governor of Association Island.”

In May 1635, a Jo(seph). Doe, age 22, to be transported to St. Christopher’s, (now St. Kitts) imbarqued in “the Mathew” of London. “Joe Doe settled in St. Christopher’s in 1635.”

May 1635:“The Expectation,” from London at Providence Island: “Mr. Dew, Planter of Providence, Island…,” (departing from Providence to Virginia?) was mentioned. [Thomas Dew not appearing among the incoming passengers of the Expectation from London; therefore, he is presumed to have been among the outgoing passengers to Virginia. - S. Due]

July 13, 1635: Persons to be transported by “The Alice” from London to Virginia. Captain Richard Orchard:

Elizabeth Dew (32) (Elizabeth was born in 1603)

Ann Dew (9 months(Ann was born in October 1634, her youngest)

Notice that in 1632 Elizabeth Dewes had expressed her intention, and made a

request to go to Providence Island on the next ship after The Eagle, a ship on

which she requested passage for her husband and his six servants allowed, from

Amsterdam to Providence Island. Records in Toratuga make it is clear that the

Eagle actually carried her husband to the Caribbean in 1632.

It is also certain that Elizabeth returned to England some time before 1635, the year when she is found establishing passage to Virginia with her youngest child, Ann. But since no later records are found in Virginia, regarding Elizabeth Dew, this seems to indicate that she also returned from Virginia to England soon after this voyage was made to Virginia.

In August of 1635, a “Tho. Doe, age 33, to be transported to Virginia, imbarqued in “the Safety.””

In 1635, a Ralph Doe “settled” in Virginia. He was likely a brother of Thomas Dew.

In 1636, a John Doe “settled” in Virginia. He was likely a brother of Thomas Dew who shortly moved to Barbados.

1637: Thomas Dewe of Upper Norfolk, Va., claimed head rights on several persons for transporting them to Virginia. (This transportation would have taken place at least three years prior to the claim, occurring on or before 1634.)

In 1638 aJohn Dew was included on a list of inhabitants of Barbados

Who owned more that ten acres of land. We would expect this John Dew to have been born on or before 1617, an adult. Both anEdward Bennet, and an Edward Brown appeared on this same list. Bennet was alleged to be a cousin of Col. Thomas Dew. We are told that Thomas Dew, of Virginia fame, married Elizabeth Bennett, however we must remember that Colonel Thomas Dewe’s uncle Richard Dewes married Elizabeth Bennett, the daughter of Richard Bennett and Elizabeth Tisdale in Berkshire, England. Records for this Bennett family are far from complete.

This aforesaid John Dew was likely a brother of Thomas Dewe, immigrant planter.

It interesting that whenThomas Dew returned to the Caribbean in 1632, he was

accused of mutiny on Association (Toratuga) Island by shipmaster (Anthony?) Hilton.

Captain Anthony Hilton the same who died in 1634, and was somewhat of a rogue. By

1631 the Providence Company had already established the first colonial outpost and

settlement on “Old Providence Island.” Hilton then persuaded the Providence Company

to protect the Island of Toratuga, and to appoint him as it’s Governor. Toratuga was an

island which was a haven for pirates with whom Hilton was in league for personal gain.

There are no records that show that Thomas Dew was actually prosecuted for this

alleged mutiny. These charges were remitted, but probably dismissed as unfounded.

In 1635 Thomas Dew was called a Planter of Providence: “Old Providence,” an island now

called Isla de Providencia, which lies off the east coast of Nicaragua, as part of an

archipelago now claimed by Columbia, but in dispute by Nicaragua..

By 1633, Thomas Dew had already established himself on the mainland of Virginia, at

Nanesmond, site of an abandoned Indian village in Upper Norfolk County, Virginia, and

after 1635, any of his remaining interests in the Caribbean were those delegated to his

young sons, or brothers.

The aforesaid John Dew was likely a brother of Col. Thomas Dews, and his wife

Elizabeth Bennett. He may have also been the same John Dew who after planting in

Barbados returned to England to help oversee the affairs of his mother, Annie

Holmes, Dewes, and s-I-l Elizabeth Bennett, Dews, who for the most part were

dwelling in Berkshire, or adjacent Oxfordshire. The subsequent death of his mother, in addition to danger present in the aftermath ofthe Cromwell Protectorate may have prompted John Dew to return to the Caribbean, and for a time, to Nanesmond, Virginia where his brother’s great plantations lay.

Thomas Dewe made a trip from Virginia to England on or shortly before April 22, 1640, because three years later (as the law required delaying such claims) he claimed headrights for land for transportation of "his own person, adventurer George Spivie, and seven others from England to Virginia. [Book I, page 150]

Note: The wording of this above entry dictates that the passenger Thomas Dewe mentioned be the original immigrant, and it should be equally obvious that he had several children of primary and secondary school age that may have been getting their education in England at this time. His youngest son John was about two years old, and his daughter Ann was about six years of age. His wife Elizabeth who was about 37 years of age might have been back in England with these children in about 1640. There exists no landright claim indicating that Elizabeth Dew ever returned to Virginia, so she may have perished in England, never having returned to Virginia. . Likewise, there is no record that indicates that Elizabeth Dew ever returned from Virginia to England, and she may have perished in Upper Norfolk, Va. Her date, and place of death is unknown.

In April of 1642 Thomas Dewe was a member of the Grand Assembly in Virginia. [Hening's Statutes at Large]

By 1646 the first immigrant of this family, Thomas Dewe had already been promoted to the rank of Lt. Colonel of the Virginia militia:

"Under Orders from Virginia Governor William Berkley, an expedition against the Indians along the Chowan River was led by Major General Richard Bennett, who went by land, and by Lt. Coll. Thomas Dew, who went by water..." [Hening's Statutes at Large]

Recorded on June 17, 1651, Nancimond (sic) Court, Virginia:

"I was in company with Mr John fferinhaugh when he made good***of this debt. I doe thinke in my consience that ye debte which Robet Ewens demand is nothing just. Teste: W. Hanco*ck. Proved in Court before Capt. Thomas Dewe,Mr. John Cotton, Mr. Lawson." [Hening's Statutes at Large]

The Capt. Thomas Dewe, mentioned above as a magistrate in Nanesmond, Va. was a son of the Lt. Col. Thomas Dewe of the same place, and time. It is apparent that both served as Burgesses in Virginia, but the son & his family apparently removed first to England, and then to Barbados where he perished about 1689.

On April 26, 1652 Captain Thomas Due of Nanesmond, Lower Norfork, Virginia was a member of the assembled Virginia House of Burgesses. [Hening's Statutes at Large] He was a son of the Colonel of that name.

For the next 28 years the record is mute regarding Capt. Thomas Dewes, a son of the Colonel of

the same name. For part of this time he may have been working for his father on his estate lands

in Virginia. But he either withdrew from public service altogether, and simply worked for his

father in Virginia for a long number of years, or he left Virginia entirely, perhaps returning to

England. Records made in London support his return to England before 1659. He was 26 years of

age when this last record in Virginia was made regarding his public service there. The next record

we find of him is on the 1680 Census records of Barbados, where he apparently died in 1689 last married to Mary McKinzie, by whom he had at least two children, Jemima Dewe, Kenny, Skene, & Robert. Dewes, the last child being orphaned at age two. Several older half-brothers and sisters were also there, one being Captain George Dews, a mariner, who dwelt on Burmuda. Eventually, most of these surviving siblings, or half-siblings, removed from Barbados to Carolina, although one of them may have married Edward Fisher, and removed to Dorchester, Maryland.

On November 25th, 1652 Coll. Tho. Dew, Speaker was a Burgess from Nanesmond County, Virginia. [Hening's Statutes at Large]

In 1652, John Dew, who was visiting, or perhaps on his brother’s business, took the Oath of Allegiance to England without a King in Northumberland, Va. This man is almost certain to be the brother of Col. Thomas Dewe who had been a Planter in Barbados in 1638, and it is likely that he perished before 1657 in Virginia, at about age 40.

JohnDewe, a son of the Colonel, was raised and educated in England. He apprenticed at Bristol whereafter in 1659 he Planted in Jamaica, and Barbados for Irishman John Napper. After misfortune at his sugar plantation in Barbados John Dewe returned to Virginia where he married Elizabeth Shearer. His brothers Richard & Thomas Dewe took over the sugar plantation in Barbados. There is no record of any landholdings in Virginia by John Dew, the son of Thomas Dewe.

On July 5th 1653 Coll. Tho. Dew was a Burgess from Nanesmond County, Virginia. [Hening's Statutes at Large]

On November 20th 1654 Coll. Tho. Dew was a member of an Assembly held at James Citty representing Nanesmond County, Virginia. [Hening's Statutes at Large]

In 1655, Lord Oliver Cromwell’s naval forces took Jamaica from the Spanish.

On March 31st, 1655 Coll. Tho. Dew was a member of the Grand Assmebly held at James Citty, Virginia. [Hening's Statutes at Large]

The Old explorer, Coll. Thomas Dew applied to the Virginia Assembly in December 1656 for authority "to make a discoverie of the navigable rivers to the southward between Cape Hatterras, and Cape Fear with such Gentlemen & Planters as would volentarily and att their owne charge acompanie him." His request was granted... [Hening's Statutes at Large]

In 1658, John Dew, of Kidlington, Oxfordshire apprenticed at Bristol. He was learning the methods of Cane production, and of extracting raw sugar from cane for shipping to the refinery at Bristol, however Bristol had an exorbitant import fee on raw sugar unless you were a Bristol Freeholder. A Commission Agent must be utilized to avoid this fee. Commission Agents worked directly with planters, and sent chartered ships to collect the produce directly. London merchants consigned goods to Commission Agents who would sell them to planters. Planters would sell their produce to the Commission Agent, and immediately exchange produce for commodities. Commission Agents dominated the sugar trade, and kept many planters in chronic debt.

In March of 1657-8, Coll. Thomas Dew a member of the Virginia Assembly. [Hening's Statutes at Large]

In March 1658-9, Coll. Thomas Dewe, Coll. William Bernard, and Coll. William Claiborn administered the Oath to the Burgesses. [Hening's Statutes at Large]

In March 1659-60, Coll. Thomas Dewe was a member of the Council of State for Virginia. [Hening's Statutes at Large]

In 1659, anEdward Dew, of Plymouth, England, was arrested and sent

from Wiltshire, England, to Barbados, on the Western Prisoners Circuit. His crime was probably in supporting the Cromwell Protectorate that collapsed in 1658.

In the same year, John Dew of Kiddlington, Oxford, England, indentured himself for four years as a Tiller in Jamaica to Bristol Commission Agent John Napper. Dew arrived in Jamaica on the "Providence." Voluntary endenturment for a period of 4-7 years, resulted in payment of 10 Pounds Sterling, or a piece of land of equivalent value.

On May 29th 1659,Richard Dew was married to Ellin in London, England. On that date their son named David Dew was christened at St. Bride, on Fleet Street, in London. David perished less than a year later on April 21st 1660. Richard Dew probably removed to Barbados in later years.

In 1660 aPeter Trebbel of London, bound himself for four years in Barbados, to John Dew, tiller.

In 1665 a party of Barbados planters established a permanent settlement on the Cape Fear River near where the town of Wilmington NC, developed.

In 1666 the census of Bermuda by Richard Norwood, a survey of lands

shows the following occupants and land owners in St. George’s Island:

Edward Middleton

John Welsh

No Dewes, or variants of that surname, were surveyed.

A Thomas Dewe made a trip from Virginia to England and back again in 1663 or earlier because his neighbor John Davis claimed land for transportation of Thomas Dewes and 19 others, claimed on Feb. 27, 1666. [C &P Nugent, page 20]

Before 1670, George Dews, Sr. was born very likely in Barbados, being the same who appeared in Bermuda as a mariner in 1691.

As it might be noticed, he could have been a son of the John Dew of

Kiddlington, Oxford.

But George Dews, Sr. could also have been a son of Richard Dew mentioned

below, and therefore probably a grandson of Col. Thomas Dew mentioned as

in Virginia when George was born. But his most probable ancestor was Richard’s

brother Captain Thomas Dew of England, but lately of Virginia [There is no

proof of either relationship, but implications exist.]

About 1670, John Dew of the Caribbean came to Virginia where he soon married Elizabeth Shearer. John perished in about 1678 at Isle of Wight (Will.)

There is no record of any landholdings in Virginia by John Dew, and he probably served as a tiller, manager, or overseer of some part of his father’s vast estate holdings in Virginia. During the previous decade a series of calamities beset Jamaica, and other islands left John Dew in recent ruin. No doubt he lost his wealth, and any expected profits as a result of certain tragic events. This apparently drove him out of the Caribbean to Virginia.

The Richard Dewe mentioned as an adjacent landowner in the April 20, 1694 Grant of Samuel Knibb, situate in the Bermuda Hundred Neck of Varina Parish, Henrico Co., Va., may have been a son of his brother Richard Dewe of Barbados, who with the aid of another brother Thomas Dewe, came from England and rescued John’s old sugar plantation. Certainly this Richard Dewe of Henrico County, Virginia was not a son of the Colonel Thomas Dewe, but he may have been a grandson. [Nothing yet proves the relationship.]

In early April 1770 the Carolina arrived from Barbados at Kiawah, Ashley River, having first anchored on March 17th at Sewee Bay, AKA: Bull’s Island; and Point Royal about March 21, where they stayed 2 days; then to St. Helena, where five commoners of the Council were elected, being Joseph Dalton, Robert Donne, Ra. Marshall, Paul Smyth, & S. West, before arriving at the first Charles Towne settlement in Carolina. On board were persons that may be pertinent to this genealogy:

John Coming

Robert Donne

Thomas Gourden

Edward Hambelton

Elizabeth Matthews

Thomas Middleton

Joseph Reed

William Roades

Arthur Roper

Matthew Smallwood

Abraham Smith

Elizabeth Smith

Paule Smith

Thomas Smyth

Thomas Summers

Robert Williams

John Williamson

Richard Wright

And others…

On August 14, 1671 Edward Doe (sic) Dewe, a seaman, arrived on Stonoe Creek from Barbados on the Blessing, Capt. Mathias Halsted commanding. Also arriving on this date and ship were:

John Berringer

Richard Crossland

Maurice Matthews

Henry Hughes

John Neale

Michael Moran

Joseph Pendaris

David Abercronby

Elizabeth Baker

Simon Hughes

Thomas Hurt

Michael Lowell

Edward Matthews

Daniel Ming

John Gardiner

Peter Hearn

William Barry

And others…

The land for the passengers of the Blessing was to be laid out on Stonoe Creek (that divided Johns Island and James Island) and a town laid out reserving 5 acres for a church. The town was never built, and the passengers settled on the Ashley River where the first Charles Town site was located.

In 1672 Coll. Thomas Dewe, and his relative Maj. Gen. Richard Bennett, were among many converted to Quakerism by George Fox, founder of the Society of Friends, at a meeting in Nanesmond, Virginia. Barbados was said to be the center for Quakerism in colonial America, at that time.

A List of Barbados Eminent Planters, made in 1673, did not include landowners whose acreage was less than 200 acres. This means that the majority of Barbados landowners were not included. Some on this list were:

Major Saml. Tidcombe 300 acres

Col. Christopher Codrington 600 acres

Capt. Jno. Codrington 300 acres

Benja. Middleton 400 acres

And others…

[John Dewe was not included on this list.

His Plantation was more than 10 acres, but less than 200 acres.]

In 1679, aRichard Dew was an adjacent landowner in Barbados, to the estate of Robert Hurt, according to Robert’s Will made that year.

Richard Dew above is believed to be a son of Col. Thomas Dew, and wife mentioned in Virginia records. It appears that in 1659 Richard Dew was dwelling in

London where he was married to a woman named Ellin. They had a son named David

Dew christened May 26th 1659 at St. Bride, Fleet Street, in London, and this son died on April 21st 1660. It is assumed that Richard Dew came to Barbados sometime after 1666,

married second to Jane.

His brother Capt. Thomas Dewe was also dwelled in Berkshire, or London to whence he returned from Virginia after 1652. Capt. Thomas Dewe also named a son David Dewe who was counted in the Barbados militia about 1680, and he was born about the same time as Richard's son named David. This helps explain the whereabouts of these two mysterious sons for whom there are so few records.

Robert Hurt came from London to Barbados in 1635 on the “Expectation,” and made his

Will there in 1679. It is said that the Hurt family was first found in Oxfordshire, England

where they were seated from ancient times.

On October 11, 1679, a Ensigne David Dew appeared as a soldier in Lt. Col. Samuel O. Tidcomb’s Barbados militia. [Hotten's Lists] He did not appear on the 1680 census of Barbados as head of household. No further colonial records are found for David Dew, so he either perished, or returned to England.

Between 1679 and 1680, Ensigne Thomas Dew appears as a soldier in Lt. Col.Samuel O. Tidcombe’s Barbados militia. [Hotten's Lists] Appeared on the 1680 census of Barbados as a head of household, so perhaps was married. No further colonial records are found for this Thomas Dew, so he either perished or returned to England.

In 1680, two Thomas Dews, and a Jane Dew are found in the census of St.

Peters, All Saint’s Parish of Barbados.

The 1680 census of Barbados shows the following households:

St Michael Parish, Barbados, 1680:

Wm.Embree (sic) Amory

St. Lucy Parish, Barbados, 1680:

JohnDauis (sic) Davis, Junior

Patricke Browne

St. George Parish, Barbados, 1680:

Mary Middleton, widow of Henry Middleton?

Mr. Benjamin Middleton, older brother of Edward, and Arthur Middleton?

St Peters, All Saints, Barbados, 1680:

Dauid Dauis (sic) Davis (Capt. David Davis? Bought James Is. SC, in 1703?)

Lt. Col. Samuel O. Tidcombe,He has also been confused as Tidcot.

Jane Doo (sic) Dew, or Dewes?(Widow of Richard Dewe?)

Thomas Doo (sic) Dew, or Dewe? (Capt. Tho. Dewe, m: Mary McKenzie?)

Thomas Doo (sic) Dew, or Dewe? (Ensign Tho. Dewe, s/o the above.)

William Baker (Wm. Baker married Susannah Rowsham?)

Christ Church Parish, Barbados, 1680:

John Barry (probably married a Rowsham, or a Baker. Went to SC)

Jno. Kenney, a clergyman, (marriedJemima Dews?)

James Fowell, mariner

Jemima Dews, a sister, or cousin of George Dews, Sr. was probably born on Barbados where she married a Scotsman named Kenney. She may have had kith/kin who lived on Monsarrat in the Windward Islands of the West Indies, considering names recorded there in later years. Jemima was widowed of said Kenny before 1698, and she married Alexander Skene on January 26, 1698 in Barbados. Alexander Skene, a Scotsman, came to Barbados in 1694 from New Jersey, in order to accept an appointment as a Secretary to the Governor of Barbados. He continued in this position until 1696, and was extensively involved in Plantation production. Quakers, he and his younger sister Lelias Skene, also born in Scotland, came to Barbados together.

Lelias Skene married Obadiah Haig (Hague) in Barbados on June 1, 1701 (LDS), and was involved in Barbados plantation production, but Obadiah Hague (before 1650 - 1701? at sea) died on a trip to New Jersey making Lelias a widow. The exact date of his death is unknown, and no issue is known, but the Will of Lilias made in 1742, SC in her Codicil mentions a granddaughter named Elizabeth Baker. This suggests that Lilias had one daughter who probably married a Baker. This daughter was deceased by 1742 leaving her issue, only one daughter, Elizabeth Baker. One record said Obadiah Haig/Hague died in 1701 not long after they were married. Madam Lelias Skene, Haig fell heir to her husband’s estate and wealth. She did not remarry. Lelias Skeen, Hague was a sister-in-law to Robert Dews by the marriage of her brother Alexander Skeen to Jemima Dews, Kenny. Lilia’s daughter may have married a sibling of Robert Dew’s wife, and then Elizabeth Baker, mentioned in Lilia’s Will, might well have been a niece of Robert Dew.

In 1685, a Francis Dew was sent to Barbados on the Western Prisoners Circuit, as a result of the late Monmouth Rebellion.

In 1685, a John Dew indentured himself in Jamaica to Bristol Commission Agent John Napper for four years, and arrived on the "Providence."

“There are records of several Dews, two with the name Thomas, among the planters of this period, who had plantations in Bermuda, and in the Bahamas Islands. (and other Caribbean Islands.)” [Ernestine White]It is considered likely that the eldest of the two Thomas Dews recorded was Richard’s brother, born in England but recently removed from Virginia.

In 1689, Edward Fisher of Dorchester, Maryland was named heir in the Probate of the estate of Thomas Dew, therefore Edward must have been married to one of Thomas Dew's daughters. The place of death and probate of Capt. Thomas Dew is not known, but it was probably in Barbados where he was last noted on the census of St. Peter's all Saints Parish, in 1680. Thomas Dew's father died two years later (1691) in York County, Virginia. Edward Fisher's father had been a member of the Barbados militia in 1679, and it is said that many Barbados estate probate records have been lost.

In 1691 the Administration of the Estate of Thomas Due, first colonial immigrant of this family, deceased, was settled in York County, Virginia. It is said that Thomas Due (sic) Dewe, who perished at about 89 years of age, survived all of his sons. The bulk of his vast Virginia Estate descended to his Primogenitor, & eldest surviving grandson dwelling in Virginia. This heir was the grandson Thomas Dew, a son of Andrew Dew, an older son that perished in Virginia during the early 1660s.

The account of Thomas Dew, deceased, York County Court, October 1691 - an account of what estate doth appear to belong to Thos. Dew, dec'd, as did appear before ye Court, Oct. 16th 1691, to be owing by these several persons hereafter named:

Account by John Mykill, 060 lbs. Tobacco

Account by Jas. Priest, 030 lbs. Tobacco

Account by Tho. Jefferson 125 lbs. Tobacco

Account by Robert Leightenhouse's bill 250 lbs. Tobacco

Test. J. Sedgewick

"John Mykill is to pay out of this account 100 lbs. Tobacco to

Jno. Lucas."

John Lucas was a former nephew-in-law of the decedent Thomas Dew. His father

Capt. John Lucas, Sr. was once married to Thomas Dew's sister Margaret as her last husband.

In 1691, George Dews, Sr., a man of at least 21 years of age, and a qualified mariner who was familiar with the Caribbean, appeared in Bermuda where he, along with George Tews, a Rhode Islander, were issued Letters ofMarquee from the Governor of Bermuda, Isaac Richier, to take to the sea and attack French interests in Gambia. It was quite likely that in this same year, Capt. George Dews, Sr. married Ann Welsh, the daughter of John Welsh, and wife Anne, who were counted on the 1696 Oath Roll of Association Island in the Town and Parish of St. Georges Is., along with Capt. George Dews, Sr. It was later that year that their son George Dews, Jr. was born in St. Georges, Is., Bermuda. This son also became a mariner. George Dews, Sr., and wife Ann Welsh, had daughters named Anne and Mary Dews before 1702.

On the 2nd of May 1693, at Saldanha Bay, west coast of Africa, Capt. George Dew in the Brigantine “Amy” under English Colors, landed in the bay, and was soon arrested by the Dutch ship “Tamboer.” The “Amy” appeared to have been in an armed engagement, and had lost her main mast. After finding two conflicting sets of ships papers, the Dutch Officers seized the “Amy” as a pirate vessel, and discovered that her Captain had lied about the number of crewmen aboard. The “Amy” was condemned, and Dews and his crew were sent as prisoners to Europe. But it proved impossible to prove that Dews was a pirate, and he put in a claim for damage against the Dutch East Indian Company, and caused the Directors much trouble and expense.

From: “History of South Africa under the Administration of the Dutch East India Company: page 174”

In 1695, George Dewof Bermuda, Captain of the “Marigold” at anchor in St. George’s Island, registered a protest: Enroute from Barbados to Africa, mutiny, and storm damage forced his return.

Parish Plantations, 1696, Bermuda als Somers Islands in America:

A few of the inhabitants of the Town & Parish of St. Georges were:

George Dew Joseph Ming

James Croskey Jonathan Ming

William Croskeys Matthew Ming

Nathaniel Mills Experience Fox

John Welsh Stephen Wright

John Hurt Phineas Wright

Edward Middleton, Sen. Ephriam Wright

John Middleton Joseph Wright

John Hilton James Wright, 1st Sgt

James Rice John Bellinger, 3rd Sgt

David Ming

Charles Minors was a member of the Bermuda Assembly, and Clerk of the Council in 1696.

James Croskeys, & William Croskeys were the brothers of mariner Joseph Croskeys.and

Nathaniel Mills was the husband of his sister Elizabeth Croskeys. [Will of Joseph Croskeys,

Dec. 2, 1700, Charleston, SC]

John Hurt was probably a son of Robert Hurt whose Will was probated in Barbados in 1679.

In 1699,Captain George Dew, of Bermuda, a Privateer, built the “Old Rectory” one of the oldest

surviving buildings on St. George’s Island.

In this same year, Pirates landed in Saldanha Bay, Africa, and stripped the “Amy” before fleeing a

Dutch flotilla from the Cape.

On Sept. 29, 1702, Capt. George Dew, member of the Bermuda Assembly, made his Will in Bermuda. This Will was proved on Feb. 15, 1703. [Bermuda WB2, pa. 188], which names his heirs:

Wife: Ann

Son: George Dew, Jr., (a minor child)

Daughters: Anne Dew, (a minor child)

Mary Dew, (a minor child)

Mother-in-Law: Ann Welsh, Executor

Witnesses: James Wright

John Hilton

Charles Minors

In 1703, “Governor Christopher Codrington, Gov., of Bermuda, appointed George Dew as one of the Barons of Exchequer.”

Capt. George Dew’s Will was Executed by his mother-in-law Ann Welsh. Since the Executor or Executrix were always the blood kin of the deceased, unless otherwise stated, this makes me suspicious that Ann Welch, wife of John Welsh was nee, Ann Dews, the daughter of Col. Thomas Dews. If so, then she was his aunt, at the time being at least 68 years old, and George Dews thus married his first cousin.

It was during this same year of 1703 that part of this surviving family immigrated to Charleston, Carolina, where the Ann, the Widow of Captain George Dew, Sr., married William Rowsham, Sr. who had recently lost his wife. Her daughter Anne Dew, and her son George Dew, Jr. remained behind in Bermuda, St. Georges Is., apparently with their grandparents, but it is believed that her youngest Mary Dew, came to Charleston with her mother.

George Dew, Jr. became a mariner like his father, and married a woman named Patience, but apparently he died before they had issue, perhaps at sea.His widow Patience Dewmarried Joseph Palmer.

Descendants of Capt. George Dew (bef. 1670 - ca. 1703, Bermuda) & Anne Welch, Dew follow. Anne, widow of George Dew, married William Rowsham in Charleston, SC.

1. George Dew, a mariner perished before 1714, married Patience

His widow, Patience married second to Joseph Palmer, a mariner of Barbados. Joseph Palmer 1717 in his sloop, was attacked by Pirate Stede Bonet.

2. Ann Dew, a spinster of Bermuda in 1714.

3. Mary Dew, a spinster of South Carolina in 1714.

In April of 1714 the Charles Town Court records show that:

“I Joseph Palmer and Patience Palmer, his wife, late Patience Dew widow of George Dew of Bermuda, mariner, dec’d, for consideration of sum of 20 Pounds Current money paid, the receipt whereof they do acknowledge, have released quit claim unto Anne Dew, of Bermuda, spinster, and to Mary Dew of South Carolina, spinster, daughters and sole heirs of George Dew, Sr., of Bermuda, mariner, dec’d, and sisters to the former husband of Patience Palmer, all estate which said Joseph Palmer andPatience, his wife, ought to have all lands, tenements on the Island of Bermuda which were the inheritance of George Dew, dec’d…thatJoseph Palmer and Patience, his wife, shall not nor at any time hereafter claim, and Anne and Mary Dew shall have lawful possession or inheritance… Signed: Joseph Palmer,Patience Palmer. Witnesses: Jno. Croskeys, Jno. Stevenson, Tho. Walker, Jno. Croft.” [Notice Pub. Date: 14, April 1714]

Three years later, in August of 1717, Captain Joseph Palmer of the Bar, South Carolina, being 28 years of age, was bringing a sloop from Barbados to the South Carolina Port of Charleston when attacked by Pirate Captain Stede Bonnet, formerly a peaceful and prosperous retired Army Major from Barbados himself, and thus Palmer may have been acquainted with Bonnet. Pirate Bonnet took Palmer’s sloop, plundered Rum, Sugar, and Negroes, used the sloop to careen his own ship, then burnt Palmer’s sloop. Birth entries noted below seem to indicate that Joseph Palmer survived the attack.

Joseph Palmer was 21 years old in 1709 (b. ca. 1688/89,) a son of Charles Palmer of Barbados. [Will of Nathaniel Curtis, planter of Barbados, St. Phillips Parish, Nov. 14, 1709, RB 6/7, page 100] Charles Palmer was surveyed on Barbados in 1717-1722.

Register of Births St. Phillips Parish, Charles Town, Carolina, 1711-1758:

June 29, 1720: Joseph the son ofJoseph Palmer and Patience his wife was born.

July 15, 1723, Samuel the son ofJoseph Palmer and Patience his wife was born.

John Stevenson & wife Mary had a daughter named Mary on July 17, 1722 in St. Phillips, Charleston, SC] It is my suspicion that, after the above quit claim conveyance was made, Stevenson married Mary Dews.

John Croskeys [ca. 1701, Charleston, SC - ca. (Will) Mar. 15, 1722, Charleston, SC] a son ofJoseph Croskeys, mariner, died as a fairly young man. Six years after the above conveyance was made, he maried Sarah Matthews [ca. 1700, Charleston, SC - ?] a daughter of Capt. Anthony Matthews [ca. 1661, London, Eng. - ca. 1735, Charleston, SC], a mariner & merchant, & wife Lois (Fowell?)Sarah Matthews was probably a granddaughter of Richard Fowell & Sarah (Dewes?), Fowell of Barbados, and was related to the parties mentioned in the conveyance above.

Capt. Thomas Walker, mentioned witness in the above conveyance, was probably of Nassau, a Justice, and a former Governor of the Bahamas. He had fled to Charleston after by force, Pirates took over rule of the Bahamas, but he returned to the northernmost cay of these islands in 1717. No doubt Walker was well acquainted with Palmer, and the Dewe family.

Jno. Croft was a Register of Charles Town records, and in this capacity often witnessed legal documents, but a man of this same name did, in 1731, witness a Deed fromCaptain Anthony Matthews & wife Lois, to John Murrill, and he was not the Register. It is possible that this later man was a son of the earlier John Croft.

The specific immigrant, and subject:

Robert Dews (Dewe, Dewes,) was born ca. 1687, probably in Barbados. It is shown herein that some of his siblings were possibly George Dews, Sr., & almost certainly Jemima Dews, she and Robert being descendants of an earlier Dew family that came to Barbados. The linkage between George and Robert Dews is a somewhat weak and tenuous one, being that George’s widow, Ann Welsh, was the much younger stepmother of Robert’s mother-in-law, Susannah Rowsham. But this linkage is reinforced by the notion that Bermuda and Barbados were original haunts, and where the mainstream Dew family interests of Col. Thomas Dew lay in the Caribbean. The linkage between Alexander Skene’s wife Jemima, and Robert Dews is much more definitive, and strong. It seems to leave little doubt that Robert Dews came to Charles Town from Barbados. George Dew, Sr., had to be born somewhere, but he is not found on any discovered English records. But about eleven years before George Dews, Sr. first appears on the records of Bermuda, both a David Dew and an EnsingeThomas Dew appear in the records of the Barbados militia (1679-1680.)

Sometime before 1715, a man named Robert Dews, a bricklayer, appeared in Charles Town, Carolina. [Robert Dews declared that he knew John Wright, a Quondam Indian Agent, whose son Richard Wright married Mary Rhett, daughter of Col. Wm. Rhett, in Court testimony.] (Major John Wright died in 1715 during the Yamassee Indian uprising.)

John Wright had a warrant for 200 acres of land att Yathawee between Birch Creek & an Indian ffort. 28th September 1704.

John Wright had two warrants for 1,000 acres of land dated “ye 1st of October 1705.”

John Wright had two warrants for land dated “ye 1st of October 1706 which I delivered to Coll. Moore for him.”

There may have been two lines of Wrights in early Charles Town, Carolina, who may have been related. Both descended from Thomas Wright of the Norfolk & Suffolk Wrights of Kilverstone manor during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. One line was that of John Wright who came from Virginia, an early Commissioner of Indians, and at times a member of the Assembly of Carolina, who was slain by the Indians at Pocotaligo, along with fellow Indian Agent, Captain Thomas Nairne. His sons: John, Richard, &Thomas Wright, all wealthy and prominent citizens succeeded him. A probable sister of John, Margaret Wright married Thomas Hayward, a powder keeper of Charles Town, SC. Both lines of these Wrights originated in Normandy, France, and came to England with the Knights of William the Conqueror in 1066.

South Carolina Marriages 1688-1799, show:

John Wright married Jane Keays, P License, ____ 1725, St. Phillips Parish.

Richard Wright married Mary Rhett, P License, April 1734, St. Phillips Parish.

Richard Wright married Mary Butler, 25 May 1742, St. Andrews Parish.

Thomas Wright married Ann Hutchinson, P License by Mr. Garden, 27 Feb. 1736, St.

Phillips Parish.

Thomas Wright married Elizabeth Bellinger, 17 July 1743, St. Andrews Parish.

The other line was Robert Wright (1696 - 1757), who was Chief Justice of Carolina from 1729 to 1738, and his son Sir James Wright (1716-1785), the last provincial Governor of Georgia. There is a possibility that Robert Wright was a

also a son of the elderJohn Wright, but this relationship has not been established. He may have been a nephew. Robert Wright had 5 sons; Robert; Richard;Jermyn; Charles; & Sir. James Wright.

(South) Carolina Marriages 1688-1799, show:

Robert Wright married Gibbon Cawood, the only daughter of John Cawood, dec’d, on

7 June 1728 (they were already married on said date); Benja. Whitacker, Thos. Lamboll,

Robert Hume: Witnesses.

Robert Wright married Mary Blamyre; minister Edward Dyson; bondsman Robert

Wright, jr., of Dorchester Parish, Esq., and James Graeme, Gent., Attorney of Law, 22

June 1733, MB NY.

Records suggest that Robert Dews came to Charles Town, Carolina, from Barbados between 1707 and 1711 with brother-in-law Alexander Skene, and Alex’s sister Madam Lelias Hague.

(South) Carolina State Records, Indian Books, Vol. I:

“We find an entry from the Indian Commissioner to one John Wright to call a meeting of the headmen of the Wacsaw, Esau, and Cuttabau Indians, August 1711.”

In Charles Town, Carolina, 1713, a John Wright sued “Catherine Grant, Executrix of John Grant” the decedent who also owned land in Goose Creek, St. James Parish.

The said John and Catherine Dick, Grant, were found in Charleston before 1711, and John was the father of Ludovic Grant born ca. 1690-1696 (christened Apr. 12, 1702 in Irvine, Scotland) who was transported by Court Order to Charles Town, Carolina on May 7, 1716, after being captured at the famous Battle of Preston, whereby his title was revoked, his lands confiscated, and he was banished to the American Plantations during the failed “Jacobite rebellions.” Ludovic Grant was the noted Cherokee Trader found mentioned in South Carolina records. [Research of Larry Petrisky]

In 1719 Catherine Grant, widow, of John, married Richard Tookerman, who became the Executor of the estate of the late John Grant [SC, Archives.] It is alleged that Catherine Dick, Grant was a full blooded Cherokee, and if so, she was probably the last wife of John Grant.

A widow Grant was found in Savannah Georgia before 1740 with children Ludovic, Margaret, James, and Daniel. [Coulter & Says, Early Settlers of Georgia, p. 76]

Son Ludovic Grant married a full blood Cherokee woman of the Long Hair Clan, Euguioote (sic) and issued two daughters:

1.Susannah Catherine Grant (1/2)[ca. 1727, Tellico – Oct. 22nd, 1769, St. Phillips, Carolina] of the Longhair clan who married ca. 1743 to Robert Emory [ca. 1723 – ca. 1790] a son of John Emory & Sarah Wilson. They issued one daughter below, and she was also perhaps married to Willeneewa resulting in the (step?) relationships mentioned at the end:

I. Susannah Catherine Emory (1/4th)[ca. 1744, Tomatly, NC – ca. 1765, Cherokee Nation,] cohabitated with John Stuart [ca. 1718, Inverness, Scotland – ca 1779, Florida,] and was the mother of:

a.Bushyhead (1/8th) (b. 1758) was raised in the Tribe by relatives.

She also cohabitated with Robert Dews [ca. 1745, Charles Town, Carolina – after

1800, Ga.]

b.Tahlonteeskee (1/8th) (ca. 1759) was raised in the Tribe by relatives.

And she also cohabitated with John Jolly - a young Virginia soldier who came to Carolina during the Cherokee War, and later assisted the Grant family.

c.John Jolly (1/8th) (b. 1761/3.) was raised in the Tribe by relatives.

Her (step?) half-brothers were Bloody Fellow, Doublehead, Pumpkin Boy, and Old Tassel. Her (step?) half-sisters were Wurthe, and Oo-uo-st (married John Watts, Sr.) by a marriage of her mother Susannah Catherine Grant toWilleneewa,the Great Eagle. These relationships were mentioned in many old documents.

2.Mary Grant [ca. 1728/9, Tellico –1765/6 in Eastern Tennessee, or Goose Creek, Carolina]

of the longhair clan, who married ca. 1746 to William Emory [? of Charles Town, Carolina - ] a brother of Robert Emory, above. William Emory joined Ludovic Grant earlier in his trade with the Cherokees. Mary Grant, Emory was the mother of six children:

a.Will Emory [1744, Tomatly, NC – 1788, Chota, Tennessee.] His wife is unknown, but he had one son Thomas, also known as Long Tom.

b.Mary Emory [ca/ 1746, Tomatly, NC – ca. 1800, Cherokee Nation] She married 1st

ca. 1766 to William Rim Fawling, and issued two children.

She married 2nd ca. 1770 toEzekiel Buffington, and issued six children.

She married 3rd ca. 1782 toCapt. John Martin, and issued one child.

c. Elizabeth Emory [ca. 1748, Tomatly, NC – ca. 1781, Tugaloo, Ga.] She

married 1st ca. 1767 to Ezekiel Buffington, and issued one daughter Mary Buffington (b. ca. 1768.) She married 2nd ca. 1770 to Robert Dews, and issued one daughter Elizabeth Virginia “Jennie” Dew (b. ca. 1770/1) She married 3rd ca. 1772 to John Rogers, and issued five children.

d. Susannah Emory [ca/ 1748, Tomatly, NC – 1797, near Tugaloo, Ga.] She married 1st ca. 1765 to Richard Fields, and issued seven children. She married 2nd ca. 1781 to Capt. John Martin, and issued four children.

e. Drury Emory a.k.a. Hembree [Dec. 12th 1755, SC – 1845, Stone Co., Mo.]

f.Abraham Emory a.k.a. Hembree [May 16th 1757, SC – 1737, Hamilton Co.,


In about May of 1717, it appears that Robert Dews married Mary Baker, in Charles Town, a daughter of William Baker [1654 - ca. 1718, Charles Town, buried at St. George Parish, Dorchester, Carolina], & Susannah Rowsham, [ca. 1680 - aft. 1725, Carolina] his spouse Marybeing a granddaughter of William Rowsham, Sr. & Jordan Probst. William Rowsham Sr. was widowed before 1703, and was, about that time, married to Ann Welch, Dews, widow of Capt George Dews she being the likely sister-in-law, of Robert Dews. Robert Dews was thus perhaps married to his step-niece, by marriage, which was not an uncommon practice in those days.

Note that Richard Baker [ bef. 1634 - 1698, Ashley River, Carolina] received a land grant in 1683 for 200 acres along the Ashley River. Richard Baker’s spouse was Elizabeth Wilson. They were the parents of William Baker. No Will is found for William Baker, but the “Biography Directory of the (South) Carolina House of Representatives, Vol. 2, pp 46-48” gives his death in ca. 1718 at Charles Town.

William Rowsham, Sr. was undoubtedly born of the Rousham clan of

Oxfordshire, England. Elements of this family are on record there in 1616.

William Rowsham, Sr., was reportedly granted some lots in Charles Town

about 1672 [Petition of Bethel Dews in 1743.] Rousham was not mentioned as a

passenger on the first fleet ships to the Ashley River, and so must have arrived on one of the next ships in 1772.

Although his exact date of Rowsham's birth is unknown, he must have been born

before 1651 because of the approximate time he was granted his earliest Charles Town lots (1672.) He issued a daughter Susannah Rowsham who was

born ca. 1680 in Charles Town, SC, her mother being Jordan Probst.

Susannah Rowsham (sic) was married to William Baker about 1693 in Charles Town, Carolina, but in 1692 his father Richard Baker opposed this marriage. The Bakers were from Barbados, and Richard was a mariner, owning his own sloop.

A Warrant to Mr. William Rowsham for a Towne Lott (by Indenture) dated: ye

22 June 1694 under the hand & Seal of Governor Smith… [This item was

entered twice on the same day indicating Rowsham got two Lots that day.]

William Rowsham had a Warrant for one Towne Lott in Charles Towne, Dated:

ye 14th June 1695. Signed by Governor Joseph Blake.

Wm Rousam (sic) Senior had a Warrant for 300 acres of land in Berkley County, dated: 19th August 1697.

William Rousam (sic) had a Warrant for 400 acres of land for which Mr.

Richard Baker formerly had a Warrant for but hath since deserted it. Dated Jan.

21, 1701

After his wife Jordan Pobst, Rowshamperished William Rowsham, Sr., (sic) widower, married about 1703 in Charles Town to Ann (Dew.)

Only one woman named Ann Dew, is known to me dwelling in Charles Town about 1703 who could have wed to William Rowsham, Sr. as his last wife. She was Ann Dew, neeWelch widow of Capt. George Dews, Sr. of Bermuda. She came to Charles Town, Carolina after her husband's death in 1703 bringing a minor daughter Mary Dew. As we have observed, widow Ann Welch, Dew apparently also descended from the Dew family. Members of the Dew family already living in Carolina evidently arranged the marriage. In 1714 her daughter Mary Dew was a spinster in South Carolina. It is believed thatMary Dew wed to John Stevenson before 1720. Mary's sisterAnne Dew remained behind in Bermuda in 1703, but between 1714 and 1717 it appears that she came to Charles Town, and married an unidentified son of William Rowsham, Sr. Records proving these marriages have not been found.William Rowsham, Sr., and his unidentified son that married Anne, both perished before June 1717. When the estate of William Rousham, Sr. was settled, Anne Rousham sued Executor Robert Dews claiming infringement of a verbal agreement she made with her father-in-law before his death.

Exclusive coincidence suggests that William Rowsham, Sr. married the widow

of George Dews, Sr., by an arrangement of her Dew relations in Carolina, and likewise suggests that Robert Dews, and Capt. George Dews, Sr. may have been brothers.

Similarly it is suggested that George& Robert Dewes were grandsons of Col. Thomas Dewe, the first of this Dewe clan to plant on the island plantations, but settled in Virginia. He had brothers and sons that planted in St. Kitts, the West Indies, Bermuda, and Barbados.

William Rousham, or Rowsham received a grant for 400 acres on the north side

of the Ashley River between the lands ofWilliam Baker & John Baker on March

14th 1707. [William Baker previously married Susannah Rowsham, daughter of

above grantee, in 1693 in Charles Town, Carolina despite his father’s caveat of

objection to this marriage, made in 1692.]

A William Rousahm (Jr.) was counted on the 1725 census of Charleston,

Carolina. He perished leaving a Will filed in Charles Town between 1729 and

1733.By an unidentified spouse he likely issued a son James Rousham, a

Carpenter, who married on June 10th 1744 in Charles Town to Catherine VanVelson, spinster daughter of Edward VanVelson, Tanner of Dorchester. James Rousham perished after 1746 in Dorchester leaving property to his surviving wife and daughters.

John “Jean” Postel, a French Huguenot came to Carolina by 1697 with his wife Magdaline Pepin. He was one of the prominent Frenchmen of Goose Creek, and he perished ca. Oct. 16th 1729 in St. Phillip’s Parish. It is alleged that one of his daughters married a Rousham.

On November 28, 1717, Robert Dews, was noted as Executor of the Will of William Rowsham, Sr., in Charleston, Carolina, having married William’s granddaughter, Mary Baker. But William Rowsham, Sr. died before June of 1717 thought to be about 66 years of age. [See the suit of Anne Rowsham - v. - Robert Dewes, June Term 1717, Chancery Court, Charles Town, Carolina described below.]

“When Anne Rowsham’s father-in-law William Rowsham, Sr. convinced her to sign over to him

a Bond for 800 Pounds owed to her late husband (not named) by John Filbren, a former servant,

Rowsham assured her that in return he would leave her one third of his real and personal

property during her widowhood, and 200 Pounds Carolina currency. Following his death, Anne

learned to her dismay that instead she was to receive only one third of the profits of his estate,

and the use of one room in his house while she remained a widow. She took his Executor Robert

Dewes to Court in an attempt to force Dewes to honor the original agreement. In June of 1717

she described the deception to the Court of Chancery, complaining that Rowsham & Dewes had

tricked her…” [In the affairs of the World, Patriarchy, & Power in Colonial South Carolina, page


In 1696 John ffilben recieved 150 acres in Berkley county, Carolina.

"John ffhilben had a Warrant for 1000 acres of land dated ye 18th of August 1705." [Carolina]

John ffilben witnessed the Will of Landgrave Thomas Smith, May 6, 1708, South Carolina.

"In 1719 the following people were at Goose Creek:

The Izards

Edward Middleton

Arthur Middleton

GovernorJames Moore, a leader of the Goose Creek men.



Col. John Berringer

John Gibbs

Edward Hyrne

George Chicken, leader of the militia

Abraham Dupont

Edward Norman

John Filben

Joseph Thorowgood

Seaman Deas

& Thomas Monck"

Court of Chancery, case papers, 1700-1720, page 195, regarding the estate settlement of William Rowsham, Sr:

Robert Dews stated that he was aged thirty years or thereabouts, (b. ca. 1687) being duly

sworn in the Holy Evangelist & examined to the first interrogatory saith that he knew

both Mr. John Wright, dec’d, and Mr. John Brown, that he knew the plantation Mr.

Wright, dec’d, let to Mr. Brown, but knows nothing further relating to this


Such language is suggestive that the land discussed may have been part of the estate of William

Rowsham, Sr., and thus that Mr. Wright (Mr. John Wright, Indian Agent) was perhaps married

into this Rousham family, and possibly of Mr. John Brown, too. Records suggest that John

Wright was somehow connected to the Grant family that owned land on Goose Creek, as well.

The plantation owned by the Wrights, on the north bank of the Ashley River is now called “The

Oaks.” Upstream on the Ashley River was the old grant, residence, and plantation of Col.

Andrew Percival always known as “The Ponds.” Robert Dews had come into possession of 1000

acres of land adjacent to “The Ponds” before he made his Will in 1722.)

South Carolina Historical Magazine:

“…the plantation of the late William Rowsham where Mr. Robert Dews now lives…”

The Journal of the Board of Commissioners of Indian Affairs for April 17, 1711, page 6, refers to Mr. Wright - Agent, as “ye church att Goose Creeke wth materials for finishing same.” This church, not completed until 1719, was built on 16 acres given by Benjamin Godin. Note that John Wright, Indian Agent died in 1715, during the Yamesee Indian uprising, and a memorial was made to him in the churchyard.

On January 21, 1718, Bethel Dews, the first known son of Robert Dews, & Mary Baker, Dews was christened at St. Andrews, Dorchester, Carolina.

Dorchester Parish, along the Ashley River, being named for Dorchester,

Massachusetts, was settled January 26, 1696 by a group of New Englanders.

Dorchester Parish was established by the Proprietary Government that was

instituted by King Charles II in 1665.

The Church of St. Andrews, and Anglican Parish of St. Andrews, was

ordered by the Anglican Church in 1707. The upper part of St. Andrews

(Anglican Parish,) was the lower part of Dorchester (Proprietary

Parish/County. Offspring was St. George’s Parish, Dorchester Dec. 11, 1717)

The overlapping and duplicitous Parishes/Counties are confusing.

In 1718, after the birth of Bethel Dews, this youngster’s grandfather William Baker died at the age of sixty-two, & was buried in St. George’s Parish, Dorchester, South Carolina.

Court Documents in 1743 show that Bethel’s Dew’s grandfather William Baker left him a legacy of lots # 135 and #136 in Charleston, South Carolina, land granted to said grandfather about 70 years ago (1673.) It is said that William Baker had been born in about 1654, (in a place that later became St. George’s Parish, Dorchester, SC?) and he died in Charleston, SC in 1718.

Note that this specified birthplace given is unlikely, at that particular time. The first (South) Carolina settlers sailed in the Albemarle, the Port Royal, and the Carolina from England in 1669. They were struck by a hurricane near Barbados where the Albemarle was destroyed, and both other ships were damaged. It was in April of 1670 that the first settlers arrived aboard the Carolina, and another

Sloop from Barbados. They established the first settlement up the Ashley River at Albemarle Point. Today this area is Charles Town Landing, a state park. It is said thatmost of the original settlers were poor people from England and Barbados enticed by the offer of land for ½ cent per annum rent, but that within a year, wealthy Barbadian sugar planters and their slaves arrived in Charles Town to escape the constant threat of slave revolt, hurricanes, and disease epidemics in the Caribbean. My guess is that William Baker arrived in South Carolina with his parents Richard Baker & Elizabeth Wilson in 1681, being from England or Barbados. Also, we must note that from 1683 until 1707, only three counties existed in SC, Berkley, Colleton, and Craven. Parishes were formed from the Church Act of 1707. There were some earlier “residents” of the Ashley River area before the first fleet brought colonial settlers, other than native Indians. Captain Robert Sanford brought many of the settlers from Cape Fear to Ashley River during his 1666 exploration at the orders of Governor Yeamans of Barbados. On June 23, 1666 Sanford took formal possession of Carolina for England and the Lords Proprietors. No earlier settlement is known.

Richard Baker, Esqr., had a Warrant out of the Secretary’s Office dated the 23rd day of November 1694, signed by the Honorable Joseph Blake, Esqr., Landgrave & Governor of Carolina for fowre hundred and Twenty acres of land, on account of arrival rights, being for the arrivell of six persons. (Viz) Edward; William;Richard; Jane; Hannah; & Eliza. Baker, all which said persons were imported into the province of Carolina, on the proper Cost & Charge of the said Richard Baker. Recorded in the Secretary’s Office, the said Baker is to signe the Counterpart of ye Indented Deed within 90 days after the said Land is admeasured else the said Land is free to be run out Surveyed and Granted to any other person use whatsoever. - To Stephen Bull, Surveyor. Apparently they arrived in Carolina from Barbados before 1681.

Richard Baker, Esqr.,[bef. 1634 - July 24, 1698, Will proved] and his wife Elizabeth Wilson came to South Carolina from Barbados, and in 1681 he got a grant (from King Charles II) of 297 acres on the Ashley River April 1, 1683. He died in Berkley County, Carolina in 1698. Their issue:

William Baker [1654, Barbados - 1718, Archdale Hall, Ashley River]

marriedSusannah Rowsham,

Also inherited 4 slaves: Peggy, Andrew, Little Abraham, & Little Frank.

Edward Baker,

inherited 7 Slaves: Great Jack, wife, & 4 children; Tom, wife, and son.

Richard Baker, (Jr.) [?, Barbados - ca. 1752, Charleston, SC]

marriedSarah Archdale

inherited estate, no slaves.

John Baker,

inherited 6 Slaves: Mingo, Anabell and 3 children, Cuddeye.

Elizabeth Baker,


Inherited 8 slaves; Will, wife and 5 children, Bek.

Hannah Baker,

married John Palmer,

Inherited 6 slaves: Hector, wife & dau., Jammey, Old Robin,Moriah, Old Betty.

& Jane Baker,

married William Cantey,

Inherited slaves: Frank & 2 children, Flower, & children.

William Baker had a Warrant for 500 acres of land in Combee Island, dated September 4th, 1707.

(Came from Barbados in 1681?)

William Baker [1654, Barbados, or England, built (Archdale Hall) - perished in ca. 1718, Berkley, SC.]

He married Susannah Rowsham, daughter of William Rowsham, Sr. & Jordan Probst, perhaps in Barbados. William Baker of Dorchester, Carolina was named on a list of men who went to sea On Oct. 3, 1690 under the command of Capt. John Withington. Of about 75 men who departed, 48 were lost at sea. William Baker was lucky. He inherited his father's estate land in 1698, and built the multistory Georgian home that his younger brother later named Archdale Hall after 1718. He served on the Grand Council. His widow Susannah Baker was counted on the 1825 census of St. George’s Parish, Berkley Carolina. They issued at least four children:

Elizabeth Baker,

married Edmund Bellinger

Richard Baker,

married Mary Bohun, and Mary Quarterman

_____ Baker

Mary Baker,[ca.1700, SC - ca. 1721, St. Phillips, SC],

married Robert Dewes ca. 1717 in Charles Town, SC.

Capt. Richard Baker, Jr. born in Barbados, or England, inherited Archdale Hall, from his brotherWilliam Baker who built it, and renamed it after his wife. Sarah Archdale, whom he married on Dec. 17, 1718 in St. Helens, Bishopgate, London. He owned a large rice & indigo plantation on the north bank of the Ashley River, south of Dorchester. He was a rice planter, and owned his own twin mast river schooner, and pier on the river called Baker's Warf." He owned lots in Dorchester, one with a house and kitchen, and a rice warehouse. He perished in Charleston, SC in ca. 1752.

Bethel Dews (age 5) had become orphaned in ca. 1722, and his uncle Richard Baker had sold lot #136 to Daniel Cartwright, of Ashley Ferry, and Cartwright re-surveyed it, and sold half with a house to John Moore by 1736. Eliza Moore, widow of John Moore claimed she had lived in this house on this property that her husband had acquired for 1000 Pound, for the last nine years when Bethel Dews filed suit to reclaim his legacy, as he had just become 21 years of age.

In ca. 1720, a Robert Dews was identified on an early SC Jury List (probably in Berkley County, Carolina.)

In ca. 1721, William Dews, the second known son of Robert Dews & Mary Baker was born probably in St. Andrews Parish, Carolina.

Mary Baker, Dews wife of Robert Dews, died shortly after the birth of

William Dews, and Mary was deceased at the time her husband made his Will in 1722.

On August 27, 1722, Robert Dews, at age 35 was ill, and made his Will in Charles Town, Carolina [South Carolina Wills, Vol. I (1722-1724), page 4, and Will Book (1600-1740) page 78:

The LW&T ofRobert Dews gives:

Sons: Bethel Dews, (500+500 +300 acres) &

William Dews (500+500 acres). Both sons were bequeathed 500

acres of land each on the north side of the Santee River, & 500

acres of land each near Mr. Percivial’s plantation Called “Ponds”(This refers to Col. Andrew Percival who was granted land called “the Ponds” in 1682. This land was where Colonel George Chicken of the Goose Creek militia inflicted a massive defeat upon the Yamasse Indians in 1715.) Each son received 11 slaves from Robert’s estate, and two additional slaves were to be sold to pay Robert Dews debts.

The Will mentions “eldest son, Bethel Dews (age 5) also to have

additional 300 acres of land near Point Royal, Beaufort, Carolina, and a lot of land I bought from Mr. Amory.

My “youngest son, William Dews (age 3) to have two lots near &

without the walls of Charles City.

The Will also designates Madam Hague to be consulted about the

education of the sons of Robert Dews when they are six years of

age. [Madam Lelia “ Selia” Skene, Haige (Haig)(Hague) was the

widow of Obediah Haig, and the daughter of John Skene, and

his wife Hellena Fullerton.] She was a sister-in-law of Robert Dews by the marriage of her brother Alexander Skene & Jemima Dews, Kenny.

Executors: Arthur Middleton, Esq.,[spouse: 1.Sarah Amory; 2. (1723)

Sarah Ayers, d/o Thomas Ayers & Mary Haig.]

Edward Smith, (came from Barbados to Charleston in 1678 on the


Madam Hague, (Guardian of Bethel & William Dews)

Witnesses: Jos. Barry, Jr., By 1735 removed up the Black River to Williamsburg, SC.

Elizabeth Dennis, Jr.

Elizabeth Barry

This Will was proved on October 18, 1722, indicating that Robert Dews was deceased before this date.

The Huguenots of South Carolina, page 309: "Mr. James Douglas is Master of the Public School at Charleston...Mr. Joseph Barry is his Usher..." (ca. 1714)

The Executors were relations of Robert Dews, and the Witnesses were relations of Mary Baker,

by the legal tradition in the making of a Will.

Robert Dews was buried at St. Phillip’s in Charles Town on 2 Sept. 1722, next to his previously deceased wife Mary.

The Middleton family was of Bermuda, and Barbados while elements of the

Barry, and Leslie families were of Barbados in 1679.

Lelia “Selia” Skene, Hague, widow of Obadiah Hague, was born

April 2, 1673 probably in Scotland, and came from Aberdeen, Scotland

with her parents John Skene & Hellena Fullerton, Skene and most of the

children. They arrived in October 1682 in New Jersey on The Golden Lion when

she was nine years of age. They were Quakers, and settled on a plantation that he

named “Peachfield”near Burlington, NJ. Their father had been formerly

imprisoned for Quakerism in Scotland, being released on Feb. 9, 1677. This

persecution prompted their removal to America. The father, John Skene was

appointed Deputy Governor of West New Jersey from 1685 to the time of his

death in 1690. His Will is dated August 19, 1690, and he left all his estate to

Helena for her to divide among the children. His Will refers to heirs “Alexander

Skeen and five other children.” After John’s death,Helena moved to

Philadelphia, PA., but his son Alexander, and daughter Lelia returned to the established Quaker church after his death. Alexander who was 20 years of age, and Lelia Skeen who was 17 years of age remained living together in New Jersey. Only four years later, Alexander Skene was appointed Secretary to the Governor of Barbados. He and his sister Lelia went to Barbados in 1694 where he served in Office until April 28, 1696. On January 26, 1698, Alexander Skeen married a widow, Mrs. Jemima Kenny, whom the records imply was actually nee Jemima Dews, a sister of Robert Dews. Alex served a second term in Barbados.

Children: 1. Jane Skene, born in Barbados

2. Lila Skene, born in Barbados

3. John Skene, born in Charles Town, Carolina

4. Alexander Skene, born in Charles Town, Carolina

On June 1, 1701, Lelia Skene married Obadiah Haig (Hague) [1650 Barbados - ca. 1701 at sea] in Barbados, West Indies, but her husband died on a trip to New Jersey (date unknown, possibly in late 1701.)

Obadiah Haig apparently explored and traded in the up country of Carolina in the 1680’s, and fathered some children Mary Haig, & Charity Haig by a woman of Keowee. He also had offspring in Barbados in the late 1690s, and had business dealings in New Jersey, and probably Pennsylvania. Obadiah Haig accumulated considerable wealth before he died in 1701, and some of his children may have migrated to Pennsylvania. John Haig who was kidnapped by the Indians in 1741 could have been his grandson. If so then he was the great grandfather of the notorious John Girty. He is also believed to be the father of an Obediah Haig, and George Haig, Jr., the latter believed to be dwelling in his widow’s Lilia Haig’s household in St. George’s Parish, Berkley, SC in 1725. The preceding establishes a sister-in-law relationship between Robert Dews and Madam Lelia Hague that would make her an aunt, by marriage, of Bethel & William Dews, explaining why she became the overseer and guardian of these orphans also counted in her 1725 household in St. George’s Parish, Berkley, Carolina.

It is of some interest that Alexander Skene’s son John mentions in his Will, a gold watch, and seal (Signet Ring) with his mother’s coat of arms, a buck’s head with the motto “Luceo non Uro” deducing that she descended from a cadet line of the Mackenzies of Seafroth, Scotland. There is some concern that this may have been the seal and coat of arms of her first husband, (John?) Kenney. It might also be noted as probable that this family heirloom came from Jemima Dew’s mother, who is deemed of Scotch origin. She is believed to have been Mary McKenzie.

South Carolina was desperate for skilled and unskilled labor at this time,

and Alexander Skene had a large establishment of agricultural workers.

One of the proprietors of South Carolina, John Colleton persuaded Alexander to move from Barbados to South Carolina between 1707 and 1711. It is not known if Madam Lelia Skene, Hague, and Robert Dews came at the same time with Alexander Skene, but they all came at about the same time. By August 6, 1720, Alexander Skene purchased 3,000 acres for 300 Pounds in Carolina near the present day town of Summerville.

He called the estate “New Skeen.” He also acquired four tracts of land on

the Pee Dee, the Black, and the Mccimaw rivers in Carolina. Alexander Skene, and his sister Lelias Haig, both of the Quaker viewpoint, were the first slave owners in South Carolina to encourage missionary activities among their slaves while other slave owners flatly refused to have their slaves converted.

In 1713, Reverend E. Taylor of St. Andrews wrote:

“As I am a minister of Christ, and of the Church of England, and a Missionary of the most Christian Society in the whole world, I think it is my indispensable and special duty to do all that in me lies to promote the conversion and salvation of the poor heathens here, and more especially of the Negro and Indian slaves in my own parish, which I hope I can truly say I have been sincerely and earnestly endeavoring ever since I was a minister here where there are many Negro and Indian slaves in a in a most pitiful deplorable and perishing condition tho’ little pitied by many of their masters and their conversion and salvation little desired and endeavored by them. If the Masters were but good Christians themselves and would but concurre with the ministers, we should then have good hopes of the conversion and salvation at least of some of their Indian and Negro slaves. But too many of them oppose rather than concur with us, I am sure I may say with me for endeavoring as much as I doe the conversion of their slaves…

I cannot but honour Madame Haigue…in my parish a very considerable number of Negroes who were very loose and wicked and little inclined to Christianity before her coming among them I cannot but honor her so much…as to acquaint the Society with the extraordinary pains this gentle woman, and one Madam Edwards, that came with her, have taken to instruct those Negros in the principles of Christian religion, and to instrct and inform them: And the wonderful success they have met with in about half a year’s time in this great and good work. Upon these gentle women’s desiring me to come and examine these Negroes…I went and among other things I asked them who Christ was. They readily answered, He is the Son of God and Saviour of the world and they told me they embraced Him with all their hearts as such, and I desired them to rehearse the Apostle’s Creed, and the Ten Commandments, and the Lord’s Prayer, which they did very distinctly and perfectly. 14 of them gave to me so great satisfaction, and were so very desirous to be baptized that I thought it my duty to baptize them, and therefore I baptized these 14 last Lord’s Day. And I doubt not but these gentlewomen will prepare the rest of them for baptism in a short time.” [Journal, Vol. II, Oct. 6, 1713]

Besides Mrs. Haigue, and Mrs. Edwards, “other liberal owners were John Morris of St. Bartholomew, Lady Moore,Captain David Davis, Mrs. Sarah Baker at Goose Creek, Landgrave Joseph Morton and his wife of St. Paul’s, the Governor and member of the Assembly, Mr. (Alexander) Skeen, and his wife Mrs. (Jemima Dewes) Skeen. “ [Classified Digest of the Records of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, p 15]

Alexander Skene was a member of the Council under the Proprietary Government in 1717, and in 1719, he took a prominent roll in the overthrow of the Proprietary Government. The revolt was occasioned by the Proprietor’s refusal to protect new lands on the Carolina frontier. The Council asked sitting Governor Robert Johnson, the son of Sir Nathaniel Johnson, to continue in the roll of executive but in the name of the King & Carolina, however Robert demurred, citing the rights of the Lords Proprietors. However, soon the English King interceded, and revoked the Proprietary Charter for cause, and Carolina became a Royal Colony.

Col.James Moore [ca. 1682, Charles Town, Carolina - 3 March 1722, Carolina] assumed the Carolina, transitional Executive position by military force. His colonial wife was Elizabeth Beresford, by whom he had six children. Col. James Moore entered a consort relationship with Sarah Ayres, Morton, Wilkinson a mixed Cherokee daughter of Mary Haig & Thomas Ayers, Indian Trader, Trustee of Georgia colony. Moore consorted with her subsequent to ongoing meetings after the 1716 negotiations with the Cherokee, Wateree, & Catawaba Indians regarding a Fort at Congaree. Charity Haig was his interpreter. When Col. James Moore died in 1723, his consort Sarah married Arthur Middleton, Esq., five months later in 1723. Arthur was a nephew of Robert Dews who died in 1722, the year before. Arthur Middleton, Esq. died on 7 September 1737 in Berkley County, Carolina, and on 22 Jan. 1739, James, John, &Jahu Moore of St. James, Goose Creek, Berkley, Carolina, & Elizabeth Moore, widow, gave 900 acres to Sarah Middleton, widow of Arthur. The above children of Col James Moore who gave this plantation held Sarah in very high regard.

A man named Thomas Ayres came from Barbados to Carolina and died

there about 1691. He was said to be a bachelor in Charles Town, but that

does not mean he did not have Indian offspring while trading. He may

have had several mixed children, and the younger Thomas Ayres who

became a patentee of Charles Town in 1704, & in Beaufort about 1707 could have been his one of his sons. He was a “turn of the century” Indian Trader licensed in 1707. Thomas Ayres had a Warrant for five hundred acres of land in or near Charles Towne, Carolina, “on ye 30th June 1704,” and he is believed to be the same wealthy man who later removed to England (by 1730) and became a Trustee for the Colony of Georgia. A son of the second Thomas Ayres (Eyres) became one of Oglethorpe’s Indian Agents. This son, Ensign Thomas Ayres was sent as Georgia’s Agent to the Cherokees & to the Creeks, at various times. It seems that the later also had some Indian offspring too for there was a Catawba Indian Chief called Colonel Ayres who was an interpreter for his tribe in 1761.

History of Beaufort, South Carolina 1514-1861, pages 83-83:

“After 1707 Traders had to be Licensed, and many new Beaufort patentees acquired them including:

William Bray Richard Hatcher

Samuel Hilden Thomas Ayres

John Fraser Edmund Ellis

Daniel Claban Alexander Nicholas

Alexander Mackey Capt. John Cochran”

Samuel Warner

Robert Johnson was the son of Sir Nathaniel Johnson and wife Lady Anne Overton. His father was born in County Durham, England and had been named by the King of England as Governor of the Leeward Islands, West Indies in 1686 through 1689. After the King died, Nathaniel resigned his office, and his wife and children sailed for England but were captured by the French, and held for a year. His wife died in a French prison. After negotiating the release of his captive children, Nathaniel Johnson sailed for Charles Town, where he established a silk plantation on Cooper’s River he called “Silk Hope” with 24,000 mulberry trees. He became one of the largest slave owners in Carolina, and served as Provincial Governor of Carolina from 1703 to 1709. After the death of his son Robert, this plantation eventually came into possession of Gabriel Manigault [1704-1781], and remained in his family until 1890.

30 April 1717: Robert Johnson was Commissioned Governor of Carolina by Lord Carteret. It was at a time when the disaffection of the colonists toward the Lords Proprietors was beginning to develop into a rebellion. Robert Johnson came to Charles Town from the West Indies in the fall of 1717 to replace Landgrave Robert Daniels, the acting Governor, vice Charles Craven who had resigned and returned home to England. One of Robert Johnson’s first Orders was to arm two ships to interdict the pirates that were terrorizing the Carolina coastline. Under the command of Col. Wm. Rhett, these ships captured Pirate Captain Stede Bonnet at Cape Fear that year.

In 1716, Gov. Robert Johnson sent Col. James Moore to the Congaree where Charity Haig, “Smallpox Conjurer,” a multilingual interpreter, helped him negotiate a treaty with the Congaree to build a Fort near their village, to protect the traders, and to discourage uprisings like the disastrous Yamessee War. Mary Haig’s consort Thomas Ayers, consulted regarding the construction and layout of Fort Congaree that was finished before 1722. Col. James Moore entered a consort relationship with Mary Haig’s daughterSarah Ayers, Morton, Wilkinson as a result of negotiations at Congaree. The matriarchal Cherokees tolerated bigamy.

Robert Johnson resigned as Carolina Governor in 1719. At that time Johnson turned down an offer to assume transitional power at the request and on the authority of Alexander Skene, President of the Commons House of Assembly Council after they cast off control of the Lords Proprietors.

When Johnson declined, and returned to England, Col. James Moore ascended to Govern under transitional military rule, until England could appoint a Royal Governor in place of the former proprietary Governor. Moore consorted with nee Sarah Ayres while he was transitional Governor of Carolina.

However, Robert Johnson later returned from England, when he was appointed Royal Governor in 1731 until his death on 3 May 1735. A memorial was erected to him in the St. Phillips Church in Charles Town. But Governor Robert Johnson created nine new townships in 1731. One of them was Saxe Gotha, which was a precursor to the town of Columbia on the Congaree. His brother-in-law Thomas Broughton, assumed gubernatorial duties when Robert Johnson died.

John Amory, freeholder and Yeoman, native of Boston, Lincolnshire, England, decided to migrate to the Colony of Georgia, and he negotiated a grant of 150 acres in the Whitehall plantation area, securing it with his estate in Lincolnshire. In 1737, John Amory, and his wife Sarah, arrived in Georgia with their friend Isaac Gibbs and settled upon Pipemaker’s Creek. Amoryliked the grant, and industriously worked it for nearly a year, but was troubled because he could not get his land surveyed, and a title recorded, thus he decided to secure 500 acres of land in Purrysburg, SC in December of 1737. But was persuaded to move to Charles Town the next year by Thomas Johnson, son of the late Governor.

In 1738 John Amory became steward of the household of the late Governor Robert Johnson, and lived in his house in Charles Town. Johnson’s youngest son had recently returned to England, and fever had killed the rest of the family.

While residing in the late Robert Johnson’s house in Charles Town, John Amory hosted delegations of Indians who came to conduct tribal business. Attending some of those delegations was a Cherokee woman who was multilingual speaking both European, and Native American tongues. This Cherokee woman was also the translator for Thomas Ayers, the younger, being Cherokee Agent for Georgia. In 1744 she had a son by John Amory she named John Emory. In 1743, Carolina sent for Thomas Ayers to advise them on construction of a Fort at Purrysburg. This Cherokee woman is believed to have been descended from Mary Haig & Thomas Ayers the elder. John Amory soon entered the Indian Fur Trade business, and it was the main occupation of his sons.

There was another Robert Johnson that died that year, but his Will was proved on 25 March 1735. He was the son of the Governor mentioned above, and died of Yellow fever. His Will made on 3 April 1725 in St. George’s Parish, Berkley County, Carolina, and his Will was Executed by the son of Alexander Skene, Esq, President of aforesaid Council, whose name was also Alexander Skene, Esq, this indicating that the son had married one of Robert Johnson’s daughters, either Maul, or Nancy, the other married daughter was the wife of Thomas Waring, Esq., (who was an alternate Executor, in caseAlexander Skene, Esq. was dead.) Another of Robert’s married daughters,Peggy who belonged to William Downing, Esq. (I believe William Downing’s mother, Frances Downing was the same as the Mrs. Donning mentioned in Lilias Skene, Haig’s Will of 1742. Robert Johnson’s first wife was already dead when he made his Will in 1725.) Robert’s Will also mentions two daughters unmarried and under the age of 18 who were Elizabeth & Sarah. Robert’s Will mentions two sons; Robert 80 acres and house I now live in, and William, 50 acres, both under 21.

But Robert Johnson stated in his Will that he had “intentions to marry an Indian woman named Catherina, and to give her residency in my house, and maintenance as long as she remains unmarried, if she marries then 100 Pounds, said woman is now with child who is to have equal share with my other children at 21 if a boy, at 18 if a girl.” His Will was witnessed by Wm. Wallace, T. Narod, andRobert Hume. His Will was signed by his mark, thought to usually indicate illiteracy.

Arthur Middleton, Esq., [1681, SC - 1737, Goose Creek, Berkley Co., Carolina] (who witnessed the Will ofRobert Dews,) was a son of Edward Middleton that immigrated to Barbados, from London, England with his father Henry Middleton [1612, Middlesex, Eng. - 1680, Barbados.] Of Edward's brothers, Benjamin Middleton, the oldest, remained Planting in Bermuda, but his younger brothers Edward, & Arthur Middleton came to Carolina. The Middletons attempted to start new Sugar estates in Antigua, but lost heart when the French plundered the Island in the 1660s. Brothers Edward and Arthur Middleton both followed John Colleton's urging to come to Carolina.

Middleton origins:

John Middleton, a Tobacco Suit in Court - 1625- "Memorials of Bermuda"

Richard Middleton of London, a Burgess of Bermuda in 1623. He was from Middlesex,

Eng. and he died in 1654. He was the father of Edward Middleton mentioned below.

Edward Middleton [1612, Middlesex, Eng. - 1680, Barbados], who arrived in Bermuda on

the "Dorsett" in 1635. He was probably a younger brother of John Middleton, mentioned above. Edward Middleton was the father of Henry Middleton [1612-1680] - a

Sergeant at Arms under King Charles I, and Cromwell. Henry Middleton issued sons

Benjamin (Bermuda planter,) and also Edward, & Arthur Middleton - Goose Creek


Solomon Middleton, probably a descendant of either John or of Richard, came to

Carolina from Bermuda in 1710. Solomon had a son named Lewis Middleton who

became the husband, in 1773, of Capt . William Dewe's step-daughter, Jane Mary

Mongin. There was a Captain of Bermuda named Lewis Middleton who in 1710

recaptured the salt ponds of Turk Island, a Bermudian possession, from the Spanish.

The subject ArthurMiddleton was a son of Edward Middleton. His mother was Sarah Dew, Fowell, widow of Richard Fowell, a mariner, whose Will was proved in 1687 in Barbados, with witnesses: brother, John Fowell, andJohn Strand. Exors: Widow Sara Fowell, brother John Fowell, & Edward Middleton.

Estate: 30 ton “Mary of Carolina

Personal estate: 332 Pounds

Slaves: 164 Pounds

Sara Fowell & Edward Middleton were married prior to June 19th 1679 when Edward Middleton & John Fowell leased the ship “Mary of Carolina” toMaurice, & James Moore.

Richard Fowell was described as “a friend & business associate of Edward Middleton, in Barbados & Charles Town.”

In 1678 Edward Middleton & Sarah were preparing to go to Charles Town, Carolina. Their final removal to the mainland may not have occurred until 1682.


You are to admeasure and lay out for Edwd Middleton & Arthur Middleton,

Gent., Seventeen Hundred & Eighty Acres of land in some place not yet layd out,

or marked to be layd out, for any other person or use, and if the same happen

upon any navigable river, or capable of being made navigable, you are to allow

only the 5th part of the depth by the water side, and a Certificate specifying the

bounds and Scituation thereof, your are to returne to us, with all convenient

speed, and for your doing this shall be your sufficient Warrant dated ye 7th day

of Sept. 1678.

To Capt. Maurice MatthewsJoseph West

Surveyor Generall Richard Conant John Godfrey

William Owen Stephen Bull

This 1780 acre tract of land was located 14 miles north of Charles Town.

28 June 1680: A Warrant for Mr. Edward Middleton and his wife Sarah the

“Relict of Richard ffowell, deceased.” [Carolina Land Warrants]

Richard Fowell died on Barbados. His Will was proved on 1678 and was

witnessed by his brother John Fowell, and John Strand.

Edward Middleton also purchased his brother Arthur’s share of land grant, and

another 3130 acres. Edward & Sarah Dewe, Fowell, Middleton called their

home on this vast plantation “the Oaks.”

Edward Middleton, died unexpectedly and without a Will in 1685 in South

Carolina. His widow, Sara was appointed Executor of his estate, and she

acquired absolute title to “the Oaks plantation” and the bulk of his estate.

Their son, Arthur Middleton, Esq. was active in public life, and he presided over the convention, whose members included Alexander Skene, that in 1719 overthrew the Lords Proprietors of South Carolina. He owned over 8,547 acres of land on Goose Creek, Berkley Co., Carolina, and land in Suffolk, England. Arthur was a nephew of Robert Dews , and he Executed the 1722 Will of this uncle in Charles Town, Carolina, even though Robert used generic term “my well beloved friends” for all his Executors. Unfortunately, this phrase was often used to cover all second order relations like cousins, and nephews, etc. Arthur’s widowed aunt Lilias Hague was named as an Executor of Robert’s Will, and he chose her as Guardian for his minor children. Arthur’s father Edward Middleton married one of Robert Dew’s sisters Sarah Dewe, widow of Richard Fowell.

Arthur Middleton married 1st to Sarah Amory, who was an infant daughter of Jonathan Amory & Martha in Jan. of 1700. Sarah was an orphan and the Ward of Sarah Rhett, the widow of Col. Wm. Rhett. They had four children, and Sarah Amory died about 1722.

Arthur Middleton married 2nd to Sarah Ayres, (Wood?,) Morton, Wilkerson, Moore, at least twice a widow, in 1723. [It is also claimed that she was first married to the Rev. Alexander Wood, and that they came to Charleston in 1707.If so, then they probably came from Georgia.] She was a daughter of Thomas Ayres, an early Carolina Trader, & his wife Mary Haig, a sister of Charity Haig called “Smallpox Conjurer,” of Keowee. Mary was probably a daughter of Obadiah Haig, who was also married last to Lilia Skene.

The wealthy Trader Thomas Eyres removed to England before 1730 & became a Trustee for Georgia. He apparently had a son named Thomas Eyre who met Oglethorpe in 1737 at the Palace Court in England. Oglethorpe commissioned the young Ayres as a Cadet, or Ensign in his Georgia militia, and he became Georgia’s Indian Agent to the Cherokees in 1739. Trader Thomas Ayres may have also left a daughter Mary Ayres in Charleston, who married William Carr. These siblings were either full, or half related.

From: The 1725 census of St. George’s Parish, Carolina: Observe that Rev. Francis Varnod, Anglican Minister of St. George’s Parish of Carolina, failed to understand the Anglican Church’s directions just to count the inhabitant, and he actually made a concise census of St. George’s Parish, indicating the name of the head of household, the Anglican dissenters (Quakers, Baptists, Congregationalists, etc, by the letter “D”, white people in the home by men, women, and children (first three digits) and slaves by men, women, and children (last three digits.) People of particular interest counted on this census were:

Alexander Skeene, Esqr. [3-2-1] [27-18-32]

Thomas Smith “D” [1-1-5][0-0-0]

Lilia Hague [1-1-2][15-6-7]

Sush. Baker “D” [3-3-5][26-17-18],Widow of Wm. Baker?

Walter Izard [2-1-4][29-23-39], m: 19 May 1713 St. Geo., Mary Turgis

“widow” Izard [0-1-2][2-1-2] Widow of Benjamin Izard?

Jos’h Blake [1-1-3][16-17-20]

It is my opinion that the data for Lilia Hague shows that she employed the services of an

“overseer” who was her step-son George Haig, Jr., and that she and the two orphans of

Robert Dews, being the youngsters Bethel, and William Dews, her wards, were

dwelling in her household, along with 28 Slaves - of which slaves, 22 of them were

probably from the estate of Robert Dews.

From: Petitions for Land from (South) Carolina Council Journals, page 213:

Petition dated January 20, 1731:

“Read the Petition of Bethwell (sic) & William Dewes humbly shewing, that Mrs. Lelia Haig Guardian of the Petitioners, did in the year 1731 obtain a Warrant dated January 20 from his late Excellency Governor (Robert) Johnson for 350 acres of land being in proportion to said family right…

St. Johns Esq. then Survey General, issued his Precept for surveying the same, agreeable Mr. John Stephens did survey the land and platted the same, but on the Petitioners taking possession of the estate could find no grant… but the Taxes being paid… (Therefore, the Petitioners requested issuance of a Grant, which was subsequently issued.)”

On 2 October 1735, Bethel Dewes received a grant for 640 acres in Berkley, Carolina.

In 1735, Augusta, Georgia was settled, and by 1739 records show that, in

addition to great bounty from the harvest of tillage, “one hundred thousand weight of skins was brought from thence.” The following 1739 records reveal:

“A List of such Traders, Men, and Horses, as come from other Parts and only pass

through or by Augusta in their way to the Creek Nation:”

Mess. Wood and Brown, from South Carolina 8 men 60 horses

Daniel Clarke, from South Carolina 4 men 20 horses

Archibald McGilvray, from South Carolina 3 men 18 horses

George Cossons, from South Carolina 4 men 30 horses

Jeremiah Knott, from South Carolina 4 men 30 horses

Messrs. Spencer, from Mount Pleasant 3 men 16 horses

“ Gilmore, from Mount Pleasant 4 men 20 horses

“ Barnett, from Mount Pleasant 3 men 20 horses

“ Ladson, from Mount Pleasant 3 men 20 horses

James Cossons, from South Carolina 5 men 30 horses

George Golphin, from South Carolina 4 men 25 horses

William Sleuthers, from South Carolina 4 men 25 horses

(first two Traders mentioned were Alexander Wood, and Patrick Brown - S. Due)

“A List of the Whole Inhabitants of the Township of Augusta, Georgia:”

Mr. Kennedy O Brien 5 men 3 women 0 children

Thomas Smith 1 man 1 woman 0 children

Messrs Mackenzie and Frazer 5 men 1 woman 0 children

John Miller 2 men 1 woman 1 child

Thomas Goodale 2 men 1 woman 2 children

Samuel Brown 2 men 1 woman 1 child

Sanders Ross 2 men 0 women 0 children

A. Sadler 1 man 1 woman 1 child

A. Taylor 1 man 1 woman 0 children

William Clark 1 man 1 woman 0 children

Henry Overstreet 1 man 1 woman 4 children

Locklan McBean 2 men 2 women 1 child

William Gray 4 men 0 women 0 children

William Calabern 0 men 2 women 2 children

“A List of Traders, Men, and Horses employed from Augusta in the Chickasaw and

Creek Trade:”

George Mackay 4 men 20 horses

Henry Elsey 3 men 20 horses

Messrs Facey and Macqueen 6 men 40 horses

John Wright 4 men 20 horses

John Gardner 3 men 20 horses

William Calabern 3 men 15 horses

Tho. Andrews, in Creek and Chickasaw Nations 8 men 70 horses

Thomas Daval 3 men 20 horses

John Cammell 3 men 20 horses

Paul Rundall 3 men 20 horses

Nicholas Chinery 3 men 20 horses

William Newberry 3 men 20 horses

In 1740, Bethel Dewes (age 23) was on Pettit Jury Duty in St. Georges Parish, Dorchester, Carolina.

On May 8, 1740, Bethel Dews married Margaret Croskeys, (a daughter of

John Croskeys & Sarah Matthews,) in Charles Town, Carolina.

Between Sept. 1742 and May 1743, a Captain William Dews (age about 21) of the (South) Carolina militia, appears on several SC Assembly documents regarding certificates for goods or services provided the public “during the late alarm.”

Jan. 29th 1742: Journal of the Commons House of Assembly, Colonial Records of (South) Carolina, page 206:

“The Petition of Eliza Moore to the General Assembly was read, setting forth that the late Daniel Cartwright, deceased, had heretofore bought of Mr. Richard Baker, of Ashley Ferry, for a valuable consideration, a lot of land in Charles Town distinguished and known in the Model, or Plan of the said town, by the number 136. One half of the said town lot was surveyed and laid out by Mr. George Hunter and Mr. George Haig, and was sold again by the said Daniel Cartwright with a dwelling house thereon to your poor Petitioner’s husbandJohn Moore, deceased, for about One Thousand Pounds, this currency, where your poor Petitioner has lived about nine years. And lately, one Bethel Dews, an orphan, puts in a claim to all, or the major part, of the said Town Lot of land No., 136 with the dwelling house thereon, he pretending to have a prior and better right thereto, saying that his grandfather left him the Town Lots of land, No., 134 and 135 which were granted about 70 years ago, (ca. 1672) containing half an acre in front, and says that the Petitioner’s dwelling house stands upon this land, and has already arrested the poor Petitioner for a Trespass, notwithstanding when the half lot No., 136 were bought, both the Surveyors did affirm that Mr. Dews had a right to only a small gore of land.”

Comment: William Rousham, or Rowsham, Sen., who perished in May of 1717, received grants of Charles Town Lots mentioned above in about 1672, and left them to his daughter Susannah Rowsham, Baker, wife of William Baker. William Baker perished in 1718 not long after his grandson Bethel Dewes was born, and with Susannah’s consent, he left the infant Bethel Dewes a legacy of these lots from his wife’s inheritance, lots formerly granted to & held by William Rowsham, Sr. - S. Due

SC Will Book (1742-1756), page 13, October 21, 1742:

LW&T of Lillia “Sellia” Haige, Berkley County, South Carolina

nephew: John Skene, lot in Beaufort, Point Royal, disqualified to Execute her Will.

He was born in 1703, and married Hannah Palmer.

Arthur Skene, under 21

cousin: John Fullerton, near Montrain, Scotland

also mentions: To Mr. Bethel Dews, (25) land situate between the land of late

John Brown, and the land of his brother William Dews;

ToWilliam Dews, (21) my plantation joining the land.

Lelia Haig was an aunt by marriage only to Bethel & William

Dews, therefore she did not mention them as her nephews…even

though she had taken them as Wards when they were orphaned.

Executors: Col. Blake (referring to Landgrave, Col. Joseph Blake)

Walter Izard, Sr. (married Mary Turgis)

Ralph Izard, Jr.(married Magdalene “Margaret” de Chastaigner)

Witnesses: William Power

Joseph Arden

William Leslie

CODICIL: dated June 1, 1742:

Mentions: Col. Blake, all my books (Col. Joseph Blake [1700 - bef. July 1751, at sea])

To Mrs. Blake, such things as are of my own working (Mrs. Sarah

Lindrey, Blake, wife of Col. Joseph Blake, Landgrave & Lord Proprietor, SC)

Nephew Alexander Skene (married a d/o Robert Johnson - a son of theGov.)

Mrs. Donning(See Deed below. Refers to Frances Donning, widow, whose son

William Donning married Peggy Johnson, d/o Robert Johnson - a son of the Gov.)

Mrs. Dew (Margaret Croskeys, Dew, wife of Bethel Dew)

Granddaughter: Elizabeth Baker

Mrs. Rosham, of Dorchester (this may refer to the widow of

William Rowsham, Sr., being Ann Welsh, Dew, Rowsham?)

Witness: Robert Wright, Ex-Chief Justice of Charleston

Lilias Skene, Haig had no qualified blood relatives living when she made her Will. Her great nephews were underage. She mentioned only one direct descendant, a granddaughter named Elizabeth Bakerin her Will above, possibly the daughter of a deceased daughter who married a Baker.

Clearly a close relationship existed between Lilias Skene, Haig, and her ExecutorCol.

Joseph Blake. One relationship existed through Blake’s wife Sarah Lindrey, who was the daughter of Daniel & Elizabeth Lindrey that were married 16 June 1720. One of Sarah’s sisters, Rebecca Lindrey also married Ralph Izard.

The Will of Daniel Lindrey 20 Feb. 1752 gives children: Daniel, William, Ann, & Rebecca Izard, wife of Ralph.

There may have been other ways, too, as Elizabeth Lindrey’s maiden name is unknown, and Daniel Lindrey’s ancestry is also unknown.

Another relationship was through Mary Turgis who married Walter Izard, one of her Executors. Mary Turgis was the daughter of Francis Turgis &Elizabeth Axtell, who as a widow had married Admiral & Governor Joseph Blake, father of Col. Joseph Blake the Executor for Lilias Haig, widower.

Why was her stepson George Haig, Jr. not involved in her Will? For one thing George Haig, Jr., had evolved into one of those rough-and-tumble frontier Indian Traders, prone to drink excessively, and get involved in shady business. Lilias left him no legacy, and may not have wanted him to be involved in the disposition of her Will, but this is a guess. For unknown reasons her nephew John Skene was deemed incompetent, unavailable, or unsatisfactory as her Executor.

Lilia’s other two Executors were her nephews by marriage, Ralph & Walter Izard. Her brother, Alexander Skene, was married to Jemima Dew, a sister of Mary Dew, Smith, Middleton, Izard who was the mother of Ralph (age 54) & Walter Izard (age 50). The aforesaid elders were all deceased, except for the testator, Lilias Skene, Haig.

Charleston, SC Deed Book D3, pp 26-27

1765: William Donning, planter of St. George’s Parish, Dorchester, Berkley Co. to Daniel Doyley of Charleston, for 60,000 Pounds currency, 1400 acres in said Parish, being the remainder of 2400 acres after allotting 1000 acres to Francis Daniel, an infant; the 1400 acres bounding SE on Daniel Blake & said Francis Daniel; SW on Samuel Hamlin & Co., Richard Bedon; NW on Thomas Broughton (now belonging to Benjamin Coachman) & heirs of Mr. Sommer; NE on Mr. Waring.

Whereas Francis Donning, widow, mother of William Donning, owned about 2400 acres in St. George Parish known as “The Ponds of Weston Hall,” on which she lived for many years before her death, & by her Will in 1752 devised the land to her son William Donning & her daughter Frances, since dead (Frances receiving 1000 acres called “The Ponds,” William the remainder): & whereas Francis, the daughter married Adam Daniel, Esq., of said Parish, & had one daughter, Frances, now an infant; & whereas William had been asked for and has been granted a partition of the property; the SE part (or 1000 acres) being allotted to Frances Daniel, the infant; now William sells his share to Doyley. Wit: James Sanders, John Calvert. Before George Johnson, JP. Recorded 2 Sept. 1765 byFenwike Bull, Register.

Platt shows: Nathaniel Bradwell, D. S., & John De Girardeau, D. S., at request ofMiles Brewton, Adam Daniel, & Daniel Doyley, resurveyed lands granted… [long description follows…]

Note also that Adam Daniel, Esq., [1734 Charleston, SC - 18 Jan. 1767, Dorchester, SC], a grandson of Landgrave Robert Daniel, Gov. of SC, married Frances Donning, and Annie Blake.

In 1706 aWilliam Wilkins (of Jamaica?) bought 617 acres of land on James Island, from Captain David Davis. Wilkins lived in Charleston, SC, and used slave labor to till the plantation on James Island.

William Wilkins was marriedElizabeth Davis, presumably the daughter of said Capt. David Davis, from whom he bought his plantation on James Island.

On November 4, 1712, a William Wilkins & wife Elizabeth sold 600 acres in Colleton County, for 150 Pounds currency, to Timothy Bellamy, feltmaker. Both Wilkins & Bellamy were residents of Charleston, SC.

In 1718 & 1719 a Mr. William Wilkins & Mr. John Hearn were tax officials for James Island.

William Wilkins married on 13 June 1728 to Sarah Matthews, Croskeys, widow of John Croskeys, in Charles Town, SC.

In 1741 aWilliam Wilkins sold his 617acre plantation on James Island to Samuel Perronneau.

On September 24, 1743: William Wilkins, planter, and Sarah his wife; Bethel Dewes and Margaret his wife; Obadiah Wilkins, planter, and Elizabeth (Nee: Croskeys) his wife, all of South Carolina; to Samuel Adams, Merchant of Kingston, Jamaica, that piece of ground in Kingston, bounding east on Prince Street, west on James Stewart, north on Water Lane, and south on Harbour Street, which lot formerly belonged to John Croskeys, of Charleston, SC, and by his Will dated 15 March 1722 bequeathed equally to Sarah Croskeys, then his wife, and now Sarah Wilkins, and his two daughters Elizabeth and Margaret, parties hereto. Witnesses: James Hamilton, and George Matthews.

In October 2, 1744, William Dews (age about 23) of St. Georges Parish, Dorchester, South Carolina, married Lois Wilkins, a spinster. They were married byRev. William Guy, and Bond was posted by Andrew Cattel.

Amory family:

It is likely that the Amory family came to England from Normandy during the

Hastings invasion. For at least 300 - 400 years they occupied the midlands of England in

Oxfordshire. Afterwards they dwelt in Devon, Somerset, & finally some of them went

to Ireland.

Jonathan Amory married the widow Rebecca Houston on 31 May 1677 in Dublin,

Ireland. Their daughter Judith Amory was baptized in Dublin, St. Andrews Parish on

April 1, 1680, and just after May 1682 Johnathan Amory, wife Rebecca and two children,

followed his brother Robert Amory from Gallway, to the West Indies. Rebecca Amory,

wife of Jonathan, is listed on the records of interment of a church in Barbados.

Jonathan Amory subsequently married his second wife, Martha in Jamaica. On June 10,

1696 Jonathan Amory made a "Deed of Gift" of 60 acres to Joseph Croskeys in

consideration of a marriage between Joseph Croskeys & Judith Amory.

By 1700 Sarah Amory,“an infant” is named “the only daughter living” of

Jonathan Amory, late of Charleston, merchant.”

Croskeys family:

The Croskeys family had roots in Sussex, England. Joseph Croskeys, a mariner, and

merchant, married Judith Amory as his first wife who died about 1698, whereafter

Joseph Croskeys married Marguerite who survived him and was later found living in

Jamaica in 1719. John Croskeys was a son of Joseph Croskeys [ - 1701, Charles Town,

Carolina] merchant & mariner, and his wife Marguerite.

Joseph Croskeys, mariner, made his Will on Dec. 2, 1700, in Charles Town, SC. It

names his brothers John, William, & James Croskeys, the latter two who are dwelling

in Bermuda. It also mentions his sister Elizabeth Mills of Bermuda. His Will mentions

only one son, John Croskeys, the same who married Sarah Matthews in Charles Town,


John Croskeys was married to Sarah Matthews on October 2, 1720 in St. Phillip’s Parish, SC. John Croskeys died - his Will made March 15, 1722, in Charleston. Their last daughter, Margaret Croskeys was unborn at the time that John Croskeys made his Will. John Croskeys died on March 19, 1722.

John's widow Sarah Matthew’s, Croskeys widow, married Samuel Lluellin on Oct. 10, 1724 in St. Phillip’s Parish.

After Samuel’s death Sarah Matthews,Croskeys, Lluellin married William Wilkins (b. before 1696, owned property on James Island, Berkley, SC, in 1707 - July 4, 1743, SC.) They were married on June 13, 1728 in St. Phillips Parish, Berkley, SC.

It is alleged that William Wilkins was born ca. 1690, possibly in Nevis, West Indies, and married first to Elizabeth Davis, a possible daughter of Capt. David Davis from whom he had bought a plantation on James Island in 1706. They issued children William Wilkins, and Eleanor Wilkins before she died. From this data, we may surmise that he was a son of the Welshman John Wilkins who died in St. George Parish, Nevis, West Indies, and his wife Eleanor, he being from Glamorganshire, Wales.

William Wilkins had previously been married to an unknown second wife, possibly a Mary Matthews, by whom he might have had a daughter named Lois Wilkins who married William Dews, mentioned above. John Croskeys & Sarah Matthews had a daughter named Margaret Croskeys who married Bethel Dew. This would have made the wives of these two Dew brothers cousins, having different fathers, and mothers who were sisters.

It is also said that one of William Wilkin’s sons by a wife prior to Sarah Matthews Croskeys, was Obadiah Wilkins who married Elizabeth Croskeys, being Sarah’s other daughter by her first husband, John Croskeys.

Both Matthews daughters, wives of William Wilkins, would have likely been

daughters of Captain Anthony Matthews [1661, London, England - August 23,

1738, Charleston, SC (Will made Aug. 2, 1735)] and Lois (maiden name

unknown, probably Fowell.) The problem is that no record of a Mary Matthews

seems to exist. For that reason, it is assumed that Lois Wilkins was a de facto

daughter of Sarah Matthews, Croskeys, Wilkins, and William Wilkins, making

them half-sisters.

[Deed Book I, pp 165, 652] 23rd and 24th February 1731: Anthony Mathews,

merchant, & Lois his wife of Charleston, with the free consent of Lois, to John

Morrall (sic) Murrill, planter of Craven County, for 300 Pounds currency, 610

acres in Craven county, part of 2340 acres; also 1 acre more on the north side of

and part of 2340 acres, ¼ mill, English Measure from the bluff; whereas the Hon.

Landgrave Thomas Smith, Esq. on 10 September 1711 sold Anthony Mathews

2340 acres in Craven County, part of the 24,000 acres he purchased from the Hon.

Landgrave Robert Daniel, Esq., now (said) Mathews sells 611 acres. Wit: James

Mathews,John Mathews, John Croft. Before Gabriel Manigault, J. P.,Jacob

Motte, Register.

Lois Matthews, widow of Capt. Anthony Matthews, made her Will on

December 3, 1752 in Charleston, SC (Illiterate, she made her mark),. Her Will

was proved on January 6, 1753 [SC Will Book (1752-1756), page 159]:

sons: George Matthews, residue of estate, & Executor

Benjamin Matthews, Lot in Charles Town where he lives.

daughter: Sarah Neal, and her four daughters (Wm Wilkins was

deceased, and Sarah had remarried third to Neal.)

grandson: Robert Randall (21 years old on 12th of June

next.) Son of dec’d daughter Amy Matthews, Randall.

Benjamin Matthews, Jr.

granddau: Elizabeth Wilkins

Margaret Dews, nee Croskeys, wife of Bethel Dews

g-grandson: Robert Dews (under 15, s/o William Dews & Lois


Witnesses: William Dandridge

Jacob Axon

Thomas Lamboll

Jacob Axon on 27 Apr. 1736 married Ruth Glazebrook, St.

Phillips Parish, Berkley, SC. He made his Will between 1740-


William Dandridge made his Will in Charles Town Neck on

22 Sept. 1766, witnessed by William Roper, Jr.

Thomas Lamboll, born in 1694, was a lad in Charles Town in

1704, and was attending school at some distance from Charles

Town. In 1712 Thomas Lamboll, who later became a magistrate, was an apprentice to a principal merchant in Charles Town who was appointed Public Treasurer. John Houghton described Thomas Lamboll as “My ingenious friend.” Thomas Lamboll married Peggy Edgar on 14 April 1737 at Ashley Ferry, Berkley, SC.

In 1762 Thomas Lamboll, & Thomas Lamboll, Jr. witnessed the Deed of David Mongin, planter of St. Helena Parish, Granville Co., SC, to Daniel Strobel, butcher of Charleston, for a lot in Ansonburgh, Charleston Neck in St. Phillips Parish.

When George Matthews, above son died, his Will, signed on July 13,

1769 in Charleston, SC, mentions the following heirs, among many more:

(1) William Dewes (age 23), son of Margaret (Croskeys) Dewes, deceased. Married to MaryAnn Bell, at St. Phillips, on 8 April 1764.

(2) …his sister Sarah Louise Threadcraft, (b. ca. 1745) deceased former wife of Thomas Threadcraft. Theywere married 30 August 1764 in St. Phillips, Charleston, SC

(3)Robert Dewes, (age 24) “only son of Lois

(Wilkins) Dewes.

A son of William Dewes & Lois Wilkins was married

1st to Elizabeth Emory, and 2nd to Nancy Augusta Tassel later a consort of Alexander Dromgoole she being the youngest daughter of Old Tassel. It may be the same Robert Dewes (Due) that is found dwelling in Edgefield, SC during the 1790 census with a 3rd wife who perhaps was a daughter of Old Scotch Trader James McQueen. At least Robert Dew/Due had a descendant named “OsceolaDue.”

The implication of this probate is that if either niece had other children,

then these had perished without surviving heir before 1768.

The family of Wilkins in Jamaica was descended of an eminent family of that name in Wales. They were related toOliver Cromwell, Protector of England, and the branch of the Wilkins family that settled in Nevis & Jamaica were removed from Glamorganshire, Wales.

Although I have not been able to trace the ancestors of William Wilkins, (born before 1707 and was a Surveyor in SC, that died about 1743 (perhaps later?) who possibly married both Mary Matthews, & her sister Sarah Matthews,) to this earlier Wilkinsfamily, of Jamaica, a connection does seem probable. His father’s given name was John Wilkins and his mother’s name was Elinor. His marriage to Mary Matthews is speculative, but the marriage to Sarah Matthews, Croskeys is factual.

Joseph Croskeys was a merchant, and mariner as was Anthony Matthews.

Joseph Croskeys, mariner, merchant, made his Will dated December 2,

1700, proved April 16, 1701. Probate was complete before 1712 in Charleston,

SC. Joseph Croskeys arrived in Charleston, from Bermuda, before June 10, 1696

when he received 60 acres of land as part of a marriage agreement for his

betrothal to Judith Amory, daughter of Jonathan Amory, an influential South

Carolinian who was Speaker of the House of Assembly, and later Advocate

General when the Crown established a Court of the Admiralty in the colonies.

Joseph Croskeys was part owner of the 30 ton Brigantine “The Sea Flower,” and

made his residence on a 120 acre plantation “The Rat Trap” on Charleston Neck.

In 1699 Joseph Croskeys added 60 acres more to his original 60 at the request

of the Amory family. Joseph Croskeysrepresented Berkley & Craven Counties

in the fourth and fifth House of Commons Assembly during 1696, and he served

until his death in 1701. In 1698 he was Commissioner of the Poor. He was made

a Commissioner to build a Lighthouse on Sullivan’s Island; a Commissioner of

Fortification; Commissioner of the Library; and Powder Receiver, all during

1700. At the time of his death, in 1701, he owned a brick house in Charleston.

His Will names three brothers, John, William, and James Croskeys. The

latter two are living in Bermuda. His Will also mentions a sister Elizabeth Mills

living in Bermuda. His Will only mentions one minor son, John Croskeys, the

same who married Sarah Matthews.

[Deed Book I, p. 378, Book T, p. 602] 3 May 1740: William Matthews & Mary

his wife, and Benjamin Smith & Ann his wife, to John Daniel, ship carpenter of

Charleston, with the full consent of Mary & Ann, for 2800 Pounds, SC money,

the corner part of lot #14, where John Daniel lives, fronting south 19 ft., 3

inches on Broad Street; bounding west 110 feet on Union Street; east on part

same lot occupied by John Beswick, merchant; north on Edward Croft. Mary

& Ann appoint their husbands their attorneys.

Whereas John, Lord Berkley, Palatine, & the Lords Proprs. on 1 Feb. 1678

granted John Bullen lot #14 in Charleston;

who sold it on 6 Feb. 1679 to Edward Middleton, gentleman,

who at the time of his death owned ½ the lot #14 in his own right which was

inherited by his eldest son Henry Middleton, oilman of London;

who on 10 October 1698 sold it for 140 Pounds currency to Joseph Croskeys;

who on 11 December 1698 sold for 120 Pounds currency to Edward Loughton

that part of the half lot bounding south 40 ft., 7 inches, on Broad Street; north 42

feet on William Dry (formerly Peter Hearn); west on a Street or Lane left by

consent of Joseph Croskeys & Edward Loughton between the half lot & part of a

lot owned by the heirs of George Pawley; east on the other part of the half lot

owned by Joseph Croskeys; And whereas Edward Loughton by Will dated 24

December 1707 bequeathed to his son David Loughton all his houses and

buildings in the alley that ran by his corner house to the garden, also the

storehouse to be built at the corner of the garden; also his dwelling house in the

corner after the death of his wife; and whereas David Loughton by Will dated 3

November 1713 bequeathed all his real & personal property to his wife Ann,

who afterward married John Barnet, & afterward married David Hext,

gentleman of Charleston, in whom the property became invested, & joined him

on 17 September 1717 in conveying to John Bee, merchant of Charleston for 550

Pounds SC money, the part of the town lot; who by Will dated 14 January 1724

bequeathed his real & personal estate to his wife Mary Bee; who by Will dated 24

October 1730 left all her property to her two granddaughters Mary Loughton,

and Ann Loughton, wives of William Matthews, and Benjamin Smith, now

they convey to John Daniel as above. Wit: John Rattray, John Johnson. Wit. to

possession & seizen: Richard Shubrick,William Franklin, John Rattray. Before

Robert Austin, J. P., & Pub. Reg.

In 1747, the Little Chief of the Choctaw Indians, and a representative of the Chickasaw Indians, with their Interpreter, came to Charleston, SC, where they entered into a trade Treaty with the City of Charleston, in return for attacking French Trading Posts.

In 1748, Bethel Dews (age 31) of St. Georges Parish, Berkley County, South Carolina, claimed sixteen Pounds, twelve Shillings, and six Pence, being for provisions supplied to the Indians on their way to and from Charles Town.

It being for provisions and liquor for the Little King of the Chactaws, a Chicaesaw Indian, and their Interpreter.

Also in about 1748, Capt. William Dewes apparently acquired land on Argyle Island in the Savannah River, about 30 miles south of Augusta. During this year, his father-in-law Patrick Brown acquired a grant of 500 acres part on Onslow Island, next to Argyle Island, at “Withrington’s Bluff” stating his intentions to plant Indigo.

In 1751, Bethel Dewes (age 34) was on Pettit Jury in St. Georges Parish, Dorchester, SC.

Also in 1751, Bethel Dewes petitioned for a resurvey of some Charleston town lots originally held by the estate of William Rousham.

In 1752, Bethel Dews, (age 35) of St. Georges Parish, Berkley County, SC, a planter, made a Petition to the Assembly regarding Lots # 136 & #137 in Charleston, which had been taken over…

A partial List of Licensed Traders from South Carolina in the period of 1750 to 1754 yields:

To the Creeks:

Patrick Brown

Daniel Clark

Lachland McGilvray, (Nephew of Archibald McGilvray, and father of Alexander.)

To the Cherokees:

Robert Emory

Robert Goudy

Lodowick Grant

Bernard Hughes

In 1755, William Dewes, (age about 34) of Savannah, Partner: Mr. Daniel Clarke,Mr. Laughlin McGillvray, of Augusta, Mr. Thomas Corker, of Charleston, all merchants, were all named Executors of the Estate of Patrick Brown, at Augusta, Ga. [Patrick Brown, trader at Augusta, was a brother of Thomas Brown, trader at Congaree (d. 1747).] Patrick’s Creek in Richmond County, SC, was probably named for him. On Charleston, SC, Deeds Patrick Brown is described as “an Indian merchant.” Patrick Brownin his Will proved June 8 1758, left all his property to Alexander Brown of Dublin, Ireland. The heir, a “gilder and carver” apparently embarked immediately for America to claim this land, and in 1760 he was granted Patrick Brown’s 500 acres in confirmation of his inheritance, as well as the upper half of Onslow Island, 245 acres. Apparently Patrick Brown had no other male heirs that survived him.

Patrick Brown & his brother Thomas Brown came from northern Ireland near Dublin about 1730. Both entered the Indian Trade, first with the Catawbas, Wateree, & Cherokees, but when Augusta, Georgia developed in 1735, PatrickBrown began trading with the Creeks, Seminoles, and Chickasaw while his brother Thomas traded out of the old Fort Congaree trading post, but claimed 250 acres near Ninety-Six, fifty miles inland along the trading path to the Cherokees. Both Thomas & Patrick Brown had left wives & families behind in Ireland, but both had families with Indian wives as a consequence of their trading activities. Thomas Brown had mixed blooded sons, Thomas, and Patrick Brown by a Nottawa wife after he was first captured. His son, Thomas Brown, Jr. was killed at Congaree in 1748, but Patrick Brown inherited his father’s lands near Congaree, after their father was killed in 1747.

Capt. William Dewes was a son-in-law of Patrick Brown in 1755, married to one of Patrick Brown’s mixed-Indian daughters. And it is possible that his mother-in-law was perhaps nee: ____Lang, a daughter of Robert Lang, Jr., a trader of Congaree, and his Indian wife Melasante. Brothers Thomas Brown & Patrick Brown, may have married mixed Indian wives who were sister, and were also daughters of trader Robert Lang. The following land memorial, and other records reveal a closeness of friendship:

Robert Lang was among the traders who settled on Occoneechee Creek between 1713 & 1725. These traders would take the Indian trail south in late fall to the Chickasaw, and Cherokee winter camps along the bluff of the Broad River. Between 1736 & 1741 his name appears in land plats of Sax Gotha.

Royal Grants, Vol. 42, page 123:

King George III, to Robert Lang, Jr., 150 acres in Saxe Gotha Township in Berkley

County, on the Santee River, adjacent to land laid out to Robert Lang, Sr., dated 5 June

1742. Both were in the Congaree prior to 1737 as Cherokee & Chickasaw traders.

Land Memorials, Vol. 7, page 63:

A Memorial exhibit by William Seawright to be registered…150 acres in Berkley County,

on Santee River, adjacent to land laid out to Robert Lang, Sr., originally granted 5 June

1742 to Robert Lang, Jr. and was by said Robert Lang and Melasante his wife 11 May

1744 conveyed to Thomas Brown who dying intestate the same descended to his heir-at-

law, Patrick Brown who conveyed 16 June 1748 to the Memoralist… dated 14 June 1754.

William Seawright was a relative of Elizabeth Seawright, the last wife of George Haig.

Robert Lang was among the Rangers enlisted “living in the Saluda” by Capt. James Francis in April 1748 because of the capture of George Haig, the murder of a trader in the Cherokees, and other threats of Indian outbreak.

In 1756 Robert Lang, Sr. went to the upper Saluda, and his son Robert Lang Jr. to Crimm’s Creek, a branch of the Broad River. In 1757, Robert Lang asked the Commons House of South Carolina to pay him 20 Pounds for the plundering of cattle and goods, and burning of his house by the Cherokees.

Robert Lang (Sr.) perished in 1763. On Dec. 30th 1763 his property was sold at David Webb’s place.

Thomas Brown, Indian Trader of Congaree made a Petition in 1735, regarding land he

had purchased from the Indians, saying that his family was among the few inhabitants

residing in “that remote part of the country.”

“That in the year A. D. 1735, and for several years before, having been a lycensed

trader to the Cattawbaw Indians, he carried on considerable trade from the place

of his residence near Congaree Old Fort, and used frequently to pass and repass

from said Congarees to the Cattawbaw Nation, by which means he became

aquainted with the goodness of the lands upon the Santee, and Wateree Rivers,

particularly the Wateree lands, and the Indians living and residing upon same.

That there are very few inhabitants in that remote part of the country besides

your petitioner;s family, and to introduce whites, he proceeded to secure a body

of land between the Santee & Wateree Rivers, inhabited by the Wateree Indians,

not settled, inhabited, or claimed by any white person. That by Deed of

Feoment, he purchased the lands of the Waterees, as far up as Catawba Ford,

with livery of seizing, on March 13, 1735. That the Wateree Indians were the

natural rightful owners and possessors of said lands, not having forfeited same,

and there was no law, at the time, prohibiting purchase of land from the Indians.

But that a subsequent Act of Assembly declared all future and past purchases of

lands from Indians void…”

Note that in 1719 there was a Patrick Browne & a John Welsh, Senior counted on Monserrat Island, West Indies, in the White River Division.

On 9 January 1755, Bethel Dewes was one of many signers of a Petition to

The South Carolina House of Commons, on behalf of a Joseph Koger.

In 1756, Bethel Dews (age 39) was enumerated on a muster roll for taxation, and was found in Greenville District, SC, a place which was still Cherokee Lands, that year, and occupied by Cherokees, and only a few white traders, and militia.

In about 1759, Bethel Dews (age 42) perished in Charleston, SC. His wife Margaret Croskeys who was born about 1723 in Charleston, preceded her husband in death before 1758 in Charleston, SC.

Colonial Georgia Wills:

Daniel Clark: Augusta, Indian Trader, (& native of Strathnairn, Scotland,) but now of Charleston, sick in body.

Will written 19 April 1757; proved 13 May 1757; recorded 23 June 1757,

“friends: Alexander Petrie & wife

John McQuin (sic) & wife & daughter Anne

George Summers & wife Henrietta

Alexander, son of Mary Dicks

Lauchlan McGilvray

Alexander McGilvray & wife

Robert Brisbane

James Parsons

John McGilvray

William Struthers, books

William McGilvray, books

Mr. Morrison, minister of the Scotch Meeting House in Charlestown

25 Pounds.

Brother: Alexander Clark, Parish of Patty near Castle Steuarth near Inverness,

In North Britain.

Brother-in-law: Alexander Clark, former merchant of Inverness

Elecutors: Alexander Petrie

Laughlin McGilvray

John McQuin (sic)

John McQueen

James Parsons

Witnesses: Hannna Patchable

James Parsons

John McQuin (sic)

John McQueen”

In 1759,Bethel Dews (age 42) recorded his LW&T. [South Carolina Wills, Vol. 8 (1757-1760), page 299.] Since it was made about the time of the beginning of the Great Cherokee War, it may have been in this War that Bethel Dews was killed at age 42 or thereabouts. I have not yet acquired a copy of this Will that reportedly names heirs:

Son: (1) Robert Dews (descendants say he was born in 1740.)

[He was apparently deceased without heir before 1768, because the Probate of the estate of his great uncle, George Matthews, did not mention him at all, but did mention siblings William and Sarah Louise Dew, although the latter was deceased.]

(2) William Dews(named heir of George Matthews in 1768.

He marriedMary Ann Bell in St. Phillips, on 8 April 1764. )

Daughter: (3) Sarah Louise Dews (married Thomas Threadcraft 30 Aug.

1764 in St. Phillips, Charleston, SC.)Son: Bethel Threadcraft

[She was deceased before 1768, according to the Probate of George Matthews’

estate, but had heirs.]

Bethel Baker Threadcraft (1765 Charleston, SC - 1814,

Charleston, SC), married first Margurite Poyas on Jan. 8, 1793

in Charleston, SC. Married second to Sarah Yates on Jan. 17,

1804 in Charleston, SC.

Mary Baker Threadcraft (1794, Charleston, SC - Dec.

30, 1877, Aiken, Barnwell, SC) Married John Ralph

Rogers April 8, 1813, in Cainhoy, Berkley, SC.

Ann Margaret Threadcraft (1800, Charleston, SC - ?)

Married George Thompson ca. 1816 Charleston, SC.

House of Commons Assembly Records for South Carolina: ca. 1761 (see Hembree research of Larry Petrisky)

William Dewes, a Charleston merchant, had a trading post on the Great Cherokee Trail, located between Ft. Ninety-Six, and the Cherokee town ofKeowee on the Savannah River. [This river was called by the Cherokees, the “Keowee River,” and was where Ft. Prince George was built near this village.] Richard Fields, Elias Harlan, Ezekiel Buffington, and Robert Dews were all employed by William Dewes at his trading post called “Dewes Corner,” and sometimes as Dewe’s Inn.” Later it was referred to as “Due West.”

I defer to the research of Larry Petrisky for most of the following information.

Richard Fields (Jr.) [ca. 1744] came to SC from England, Virginia, or Barbados with his father Richard Fields (Sr.) by 1654. His father was reimbursed by Carolina in Jan. 1755 for a slave that was executed for poisoning. [SC Commons Journal, Jan. 8th 1755 – Mar. 12th 1755] Richard Fields (Jr.) was working at Dewes Corner Trading Post in 1761. He met and married ca. 1765/6 a young mixed Cherokee Susannah Emory [b. 1750] near Charleston, Goose Creek. Richard Fields acquired land in 1766 on the Savannah River, Carolina side that later became Abbeville. [Langley SC Deeds, III, 305] Richard Fields was in Indian Trade with the Creeks in Upper Georgia by 1770, and died about 1781 in the Revolutionary War, probably a British Soldier, or Loyalist. Richard & Susannah Emory, Fields issued seven children.

The Harlans & Buffingtons were related Quaker families from Pennsylvania that came to South Carolina about 1754. They settled in Abbeville, owning land on Turkey Creek. In Feb. 1758 Ezekiel Buffington (whose mother was Mary Harlan, a d/o Ezekiel Harlan & Hannah Oborn) requested a grant of 100 acres on the Broad River about 60 miles north of Augusta, Georgia. In about 1760 Ezekiel Buffington married a white woman and worked on his father’s farm in Abbeville, but by 1761 (Just after the Great Cherokee War) he had given up farming and was working atDewes Corner with his uncle Elias Harlan. About this time, Ezekiel Buffington took up with the mixed Cherokee Elizabeth Emory, a sister of Suaannah Emory, and issued a daughter Mary Buffington. In 1767 Ezekiel Buffington took Elizaeth Emory to find her family who were scattered in the recent war. In 1769 Ezekiel Buffington’s father died, and he returned to his white family in Abbeville having matters of urgency to attend. After waiting about ten months, Elizabeth Emory, Buffington took up with Robert Dews, and issued a daughter. When Ezekiel Buffington returned, and discovered his wife married to Dews, he married her widowed sister Mary Emory, Fawling. They issued six children in NC, and Georgia. In the late 1780s Ezekiel Buffington appears in Pendleton District, SC near his uncle Elias Harlan. The Buffingtons & Harlans moved to Georgia before 1805. Ezekiel Buffington perished in that part of Jackson County, Georgia that became Hall County. He died in 1817/18.

Elias Harlan [ca. 1731, Chester Co., Pn. – ca. after 1810 in Georgia or Tennessee] He was a son of Ezekiel Harlan & Hannah Oborn. He married Catherine “Ka-Ti” Kingfisher, Candy, Walker, (twice married before) a Cherokee daughter of Kingfisher, and Nancy (Ward.)

During the Great Cherokee War Colonel James Grant’s Expedition against the Cherokees, made early in 1761, “reached Fort Ninety Six on the 17th day out of Charleston (on May 14, 1761), it reached Turkey Creek on the 19th day, and it reached “Dews Corner on the 20th Day.”

This record proves thatCapt. William Dewes established his Trading Post at that location before the Great Cherokee War began in 1759 for certainly he would not have ventured to build there on the boundary of the Cherokee Nation during a time of greatest peril & bloody fighting. This war was synonymous with the French-Indian War, occurring at its end.

This trading post, originated by Capt. William Dewes, has been called “Dews Corner,Dewes Corner, Duetts Corner, Dewitts Corner, and Dewisses Corner” in various records. It was located on a stream called the “Yellow Water,” a branch of the Savannah River, and in later times it was called “Due West” a name by which it is known today.

A William Dewes supplied food to the Royalists in Georgia during the Revolutionary War.

A Bethel Dews that was born ca. 1787 in South Carolina, was enumerated on the 1860

Census of St. Luke’s Parish of South Carolina. He had a Federal mail contract.

180/165 Bethel Dews 73 m w US Mail Contract SC

Sarah E. 70 f w (wife) SC

Mary C. 28 f w school mistress SC

This Bethel Dews was undoubtedly a great-nephew of William Dewes, probably by

way of his brother’s son named William Dews, the issue of Bethel Dewes.

The Robert Dewes, who was working for his father William Dewes, could have been born no earlier than 1745, unless he was a pre-marital baby. Robert Dewes/Dews was a teenager when it was noted that he was working at Dewes Corner. He was almost certainly the man regarded by Emmitt Starr, Cherokee genealogist as an Englishman, and a Fur Trader among the Cherokees, but it was actually his great-grandfather who first came to the Caribbean “New World” from England.

Thus Robert Dews, Indian Fur Trader, was apparently the only known son of William Dews, a Charleston merchant & Indian Trader, & his wife Lois Wilkins.

Robert Dews, Indian Fur Trader, was also a grandson of Robert Dews, a Charleston Bricklayer from Barbados, & his wife Mary Baker.

His great-grandfather might have been Richard Dewes, and his unknown wife, who appeared as a land-owner in Barbados sometime before 1679, owning land adjacent to Robert Hurt when Hurt’s Will was made in Barbados that year.

But a Thomas Dewes who apparently was a Captain in the Virginia militia before arriving in Barbados where his brother Richard lived, and he appears before 1679, with his family. He may also have been the direct ancestor of Robert Dews.

Capt. Tho. Dewes may have been married to Mary McKenzie, one of the Mckenzies of Seafroth, Scotland, and it is suggested that she had a nephew, or great nephew Kenneth McKenzie who probated the estate of Patroon Johnson of New Windsor, Aberdeen made 1739 in Charleston, SC. Archibald McGilvery was also an Executor, and John Rattray, William Pollard, and Nicholas Haynes were Witnesses. “Brother & Sister: William Johnston & Mary Johnston, city of Aberdeen, all estate.”

Descendants of these Jacobite refugee lines intermarried in the Charleston, area, where two Wills are noted:

Thomas Johnson, Charlestown Will proved March 1751 (pa. 328, partly destroyed) “Brother: Robert Johnson; Sisters: Mary Johnson; Children of my sister Margaret Izard, deceased, nephew Ralph Izard, and niece Margaret Izard, other half of my estate at age 21. To Gabriel Manigault, my part of lot on the Bay of Charles Town, and land called Mt. Pleasant in St. Thomas’s Parish; Mr. Thomas Middleton. Exors: Gabriel Manigault; Thomas Middleton, Esq.; and Mary Johnson.

Able Johnson, planter, died 7 July 1758:

“Sons: Thomas, lower part of plantation where I now live, land on the north side of Samuel Newman’s plantation; Robert, other part of said plantation. Daughters: Sarah & Mary. Mentions: Land on Rafting creek in St. Mark’s Parish not yet granted, to 2 sons; residue of estate to be divided between my 4 children at 21 years of age, or marriage. Exors: Messrs. Joseph Palmer, Samuel Cooper. Witnesses: William McCancel, Thomas King, George Howard.

There were two men named Thomas Dew/Dewes in the mid 17th Century, and although they are often confused as the same man, Captain Thomas Dews is distinguished from his father of the same name in Virginia, by the fact that after his father Thomas Deweshad already arisen (by 1646) to the rank of Lt. Colonel in the Virginia militia, yet his son Thomas Dews was ranked only as Captain in the Virginia militia, being first found in the Virginia records of 1651. This implies that Captain Thomas Dews was thereabouts 21 years of age, or more in 1651, meaning that he was likely born on, or before, 1630. It appears that Capt. Thomas Dews died in Barbados about 1689 and preceded his father in death. A vestige of his estate probate records may survive in Maryland Archives because Edward Fisher of Dorchester, Md., was named as an heir of Thomas Dew that year. Edward may have been a son-in-law because (his father?) Thomas Fisher served in the Barbados militia in 1679. [First Fishers of the Chesapeake] Captain Thomas Dews was certainly too old to have been a grandson of the Lt. Colonel of that name, and must have been his son, both of them serving as magistrates in the Nansemond Court about 1653. It appears that this son and his family departed Virginia, for unspecified purposes in the Caribbean, sometime before 1679, & and are found on Barbados in 1680, where a third Thomas Dews appears as an Ensign in the Milita. These two younger men in Barbados were apparently the son & lineal grandson of the Virginia Lt.Col. Thomas Dewes.

The following are probably some of the offspring of Capt. Thomas Dews who seems to have been born circa October 8, 1626 Christened at Kingston Lisle, Berkshire, Eng., and who died circa 1689 in Barbados, West Indies [1689 probate of Thomas Dew named Edward Fisher, of Dorchester, Md., as an heir.]

1. Ensign David Dews. [He was in Barbados militia 1679-80, & on 1680 census.]

2. Ensign Thomas Dews. [Oct. 11th 1679 - Barbados militia, & on 1680 census.]

3. Capt. George Dews, [ca. bef. 1670, Barbados?-

ca. 15 Feb. 1703, Bermuda] of Bermuda fame,

married Ann Welsh, who after she was

widowed in 1703 married William Rowsham,

Sr. in Charleston, SC.Issue by George:

Greorge Dews, Jr. [under 21 in 1703 - before 1714, at

sea], a mariner, marriedPatience. Patience married

second to Joseph Palmer, [1688, Barbados - ca. 1717,

at sea] mariner, in SC.George Dews, Jr. still dwelt

in Bermuda, with his grandparents, after his mother

remarried in SC.

Ann Dews [under 21 in 1703 - ?] She remained

behind in Bermuda with her grandparents John &

Annie Welch when her mother remarried in 1703.

Mary Dews [under 21 in 1703 - ?], the youngest,

came to SC with her mother when she remarried.

[William Rowsham’s granddaughter Mary Baker , by

earlier wife, Jordan Probst, married Robert Dews in

Charleston, SC.]

A Joseph Palmer Executed the Will of Able Johnson in 1758 in

Charleston, SC. - A son of the former Joseph Palmer?

4. Jemima Dews, [ ca. 1677 - after 1739, Berkley,

SC] married a Kenney, in Barbados. When he

Died, she married on 26 January 1698

Barbados, West Indies, to Alexander Skeen

[1670, Aberdeen, Scotland - Sept. 1741,

Berkley, SC], and they moved to Charleston,

SC, ca. 1707.

[Note that Barbados census records for 1680 only show

one Kenney, and that was John Kenney, a clergyman,

probably the first husband of Jemima Dews, or her


Children of Alex. Skene & Jemima were:

Jane Skene [1699 Barbados, WI - before May 25, 1739,


Lilly Skene [3 May 1701 Barbados, WI - before May

25, 1739, SC]

John Skene [1703, Barbados, WI - May 1768, St.

George Parish, Berkley, SC]married: Hannah Palmer

Alexander Skene1705-10 - before 25 May 1739, SC]

married 7 May 1728 [Nancy, or Maul Johnson?]

[Alexander Skeen’s younger sister Lilas Skeen, married

Obadiah Haig, in 1701, and was also widowed in 1701.

Madam Lilas Haig was named an Executrix, and

also named guardian of the sons of Robert Dews by his Will in 1722. She was a wealthy, and able sister-in-law of Robert Dews, who apparently never remarried.]

5. SarahDews, married 1st to Richard Fowell.

He was described as“a good friend & business

associate of Edward Middleton in Barbados and

Charles Town.” A James Fowell was found on

the 1680 census of Christ Church Parish,

Barbados, the only household of that name.

When Richard Fowell died in 1678, his Will

was witnessed by a brother John Fowell, &

John Strand.

I am possessed with an unresolved suspicion that Sarah had a daughter in 1679, issue of Richard, named Lois Fowell that married Capt. Anthony Matthews in Charles Town. This is based on her particular interest in the Dewe family shown when Lois made her Will, 1752, whereby the only great grandson that she made heir, of many, was Robert Dewes, the 7 year old son of Capt. William Dewes.

His relict, Sarah Dewes, Fowell married 2nd to Edward Middleton, Sr. [ca. 1640, Twickenham, Middlesex, England - ca. 1685 in Charleston, SC] son of Henry Middleton. Edward and his brother Arthur left London for Barbados in 1678. He married the widow, Sarah Fowell, in Barbados about 1680, and became the parents of Arthur Middleton, Esq., discussed below. They owned “Otranto” plantation next to the Parkers in Berkley, SC.

Son Arthur Middleton, Esq., [1681, SC - 7 Sept. 1737, Berkley,

SC] was a nephew and an Executor of the 1722 Will of Robert

Dews in Charleston, SC.

Arthur Middleton, Esq. was born in 1681 in SC, just after his

parents arrived from Barbados, and he died 7 Sept. 1737 in

Berkley Co., SC. He owned estates in Barbados, in England

(Crowfield Hall,) and in SC (Goose Creek, Berkley, SC.) His

first wife was Sarah Emory [1685, Barbados, the ward of Sarah Rhett - ca. 1723, Berkley, SC.] They had four known children:

1. William Middleton, b. 1710, SC, inherited Crowfield

Hall in Suffolk, Eng. from his father. He married Mary Izard (1709-1730) He married Mary Morton (1710-1738).

2. Hester Middleton, b. 1711, died in infancy

3. Henry Middleton, (1717, “The Oaks” formerly the

Wright plantation - 1784 Charleston, SC) Henry was President of the first Continental Congress.

He married 1st to Mary Baker Williams (1721-1761)

a. Arthur Middleton (1742-1787) married Mary Izard (?- 1814) He signed the Declaration of Independence, and either inherited, or acquired Argyle Island land on the Savannah River that was the original grant of his first cousin once removed, Capt. William Dewes. His son Henry A. Middleton (1770-1846) Governor of SC, indentured this same Argyle Island land to Henry DeSaussure.

He married 2nd to Maria Henrietta Bull (1722-?) He married 3rd to Mary McKenzie (bef. 1737 - 1788)

a. Hester Middleton (ca. 1750-?) married

Charles Drayton(1743-1820)

1. Charles Drayton (1785-1844) married

Mary Middleton Shoolbred (1794-1855)

i. William P. Dewes Drayton (1828-1837)

4. Thomas Middleton, (1719, Goose Creek -1766,

Beaufort, SC) Col., commanded a provincial Regiment against the Cherokees in 1761. He married Mary Bull (1723-1760)

When Sarah Emory died Arthur Middleton, Esq. married

Sarah Ayres, Morton, Wilkinson, a widow who formerly consorted with Trader Wilkinson, and Col. James Moore.

Arthur Middleton had no known children by Sarah Ayres.

Sarah Ayres descended from Scotsman Obadiah Haig, Trader,

surveyor, and adventurer, (father of George Haig, Jr., of

Barbados) and a Cherokee consort from Keowee.

One of their sons was named Charity Haig, and a daughter

was Mary Haig.Mary Haig became the consort of Thomas Ayers, Indian Trader, & Trustee for the Georgia Colony, and they had at least two daughters;

(1.) Mary Ayres that married William Carr, and (2) Sarah Ayres, widow of Joseph Morton, Jr., became the consort of Trader Wilkinson, and of Col. James Moore. The later had at least one daughter Mary Ayres Moore that married John Purry, and consorted with John Amory. Sarah Ayres, Morton, Wilkinson, Moore married Arthur Middleton, Esq. in 1723.

Charity Haig had talks with Col. Maurice Moore, and

his brother of Col. James Moore, on behalf of the Cherokees, in 1716, and in 1718 he negotiated a treaty with the Cherokees for Col. James Moore, for building Fort Congaree.

SC Deed Abstracts dated January 22, 1739 show that at the request of her stepchildren, James Moore, John Moore, and Jahu Moore of St. James, Goose Creek, and Elizabeth Moore made a Deed of Gift to Sarah Middleton (widow of Arthur Middleton) constituting 900 acres of land. This Deed was requested by James Moore on 21 Feb. 1737 “for love & Affection.”

They also had a son named Thomas Eyres (sic) Ayres who became an Ensign in the Georgia militia, and was appointed Georgia’s Agent to the Cherokees in 1739, sometime after his father Thomas Ayres returned to England before 1730.

After Edward Middleton died, in 1685, Sarah Dewes, Fowell, Middleton married 3rd to Job Howe, who died before 1707 in Carolina. Sarah survived him long enough to see her grandson Job Howe, orphaned and become the Ward of Arthur Middleton, Esq. (this is presumed to be in about 1724.) They had one son named Robert Howe (aft. 1685-1724) that married Mary Moore, (daughter of Gov. James Moore) being the deceased parents of the said orphan Job Howe (1705 - 1748.)

6. Mary Dews, [ca. 1655 - 26 July 1700, (Will

proved).] She married first, John Smyth, a

merchant of Barbados about 1667.

John Smyth was a man of considerable estate who arrived in

Carolina in 1675 with his wife and family (and a number of

servants). His son Edward Smyth (8) was among them. John

was especially reccomended by the Earl of Shaftsbury as "my

particular friend" with directions that he be allowed to take up a Manor in some suitable place.

On Oct. 2, 1675: Present: The Governor, Godfrey, Matthews,

Owen, Bull, Conant, S. West, Robert Donne, Dalton.

"...Upon motion by John Smyth, merchant, liberty is granted

him to take up 670 acres above the Proprietors due him so that

he hath so many persons upon his account to settle thereon as

will make up the right thereof according to the last

Proprietor's concessions within two years next."

In November 20, 1676, John Smyth obtained a Grant for 1,800

acres at "BooShoo" on the peninsula between Dorchester

Creek (a name given it at a later time,) and the Ashley River,

site of the future town of Dorchester.

John Smythwas appointed a member of the Grand Council of

Carolina, and was created a Cassique. He perished before

December 7, 1682 when his widow Mary Dewes, Smith was

married to Arthur Middleton who perished in about 1685.

Arthur Middleton arrived in Charles Town in 1679, and the

Grand Council granted him "a greate lotte of land" on the upper

part of Adthan (Goose) Creek. In 1684 Arthur Middleton

conveyed this property to Robert Mallock, a Charles Town


Arthur Middleton's widow Mary Dewes, Smith, Middleton

married Ralph Izard, a grocer from London, in ca. 1685.

They issued at least two sons.

Michael Lowell, who arrived in Charles Towne August 14,

1671 on the Blessing,a sawyer, a servant of Affra Coming,

Deeded his Royal Grant of 1681, Lot 65, to Arthur Middleton

in 1684. He devised this Deed to Arthur’s widow Mary Dew,

Middleton, who then married Ralph Izard, and in 1687 they

conveyed this Deed to James Nicholas for the French Church

in Charles Towne.

Mary Dews & John Smyth had an eldest son named Edward

Smyth born about 1667 in Barbados. He was in Barbados on

family, or trade business, and is recorded departing Barbados

in the barq "Susannah,"for Carolina on March 12, 1687, Hugh

Babell, commander (pa. 189). Edward Smyth was a nephew

of Robert Dewes, and was an Executor of his 1722 Will in

Charles Town, Carolina.

By 1698, Mary Dewes, Smyth, Middleton, was a widow

married to Ralph Izard. They had formerly acquired "The

Elms Plantation" 250 acres at the head of Goose Creek. So in

1698, the 1,800 acres of"Booshoo" swampland, originally

granted to merchant John Smyth, was abandoned because of

fever associated with it. No one wanted to buy it. It was

later re-granted by Carolina, and became the village or town

of Dorchester. It was an area that was eventually abandoned

completely by 1752 because of its unhealthy conditions.

Mary Dewes, Smyth, Middleton, Izard perished in July 26,

1700. Her 33 year old unmarried son, Edward Smyth, began

a period of activity which caused little or no paper trail for 22

years. His half-brother, Ralph Izard was appointed one of

five Commissioners of Indian Trade in 1716. In 1727 Edward finally became involved with the brothers Col. Mauice Moore,

Roger Moore, and others, of Goose Creek, SC, attempting to

establish a settlement down river from Wilmington, North

Carolina. EdwardSmyth was about 60 years old then.

Perhaps he had been an Indian trader.

Little more is known of him except that five years earlier he

was appointed as an Executor of his uncle Robert Dewe's Will

of 1722. Edward Smyth was eleven years older than his

(half?) uncle Robert Dewes. The Wilmington, North Carolina

area had a certain magnetic influence on the SC Dew/Due

family during the following three generations, as element of

their clan were often appearing there.

When John Smyth died, his widow married

(Dec. 7, 1682) to Arthur Middleton, Esq, [ca.

1650 - ca. 1685, Yeshoe Plantation” SC], brother

of Edward, son of Henry.

An Investigation into the Family of (1)

The Middletons came from London to

Barbados in 1678. Arthur Middleton left Barbados for Charleston on August 8, 1679 on

the “Plantacon.” He married Mary Dews,

Smyth before December of 1682. Arthur died

in December of 1682, and Mary became a

widow again at Charleston, SC. They issued

no known children.

Her second husband Arthur Middleton was a brother of

Edward Middleton that married her sister Sarah Dews.

Mary Dews, Smyth,Middleton, married last to Ralph Izard, having sons below Ralph & Walter. Their father Ralph Izard, a Gentleman & Grocer of London, came to Carolina in 1682. His family hailed from Oxford, or Middlesex in England, like the Dewes. In 1694 Ralph & Mary Izard obtained 250 acres at the head of Goose Creek, called "The Elms Plantation."

Ralph Izard outlived his wife, and died ca. 1706 (Will.) He left two town lots "in Dorchester upon Ashley River" to his son Walter.

1. Hon. Ralph Izard [1688-1743] married Magdalene “Margaret” Elizabeth de Chastaigner

Charlotte Izard [Sept. 30, 1719, St. Phillips,

Charlestown, SC - ?]

Anne Izard [April 10, 1722, St. Phillips,

Charleston, SC - ?]

Martha Izard married Edward Fenwicke (1725-1775) Honorable & King’s Councellor, son of John Fenwicke & Elizabeth Gibbs.When Martha “Mary” Izard died in ca. 1752, he married Mary Drayton on 1 Feb. 1753 at St. Phillips.

Catherine Izard (1728- ?)

John Izard

Henry Izard [1717-1748] married 1st 26 Sept. 1739 to Margaret Johnson [ - 12 June 1743] daughter of Gov. Robert Johnson

Ralph Izard [1742-1804] married Alice

de Lacey [1745 - 1832] Ralph Izard went,

with others, to France with Benjamin Franklin to seek aid for the colonial cause in the

Revolutionary War. They disliked each other intensly. Ralph Izard was a Delegate to the Continental Congress, & a Senator from South


Margaret Izard [1768-1824]

Married Gabriel Manigault

[1758-1809]Gabriel Manigault or

his grandfather of the same name,

signed the Articles of Cessation, in SC,

at the beginning of the Rev. War.

1. Charles Izard Manigault (1795-1874) married Elizabeth Manigault

Hayward (1808-?)

a. Louis Manigault (1828-1899)

married Frances Elizabeth

Matilda Habersham

He and his father were in

possession (1861) of lands

originally granted to William

Dewes on Argyle Island,

Savannah River.

George Izard [1776-1828]

Married Elizabeth Carter

Farley [1774-1826] George was

born in London, England, educated in Metz, France. He graduated from the

College of Philadelphia, attended

military schools in England, &

Germany, and was schooled in military

Engineering in France. He was Aide-

de-camp to Alexander Hamilton, &

an Engineer of Fort Pinckney. He

served as a diplomat to Portugal. He

became a US Army General during the

War of 1812, and was appointed by

President Monroe as First Territorial

Governor of Arkansas in 1825, serving

until his death in 1828.

Henry Izard [1771-1826]

Married Emma Philadelphia

Middleton daughter of Arthur

Middleton & Mary Izard.

Henry Izard married 2nd: ca. 1745 to Charlotte

Broughton [ - 1801] daughter of Nathaniel Broughton,

Jr., gdaughter of Gov. Thomas Broughton & Anne Johnson

Nathaniel Izard (29 June 1746 - ?)

Charlotte Izard (15 Aug. 1747- ?)

Margaret Izard [ - 1760] married Daniel Blake

Son of Joseph Blake, Jr., gson of Col. Joseph Blake & Sarah


Hon. Ralph Izard married 2nd: Rebecca Lindrey

Daughter of Daniel Lindrey

Rebecca Izard (ca. 1743 - ?) Youngest daughter of

Ralph Izard, deceased, married 22 April 1768 to Colin

Campbell of Berner Street, Parish of St. Mary le bone, County of Middlesex.

2. Walter Izard [1692-1752] married Mary Turgis daughter of Francis Turgis & Elizabeth Axtell

Mary Izard ( - )

Walter Izard [1713-1759] married Elizabeth Gibbs [1720- ?] daughter of John Gibbs

Sarah Izard [? - ?] married 17 April

1763, St. Phillips, to William Campbell

[? - ?]

Mary Izard [? - 1814] married Arthur

Middleton [1742-1787] The son of Henry

Middleton (1717-1784), & Mary Baker

Williams. He came into possession of the Argyle Island lands on the Savannah River originally granted to Capt. William Dewes.

Henry A. Middleton, Gov. (1770- 1846) Married Mary Helen Hering (1772-1850) He indentured the Argyle

Islands on the Savannah River, that

were originally granted to Capt.

William Dewes, to Henry


John Izard [ - ] married Charlotte

Broughton, sister of Nathaniel Broughton,

daughter of Capt. Thomas Broughton & Anne


Elizabeth Izard [ ] married Alexander Wright on 25 March 1774. Arthur Middleton & John Izard,

Trustees. Thomas Leach, Charles

Cotesworth Pinckney, Witnesses.

She was the only daughter of John

Izard, dec’d. Her husband was the

son ofSir JamesWright, last

Provincial Gov. of Georgia, and a

grandson of Robert Wright, Chief

Justice of Carolina.

Mary Dewes, Smyth, Middleton, Izard perished about July 26, 1700 at "The Elms Plantation" Goose Creek, SC.

7. Robert Dews, [1687, Barbados, WI - Sept 2nd

1722, Charles Town, SC] Bricklayer, married Mary

Baker, the daughter of William Baker, and wife,

Susannah Rowsham.

[Mary Baker was the granddaughter of William Rowsham,

Sr., and Jordan Probst.

Robert Dews & Mary Baker had two sons, Bethel and

William Dews.]

Robert Dews’grandfather is strongly implicated to have been Colonel Thomas Dewes, who planted on Providence Island in 1631 where his wife Elizabeth Bennett followed, and then he soon removed to Virginia where his wife Elizabeth (b. 1603) and daughter Ann (b. 1634) joined him from England for an undetermined period of time. But Thomas Dewes maintained an interest in the Caribbean Island plantationsthrough the activities of his sons, & theirdescendants, andpossibly through the family of a brother, and some of his cousins.

An Investigation into the Family of (2024)


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